Manual Training (John Jay from 1959) High School, New Utrecht High School, Fort Hamilton High School, St. Leonard’s High School, St. Michael’s High School, St. Francis Prep School, McLoughlin High School, Borough Hall Academy, Alexander Hamilton High School and Brooklyn Technical High School, Brooklyn, New York
Operating as Gamma Delta Phi, Circa 1903 – October 19, 1912 October 19, 1912 – 1962 1. Arthur Alfred Rauchfuss. CL 1/1905. [Class Secretary, Secretary Camera Club] 2. Walter I. Stillwell. CL 1/1905. [Entertainment Committee] 3. Frederic J. Suhr. [Captain Baseball] Pratt Institute. Art Students League. Industrial Designer. Vice President, Briggs and Varley, Inc. Founding President, Art Directors Club. Who Was Who in American Art. 4. Oscar Stout. 5. Charles S. Yerbury. Faculty Advisor. Chairman, Department of Music, Manual Training High School. Director Brooklyn Community Chorus and South Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra. 6. Edmund J. A. Williams. 7. Leo Benedict O’Meara. [Football] Son of Supterintendent of Brooklyn Schools. Columbia University. Partner, W. Wallace Lyon and Company, stock brokers. 8. Seth M. Timberlake. CL 6/1904. [Baseball] Charter Member of Mu Chapter. 9. Edmund Orr. 10. Charles Willis Clark. CL 6/1905. Alfred University. 11. Charles Wilson. 12. Ernest J. W. Müller. 13. Julius W. Büttner Jr. CL 6/1909. 14. William J. Ormond. 15. Charles Mannel. CL 1/1905. 16. Martin Herman Jachens. CL 6/1907. [President German Club, Assistant Advertising Manager Yearbook] Charter Member of Mu Chapter. Worcester Polytechnic Institute. 17. Dr. Ivan Alan Lee. CL 6/1907. Charter Member of Mu Chapter. Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. PhD., Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Pathological Chemist, St. Luke’s Hospital, New York City. Chief Spectrographist, United States Testing Company. 18. George A. Hickerson. CL 6/1907. [Baseball, Advertising Manager Yearbook, Rifle Team] Charter Member of Mu Chapter. Worcester Polytechnic Institute. 19. Robert A. Morton. CL 6/1907. [Editor in Chief Newspaper, Captain Football, Class Treasurer] Harvard University. 20. Frederick J. Southard [Business Manager Newspaper] WW I. 21. Albert Wilbur (Bert) Hendrickson. CL 6/1910. [Football, Tennis, Manager Basketball, Cheerleader, Editor Yearbook, President Student Government] First Grand Vice Princeps (2 years). Exalted Chapter from April 24, 1926. Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Cornell University. 22. Frederick A. Heitmann. CL 6/1909. 23. Harold Washington Rudolph. CL 6/1909. [Editor Yearbook, Editor in Chief Newspaper] Charter Member of Mu Chapter. Son of the Editor, The Brooklyn Eagle. New York University. Brooklyn and New York Law Schools. Lieutenant, U. S. Cavalry, WW I. General Counsel and Secretary, Seaboard Surety Company. Brother in Law of # 29. 24 Ray E. Smith. CL 1911. 25. Captain Ellis Spencer Stone. 08/31/1889-Before 1909-02/26/1956. U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. Lt. Commander, U. S. Navy, WW I. U. S. Naval Attach’, Paris. Captain, Cruiser U. S. S. Brooklyn, WW II. Commander of major convoys in Atlantic. Commandant Panama Sea Frontier. Commander 15th Naval District. Assistant Chief of Staff, Third Naval District. 26. Ralph Longbotham. 27. Don Beardsley. 28. Harold Libby. 29. Reuben S. Goldsmith. [Baseball] Co-founded Goldsmith Brothers Stationery and Department Store in 1905. President, Goldsmith Brothers. Brother in law of # 23. 30. Arthur Lugrin. [Student Government] 31. Francis Mathias. 32. J. Newton Gray. Faculty Advisor. Teacher, Physics Department, Manual Training High School 33. Stanley Clyde Watson. 34. John H. Thode Jr. 35. Robert G. Hurliman. [Football] Convention Chairman (2 years). Grand Princeps (2 years). Exalted Chapter from April 23, 1927. 36. Frederick J. (Fred) Rothacker. CL 6/1904. [German Club] Guide Printing Company. 37. Albert F. Edminster. CL 6/1909. [Business Manager Newspaper, Business Manager Yearbook] 38. Donald J. Clausonthue. Charter Member of Mu Chapter. Grand Treasurer (8 years). Exalted Chapter from April 6, 1929. Brother of # 39. 39. Norman Cameron Clausonthue. Brother of # 38. 40. Sterling T. Halsey. CL 6/1909. 41. John Philip McArdle. Charter Member of Mu Chapter. Initiated as alumnus. Grand Vice Princeps and General Counsel (5 years). Exalted Chapter from December 4, 1970. Faculty Advisor to local fraternity which became Mu Chapter. St. Francis College. LLD Honorary Degree. Fordham Law School. Columbia Law School. U. S. Coast Artillery, WW I. Lawyer. Mathematics Teacher at Manual Training High School. Leading Member of Knights of Columbus. Director, Nursing Sisters of the Sick Poor. Chairman, Columbus Forum. Counsel, New York State Knights of Columbus. 42. Robert M. King. 43. Fordham Worth Briggs. CL 6/1913. WW I. 44. Richard W. Lahey. [Soccer] Father of Alpha Upsilon # 4. 45. Edward Burke. 46. Malcolm Lay Hadden. Ensign, U. S. Navy, WW I. 47. Lester Brindel Chatterton. Ensign, U. S. Navy, WW I. 48. Lewis W. Martin. 49. Arthur W. Palmer. 50. William R. Garguilo. CL 6/1913. WW I. 51. Theodore Albert vonGlahn Jr. New York University. 52. Dr. Howard V. Holohan. 53. Floyd J. Egan. 54. George H. Somborn. Grand Vice Princeps. WW I. 55. Harold W. Lind. Lt., WW I. 56. Albert A. Klaiber. [Football] Deceased in action WW I. Company C, 106th Infantry. Brother of # 77. Gold Star. 57. John Landon S. (Jack) Clark. CL 1/1917. [Captain Soccer, Captain All-Scholastic Soccer, Baseball, Football, Championship Lacrosse, Track, Tennis, Cross Country, Student Government, Class President] DePauw University. Brother of # 88 and # 89. 58. Edwin Firth Cadiz. CL 1/1916. [Class Treasurer, Vice Commander Order of Chivalry, Cheer Leader, Manager Cross Country] 59. (James) Hutton (Snooks) Hinch. CL 1/1916. [President Student Government, Class President, Swimming, Captain Football, Glee Chub, School Play] Beta Theta Pi at Amherst College and Columbia University. Columbia Law School. Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Fraternity. Lawyer. Expert on wills and trusts. French Croix de Guerre in WW I. 60. William O. McIntyre. 61. Arthur C. Reilly. 62. Herbert F. Byrns. 63. Raymond Hopkins. 64. Louis E. Tomsudden. 65. William Joseph (Bill) Tillier. CL 1/1916. [Class President, Football, Student Government, Class Treasurer, Commander Order of Chivalry] Lt., WW I. 66. Ray Ellsworth Severe. 67. Owen E. Phillips. WW I. 68. George Dwight McManus. CL 1/1917. [Captain Swimming, Manager Hockey, Tennis, Cross Country, Orchestra] New York University. 69. Merwin Sylvester Near Jr. WW I. 70. Henry S. Courtney. [Football] 71. William E. (Bill) Sparks. CL 1/1919. [Soccer, Lacrosse, Captain Football, Swimming, Captain Hockey, Baseball, President Student Government, Class President, Metropolitan Lacrosse League Representative, President Long Island Interscholastic Hockey League] Rutgers University. Grand Historian. 72. Denis M. Hurley Sr. College of the Holy Cross. Fordham and St. Johns Law Schools. U. S. Navy, WW I.Captain, U. S. Army, WW II. Lawyer, Hurley, Kearney, Lane and Mattison. Counsel, Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn. President, Brooklyn-Manhattan Trial Counsel Association. President, Brooklyn Bar Association. Corporation Counsel, New York City. 73. Harold W. Beggs. CL 1/1917. [Track, Captain Cross Country, Student Government] Columbia University. 74. Jack Dalton. 75. John J. Doyle. WW I. 76. William K. Seals. CL 1/1917. [Soccer, Track, Student Government, Drama Society, Scribes, Manager Cross Country] New York University. 77. Robert Klaiber. Brother of # 56. 78. George Curnow. WW I. 79. Leland Daily. 80. Alexander McCelland. 81. H. Wainwright Swain. CL 1/1917. [Captain Cross Country, Track, Baseball, Rifle, Order of Chivalry] WW I. 82. Myron R. MacLeod. 83. (Crickmore) Brooke Daisley. [Football] Rutgers University. Vice President, National Carloading Corporation. 84. Eugene James Weber. 85. Edward M. Christie. [Football] Vice President and General Manager Magna-Dolphin Motors, Inc. 86. Leon Belyea. [Hockey] 87. John Hough. 88. Gordon Clark. Rutgers University. Brother of # 57 and # 89. 89. Kenneth Clark. Brother of # 57 and # 88. 90. William H. Schofield. Grand Secretary. 91. Thomas A. (Tom) Tredwell. CL 1/1919. [Lacrosse, Manager Soccer, Captain Hockey, All-Scholastic Hockey, Yearbook, Tennis, Cheerleader] University of Wisconsin. 92. Carl R. Moszezchski. Brother of # 133. 93. Leslie E. Gardiner. 94. Stanley Seymour Frazee. CL 6/1918. [Soccer, Manager Lacrosse, Yearbook] Columbia University. 95. George L. Titus. 01/30/1903-10/11/1918-04/11/1989. 96. Carroll Blake Jr. 07/10/1902-01/19/1919-1935. Cornell University. 97. James Hodgskin. 08/30/1899-04/02/1919-09/1967. Brother of # 102. 98. Charles R. Dalton. 10/19/1899-04/09/1919-07/1977. 99. Alexander Simonetti. 10/06/1901-04/09/1919-?. CL 1/1921. [Captain Soccer, Lacrosse, Football] University of Pennsylvania. 100. Donald Kilby. 05/23/1902-04/09/1919-?. CL 6/1921. [Football, Captain Lacrosse Championship Team, Swimming, Record at Princeton Relays, President Student Government, President Honor Society (2 years), Newspaper, Yearbook, Farm Cadet] Dartmouth College. 101. Charles Acosta. ?-06/18/1919-?. 102. Philip T. Hodgskin. 11/03/1901-06/13/1919-?. Brother of # 97. 103. John Brigden. 01/16/1903-06/13/1919-08/1981. 104. William Keers. 07/30/1903-10/23/1919-05/1970. 105. Henry Schenck Jr. 01/09/1900-01/08/1920-03/1974. 106. Richard (Dick) Marshall. 01/09/1904-01/08/1920-01/1969. CL 6/1921. [Captain Tennis, Champion Brooklyn PSAL Tennis, Long Island Junior Champion Tennis, Soccer, Hockey, Newspaper, Honor Society] Columbia University. 107. Lansdell Kisner Christie. U. S. Military Academy, West Point. Lt. Col., U. S. Army in WW II. President, Christie Scow Company. Chief industrial developer of Liberia. President, Liberian Ore Company. Organizer, Monrovia Port Management Company. Organizer, Liberian National Iron Ore Company. Co-founder, African-American Institute. Chairman, Pan-African Association. Chairman, Crossroads Africa. Trustee, University of Liberia. Long Island State Parks Commission; Acting President in 1963 on resignation of Robert Moses. Chairman, Democratic Party National Finance Committee. Cited in 1956 as the largest single financial contributor to either political party. Member initial Board of Trustees of New York State University Center at Stony Brook. Member, Council on Foreign Relations. Art Collector whose collection was exhibited at the Corcoran Gallery of the Smithsonian Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Philanthropist. Brother Christie’s obituary in the New York Times started off: “Mr. Christie lived many lives, at different times and in different places.” Who’s Who in America. Who Was Who, Volume IV. 108. Charles D. Lauer. CL 1/1924. [Football, Captain Lacrosse Track, Yearbook, Newspaper, Student Government] Centre College (KY). 109. Albert E. Hart. CL 1/1921. [Baseball, Football, Drum Corps, Soccer] 110. Terance Blake. 111. (Henry) Norman Halvorsen. CL 6/1923. [Football, Captain Baseball, Tennis, Manager Tennis, Soccer, Lacrosse, Captain All-Scholastic Lacrosse, Latin Club, Honor Society] Phi Gamma Delta at Colgate University. Merchant Marine. 112. William A. Stephens. CL 6/1922. [Football, Lacrosse] Brown University. 113. Theodore Clarke. Rutgers University. 114. Walter MacDonald. 115. Henry Hetrick. 116. Lorenz Tiihonen. Columbia University. Brother of # 141. 117. Louis Reginald Stutz. CL 6/1921. [Assistant Manager Football, Manager Lacrosse] Stevens Institute of Technology. 118. Nelson Craven. 119. Robert W. Paul. 120. Edmund G. McElroy. CL 1/1922. [Track, Manager Track, Cross Country, Brooklyn Champion Cross Country, Captain Track] Columbia University. 121. Ray Carlier. 122. Howard Kerr. CL 1/1922. [Captain Cross Country, Captain All-Scholastic Cross Country, Brooklyn Championship Cross Country, Captain Track] Columbia University. 123. George Phillipi. Transferred from Pi Chapter. 124. Robert E. Wallace. CL 6/1922 [Football, Baseball, Track, Lacrosse, Farm Cadet] Cornell University. Centre College (KY). Senior Vice President and Partner, The Chubb Corporation. 125. Lambert VanAalst. CL 1/1922. [Football Championship Team, Hinch Football Trophy, Championship Lacrosse Team, Track, Class President, President Honor Society, President Student Government] Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 126. Walter M. Hawkins. CL 1/1924. [Football, Manager Football, Lacrosse, Manager Lacrosse, Newspaper, Midget Basketball, Midget Baseball, Midget Football] Brown University. Major, U. S. Army, WW II. Regional Vice President, Chemical Bank and Trust Company. Director, Dunlap and Associates, Inc. Director, The Broadway Association. 127. Frank Varvaro. [Football] 128. Charles E. Lack. CL 1/1923. [Tennis, Cross Country] 129. Dr. William R. Coots. CL 6/1923. [Football, Lacrosse, All-Scholastic Lacrosse, Rifle Team, Track, Soccer, Scribes, Spanish Club, Honor Society, Class President] University of Pennsylvania. N.Y. Dental School. Dentist. 130. General Emmett (Rosy) O’Donnell Jr. CL 6/1924. [Swimming] U. S. Military Academy at West Point. Assistant Football Coach of West Point. Pilot. Commanded 14th Bombardment Squadron during defense of the Philippine Islands. Operations Officer, Far East Air Force. Chief of Staff, Tenth Air Force. Commander 73rdBomb Wing. Led first ground-based air bombardment of Japan. Advisory Council to Army Air Forces Chief of Staff. Air Force Director of Information. Commander 15th Air Force and Far East Bomber Command during Korean War. Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel. Commander in Chief, Pacific Air Forces. His official Air Force biography designates him as “one of the most colorful of Air Force generals”. Distinguished Service Cross, Four Distinguished Flying Crosses. Air Medal. Silver Star. Legion of Merit. Companion of the Order of the Bath (British). President, USO. Board of Visitors, U. S. Air Force Academy. Who’s Who in America. Who Was Who, Volume V. 131. (George) Crawford Eadie. 12/07/1904-02/15/1922-08/1979. Columbia University. American Institute of Banking. Real Estate Manager. President, Eadie and Hart. Vice President for Management, Webb and Knapp. Chairman, Real Estate Board of the Bronx. Mayor, Larchmont, New York. 132. Forbes A. Ryder. CL 1/1924. [Captain Soccer, Captain Track, Chem Squad, Student Government, Class President, Secretary and President Honor Society, President Student Government] Colgate University. 133. Edward Moszezchski. CL 6/1926 [Football] Brother of # 92. 134. Leo B. Farley. 135. Charles D. Reed. 136. Frederick B. Hopewell. 137. George I. Bender. CL 6/1924. [Rifle Team, Honor Society, Newspaper, President Hi-Y] 138. Roland Tenney. 139. Arthur Churchill. 140. Edward P. (Ned) Mylod. CL 1/1924. [Lacrosse, Midget Football] Transferred from Alpha Chapter April 20, 1923. University of Pennsylvania. 141. Edwin H. Tiihonen. Columbia University. Brother of # 116. 142. Edward T. King. CL 6/1925. [Lacrosse, Track, Football, Swimming, Manager Swimming, Manager Lacrosse] Springfield College. 143. H. Walter Lemily. [Football] 144. Le Roy Seaberg. Transferred to Xi Chapter 11/1925. 145. Sherman Blake. 146. Howard Simmons. 147. Lloyd Nichols. CL 6/1925. [Soccer, Lacrosse, Honor Society] Rutgers University. 148. Raymond F. Smith. CL 1/1925. [Track, Football, Lacrosse, Swimming] 149. Bruce H. LaPierre. CL 1/1927. [Football, Captain Soccer, Swimming, Manager Basketball, Captain All-Scholastic Lacrosse, All-State Champion Lacrosse, Student Government] University of Pennsylvania. 150. Rolland Hughes. CL 6/1926. [Track, Manager Track, Soccer, Captain All-Scholastic Soccer, Basketball, Manager Basketball, President Hi-Y, Lacrosse] University of Pennsylvania. 151. J. Edmund McKeon. CL 1927. [Student Government, Soccer, Lacrosse, Track] Grand Secretary. 152. John Thomas. 153. Ward R. Burns. Columbia University. 154. Walter Filphonsus Evans. CL 1/1926. [Football, Swimming] Columbia University. 155. Homer Churchwell. CL 6/1926. [Baseball, Football, Basketball, Spanish Club] 156. Herbert William Danne. CL 1/1926. [Football, Swimming, Basketball, Honor Society] Columbia University. 157. Col. James Edward Maloney Jr. CL 1/1926. [Track, Captain Swimming, Poster Club, Sketch Club, Newspaper, President Student Government] U. S. Military Academy, West Point. Commander, Fort Jay (Governor’s Island). Chief, United States Military Mission to Honduras. 158. Donald (Don) Mauro. CL 6/1929. [Football, All-Scholastic Football, Baseball, Track, President Dramatics, Yearbook, Beaux Arts Society, Student Government] College of the Holy Cross. 159. Joseph Edward (Joe) Teevan. CL 6/1927. [Cross Country, All-Scholastic Track, Boxing, Gym Clun, Glee Club, Scribes, Roosevelt Club, Yearbook, Class President, Newspaper] Springfield College. 160. Burton P. Sperry Jr. CL 1/1926. 161. William L. North 162. Howard C. Viehmann. CL 6/1926. [Sketch Club, Poster Club, Newspaper, Student Government, Tennis, Honor Society] Columbia University. Lieutenant, U. S. Navy, WW II. Committed suicide because physical condition would not permit his assignment to combat duty by Navy. 163. Einar Westerlund. CL 6/1927. [Swimming, All-Scholastic Swimming, Drawing Team, Honor Society] Stevens Institute of Engineering. National collegiate swimming champion. Engineer, General Electric Company. Co-inventor of the sealed-beam headlamp. Head, Employee and Labor Relations Office, General Electric Lamp Division. U. S. Wage Stabilization Board, WW II. One of the founders of the Junior Achievement Movement. Brother of # 180. 164. Clinton Wood Jr. 165. Paul A. Engstrom. First Sergeant, U. S. Air Force. 166. William H. A. Maloney. CL 6/1929. [Football, Captain Swimming, Lacrosse, Yearbook, Deamatics, Boxing, Wrestling, President Student Government] Medical student. 167. William Mahler. CL 1930. 168. George Chaplin. CL 1928. [Cross-Country, Track] 169. Richard Henry Amerman. CL 6/1926. [Secretary Latin Club, President Debate Club, Debate Team, Newspaper, Cross Country, National Oratorical Contest, Lacrosse] Amherst College. 170. Charles Donnocker. 171. William Bantje Newkirk. CL 6/1927. [Track, Penn Relays Champion, North American Mile Relay Champion, Tennis] Sigma Phi Sigma at University of Pennsylvania. Wharton School. Credit Manager, Armstrong Cork Company. Lancaster Tennis Club. 172. Leo Smith. ?-10/25/1926-?. 173. Charles Lowe Tilkie. ?-01/12/1927-?. CL 1928. [Swimming, Boxing] 174. Arthur Deneke. 10/20/1908-11/25/1927-02/1977. CL 1/1929. [Swimming] Manhattan School of Engineering. 175. *Walter Davino. ?-?-?. [Football] 176. Burdett Chevallier. ?-03/03/1927-?. 177. Thomas Coppinger. ?-03/03/1927-?. 178. Robert Lanigan. 1908-05/19/1927-?. CL 1/1929. [Class Baseball, Pin Committee, Social Committee] New York University. The Brooklyn Eagle. 179. LeRoy Smith. ?-05/19/1927-?. 180. Carlo Westerlund. [Roosevelt Club, Swimming] Brother of # 163. 181. Alfred Francis Davino. CL 1/1929. [Student Government President, Class President, Swimming, Football, Captain Boxing, Boy Scribes, Orchestra, Literary Magazine] U. S. Military Academy, West Point. Lt. Commander, U. S. Navy. United States Immigration Service. 182. Joseph Hamilton. [Track] 183. John Joseph Dougherty. [Boxing] 184. John Gatje. [Football, Boxing] 185. Arthur (Artie) Wiener. [Boxing] 186. Alwin Cassens Jr. CL 1928. [Football] New York University. Carnegie Institute of Technology. Architect. Designed several fire houses in Valley Stream, NY. 187. Henry Urbanowicz. 188. Edward C. Archer. CL 1928. 189. Curtis R. Platte. 190. John Allen. CL 1/1932. Manhattan College. 191. Richard H. Urbanowicz. CL 1/1931. [Football, Lacrosse, Track, Cross Country, Boxing, Gymnastics] University of Michigan. 192. Frederick Carl Gladeck Jr. CL 6/1929. [Track] Temple University. Dickinson College. Atlantic Refining Company. Motion picture distributor in Philadelphia. Manager Machine Shop to President, Machine and Tool Designing Company of Philadelphia (developed the bazooka, the proximity fuse and the American version of the Swedish Bofors gun). Treasurer, National Young Presidents Club. 193. James Sinnott. 194. William (Bill) Mullens. [Football] St. Johns University. 195. Richard Field. CL 6/1929. [Rifle, Lacrosse, Class Treasurer, Social Committee] Stevens Institute of Technology. 196. Harold McGuckin. 197. John J. Kasik. CL 6/1929. [Press Club, Yearbook] McGill University. 198. Robert Moir. 199. Algernon S. Cardozo Jr. 200. Kenneth V. McCluskey. [Newspaper] 201. J. Edward Kirby. 202. Charles Romolo. 203. Donald Ferdon. Brown University. 204. Anthony Aliano. CL 1/1930. 205. George T. Carucci. CL 1931. 206. Edward Kenealy. CL 1/1929. [Newspaper, Yearbook, Class President, Track, Baseball, Honor Society] St. Johns University. 207. George Waters. CL 6/1929. [Treasurer Honor Society, Manager Basketball, Blue Book, Chairman Social Committee, Chairman Yearbook, Lacrosse, Poster Club, President Press Bureau, Roosevelt Club, Track, Editor Newspaper] Yale University. 208. Hon. John Lawrence Molloy Sr. CL 6/1931. [Class President, Class Treasurer, Swimming, Basketball, Hockey, Poster Club, Student Government] St. Johns University and St. Johns Law School. Lawyer. Lieutenant, U. S. Navy, WW II. Village Attorney, Village of Westbury, New York, 1946-1949. Municipal Judge, Village of Westbury, 1949-1991 (42 years). President, Nassau County Magistrates Association. Chairman, Westbury Recreation Commission. Chairman, Westbury Medical Library. Widely known as “Mr. Westbury.” Brother of # 260. 209. Henry A. Voss. 210. *Frederick Thomas Lord. CL 1/1931. [Swimming, Soccer, Track, Lacrosse, Yearbook] Cornell University. 211. Edwin J. Manning. CL 6/1930. [Student Government President, Class President, Captain Track, Swimming, Captain City Championship Football] 212. Henry F. Herz Jr. CL 1/1930. [Football, Basketball, Captain Handball, Track, Social Committee] 213. John Ryan. 214. James R. Seely. 215. Kenneth Honnold. 216. Raymond M. Walsh. CL 1/1932. [Manager Football, Lacrosse, Track, Cross Country, Ring Committee. Publicity Committee] University of Alabama. 217. Walter Norton. CL 1/1932. [Track, Cross Country, Newspaper, Lacrosse, Class President] Columbia University. 218. R. Martin Maloney. 219. John Guindon. 220. John Townsend Norton. CL 6/1933. [Dramatics, President Debate Club, Chairman Dance Committee, Student Government] Columbia University. 221. Edward A. Bush Jr. Gold Honor Medal for Heroism, Boy Scouts of America, earned for life saving in five separate incidents. Died in drowning accident at Culver Lake, N. J. 222. Gerard (Roddy) Costello. CL 1/1934. [Football, All-Scholastic Football, Baseball, Class President] University of Pennsylvania. 223. Albert Gregory. 224. John Quarto. 225. William (Chick) Meehan. [Baseball, Swimming] 226. Harold N. Anderson. CL 6/1930. [Class Secretary, Honor Guard, Biology Club, City Championship Indoor Track, Orchestra, Picture Committee] 227. Raymond M. White. CL 1/1932. [Assistant Manager Football, Lacrosse, Track, Cross Country] University of Alabama. 228. Timothy Gerard Desmond. CL 6/1933. [Football, Class President, Poster Committee, Student Government, Yearbook] Iron Worker. Brother of # 241 # 257 and # 268. 229. Edward Janicki. 230. Horace John Greeley. CL 6/1932. [Swimming, Tennis, Gymnastics, Newspaper, Honor Society] U. S. Military Academy at West Point. Major, U. S. Army. Died as POW from disease contracted during Bataan Death March. Gold Star. 231. Walter Feigl. Pratt Institute. 232. Joseph Freil. [Swimming] 233. James Esposito. 234. Bernard Grogan. Initiated as alumnus. 235. Nikolas Radice. CL 1/1933. [Football, City Championship Baseball, Hockey] U. S. Military Academy at West Point. 236. Harold Levey. 237. Frederick Mueller. 238. Alphonsus Peter Haire. CL 1/1933. [Student Government, Newspaper, Class Night Committee, Chairman Social Committee, Soccer] Grand Historian. Zeta Psi at Rutgers University. U. S. Army Air Corps, WW II. Mortgage Inspector, Prudential Insurance, 1939-1950. Mortgage Appraiser, Dime Savings Bank, 1950-1957. Vice President/Mortgage Officer, Island Federal Savings, 1971-. Chairman, Hempstead Salvation Army. Who’s Who in the East. Brother of # 246. 239. Lawrence Bjorn. 240. William J. Reynolds Jr. CL 6/1933. [Vice President Student Government] Northwestern University. 241. John (Little John) Desmond. CL 1/1935. [Assistant Manager Football, Student Government, Chairman Picture Committee, Yearbook] Brother of # 228 # 257 and # 268. 242. Alfred Frederick (Butch) VanRanst. [Hockey, Track, Football] Cornell University. Salesman to Chairman/CEO, Phelps-Dodge Industries. CEO Phelps Dodge Cooper. Director, First Wayne National Bank. Governor, National Electrical Manufacturers Association. Cornell University Athletic Hall of Fame. Who’s Who in the Midwest. Who’s Who in America. 243. William G. G. (Bill) McCluskey. CL 1/1935. 244. Robert Staigens. [Hockey] 245. Robert J. McCann. 246. Charles C. Haire. CL 6/1936. [Vice President Press Bureau, Honor Guard, Tennis, Newspaper, Latin Club] Rutgers University. Brother of # 238. 247. Francis Xavier (Frank) Canale. CL 6/1935. [Bank Agent, Student Government] St. Johns University. New York University. Hofstra University. Bethlehem Steel Shipyard, Brooklyn. SSgt. U. S. Army, WW II. French Line Shipping. Teacher, Assistant Principal High School, Principal Junior High School, W. Tresper Clarke High School. Professor, Nassau Community College. 248. William Mahr. 249. Robert McCarthy. [Manager Football] Brother of # 254. 250. Frank McCausland. 251. Frank Donovan. 252. C. Donovan. 253. Charles Acheson O’Malley Jr. Rutgers University. Brooklyn College. First Lieutenant, USAAF, WW II. Chairman/CEO, Fred S. James and Company, insurance. Merged into Transamerica Corporation. Director, Transamerica Corporation. Director, Wigham Poland Holdings, Ltd. Director, Insurance Brokers Association of New York. Trustee, College of Insurance. Chairman New York Zoological Society. Chairman, Fund for Retarded Children. Who’s Who in Insurance, Who’s Who in America. Who’s Who in the World. Who Was Who. Volume X. 254. Stephen Tracy. CL 6/1937. [Class President, Student Government, Football, Chairman Social Committee] Princeton University. 255. Frank J. Ryan. CL 6/1936. [Physiography Club, Chemistry Club, Class Secretary, Class President, Yearbook, Newman Club] Santa Clara. 256. John F. McCarthy. Brother of # 247. 257. Morgan V. Desmond. CL 6/1936. [Fencing, Chairman Publicity Committee, Chairman Dance Committee, Student Government] Brother of # 228 # 241 and # 268. 10th Mountain Division, U. S. Army, WW II. Gold Star. 258. Joseph Lane. [Band] 259. Donald (Red) Giovinco. [Football] 260. Hon. Kenneth Dennis Molloy Sr. CL 6/1937. [Baseball, Basketball, Lacrosse, Newspaper, Press Club, Riot Squad, Class Treasurer, Class President, Newman Club, Lunchroom Squad, Swimming, Student Government] Mercersburg Academy. Two-time All-American in Lacrosse. Sigma Chi at Syracuse University and Law School. Phi Delta Phi Lawyer. Commander, U.S. Navy and OSS in WW II. Silver Star. North Hempstead Board of Zoning and Appeals. Republican Nominee for Congress. Justice, New York State Supreme Court. Was the mentor of famous athlete James Brown. Brother of # 208. 261. George A. Abouhatab. CL 1/1936. [Soccer, Newspaper, Press Bureau, Manager Swimming, Manager Basketball, Lacrosse, Football] Westminster. 262. Charles M. (Chuck) Holland Jr. CL 1/1937. [Captain Football, All-Scholastic Swimming, Lacrosse, Class President, Newspaper, Squad Leader, Student Government, Honor Guard, Locker Squad, Wrestling, Boxing, “Best Athlete in Class”] Niagara University. Major, U. S. Army. 263. Walter F. Dempsey. CL 1/1936. [President Fencing Club, Captain Fencing Team, Press Bureau] Convention Chairman. Second Grand Vice Princeps. Grand Princeps. 264. Ferdinand B. Savarese. Manhattan College. Chemist. Director of Laboratories, Advance Solvents and Chemical Division of Carlisle Chemical Works. 265. Nicholas Fortiages Jr. CL 1/1937. [Captain Football, All-Scholastic Football, Lacrosse, Track, “Most Unassuming in Class”] New York University. 266. Felipe Florentino (Philip or Pete) Muniz. CL 1/1937. [Football, All-Scholastic Lacrosse, Honor Roll, Class Treasurer] Columbia University. 267. Frederick (Fred) Blessington. CL 6/1936. [Secretary to Principal at Manual Annex] Lafayette College. 268. Benedict Vincent Desmond. CL 1939. Brother of # 228, # 241 and # 257. 269. Joseph Gerard Kennely. CL 1/1938. Also Honorary Member, Delta Dsi Delta Chapter. [Bank Agent, Locker Guard, Captain Traffic Squad, Honor Guard, President Newman Club, “Class Beau Brummel”] Manhattan College. Manager, Sperry-Gyroscope. Norden. 270. Ronald Cameron MacQueen. CL 1/1939. [Swimming, Captain Lacrosse, Football, Student Government, Squad Leader, Locker Guard, Honor Roll, Chairman Ring Committee, “Best All-Around in Class”] Syracuse University. Sales, J. P. Stevens and Co., textiles. Brother-in law of # 289. 271. George H. Seekamp. CL 6/1937. [Lacrosse, Student Government, Squad Leader, Chairman Ring Committee, Newspaper] 272. Charles Arrasate. CL 1/1938. [President Student Government, Locker Guard, Captain Basketball, Soccer, Lacrosse, Swimming, Captain Football, “Best All-Around in Class”] Brother of # 304. 273. Hugh J. O’Donnell. CL 1/1939. [Newspaper, Squad Leader, Latin Club, Bank Staff, Class Secretary, Honor Guard, Honor Roll, Lacrosse, Honor Society] 274. Emil John Henry Moeller. CL 6/1938. [Camera Club, Honor Guard, Newspaper, Yearbook, Assistant Manager Basketball] TSgt., US Army, WW II. Manager, Waldorf Instruments. Manager, Figgie Systems. Republic Aviation. 275. Walter Danielson. CL 1938. Blair Academy. [Wrestling, Hockey, All-State Hockey] Princeton University. 276. John Hart (Morgan). CL 1/1937. [Cross Country, Football] St. Johns University. Lieutenant, New York Fire Department. 277. Walter P. McCoyd. CL 1/1939. [Class President, Basketball, All-Scholastic Swimming, Honor Roll, Locker Guard, Treasurer Newman Club, Newspaper, Dancing Club, “Most Popular in Class”] 278. James George Cunningham. CL 6/1938. [Honor Roll, Honor Guard, Squad Leader, Student Government, Assistant Manager Lacrosse] Syracuse University. 279. Rev. Msgr. James G. Gillen. Initiated as alumnus. Second GVP. Catholic Priest. Aide to William Cardinal Baum, Apostolic Penitentiary of the Roman Catholic Curia in Rome. 280. John Arne Eek (Eck). CL 1/1938. [Class President, All-Scholastic Swimming, Football, Student Government] Syracuse University. New York University. Captain, U. S. Army, WW II and Korea. Salesman, National Cash Register. Sales, Occidental Life Insurance and Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. Health Insurance Broker, Alexander and Alexander. 281. Robert F. Shreves Jr. CL 1/1938. [Honor Roll, Honor Society, Football, Lacrosse, Track, Locker Guard, Squad Leader, Track] Syracuse University. 282. Frederick L. (Fred) vonRodeck. CL 1/1940. [Traffic Squad, Student Government, Locker Guard, Squad Leader, Bank Agent, Yearbook] Rutgers University. 283. *Paul Joseph O’Keefe. CL 6/1939. [Class President, Honor Guard, Squad Leader, Fire Captain, Chemistry Club, Newman Club, Student Government, Coach Freshman Basketball, Captain Lacrosse, All-Scholastic Lacrosse, National All-Star Interscholastic Lacrosse, Color Guard, “Most Popular”] 284. *Charles Edward (Chuck) Williams. CL 1/1941. [Honor Guard, Locker Guard, Honor Roll] 285. Trygve (Teddy) Blom. CL 1/1939. [Honor Society, Lacrosse, “Most Versatile in Class”] Massachusetts Institute of Technology. USAAF, WW II. Aeronautical Engineer, U S. Air Force, Wright-Paterson Air Force Base. Technical Director, Air Force Munitions program (developer of the “Smart bomb”). Manager in charge of Air Force Man in Space program which preceded the creation of NASA. Library Board, Spofford, New Hampshire. 286. Eugene P. (Gene) Kelly. CL 1/1940. [Honor Roll, Stock Room, Social Science Club, Honor Society, Squad Leader, President Student Government] 287. *Edward J. Byrnes. CL 1942. 288. Joseph J. (Joe) Bistany. CL 6/1939. [Baseball, Basketball, Honor Roll, Newman Club, Chairman Ring Committee, Football, Honor Guard, “Class Financier”] 289. *John Gilbert Coleman. CL 1/1941. [Newspaper, Football, Baseball, Dancing Club, Newman Club, Honor Roll, Class President, Track, Student Government, Yearbook] Submariner, U. S. Navy, WW II. Detective, New York Police Department. Chief of Security, Exxon Corporation. Brother in Law of # 270. 290. Thomas J. Killeen. CL 6/1939. [Basketball, Newman Club, Chairman Ring Committee, Lacrosse, Student Government, “Most Active in Class”] 291. *Michael (Mike) Dougherty. CL 6/40. [Squad Leader, Class President, Newman Club, Student Government, Bank Agent] St. Johns University. Brother of # 301. 292. Ren? Togue. 293. Norman Ritter. CL 1/1940. [Honor Society, Student Government, Squad Leader, Poster Club, Newman Club, Social Science Club, Dancing Club, Yearbook] Pratt Institute. Sales. 294. John E. O’Hanlon. CL 6/1940. [Honor Roll, President Newman Club, Traffic Squad, Minute Men, Ticket Squad, Dramatics, Scribes, Chairman Ring Committee, “Class Politician”] St. Johns University. Manufacturer’s Representative. Brother of # 295. 295. Edward O’Hanlon. CL 1/1941. [Swimming, Honor Roll, Honor Guard, Pool Instructor, Honor Society, Newman Club, Latin Club, Math Club, Dancing Club, Student Government] Brother of # 294. U. S. Army. Died in sinking of troop transport, WW II. Gold Star. 296. John Ramsey. CL 1939. Brooklyn Technical High School. 297. Henry Alfke. CL 1940. Brooklyn Technical High School. New York City Policeman. 298. Gerard Edward (Gerry) Reilly. CL 1/1940. [Traffic Squad, Student Government, Newspaper, Honor Roll] Brother of # 347. Cousin of # 298. 299. Robert (Bob) Swanson. CL 1/1941. [Honor Roll, Honor Guard, Pool Squad, Dancing Club, Student Government] University of Minnesota. 300. William Kenneth (Ken) Mitchell. CL 1940. Brooklyn Technical High School. Transferred to Beta Beta Chapter. U. S. Army Air Corps, WW II. St. Johns University, New York University. District Manager, NYNEX. Cousin of # 298 and # 347. 301. John Dougherty. CL 6/1941. [Squad Leader, Newman Club, Honor Roll, Chairman Social Committee] University of Honolulu. Brother of # 291. 302. Joseph Connelly. CL 1940. Brooklyn Technical High School. Transferred to Beta Beta Chapter. 303. Edward J. Ryan. CL 1/1941. [Student Government, Lacrosse, Soccer, Newspaper, Bank Agent, Captain Annex Guard, President Newman Club, Band, Baseball, Squad Leader, Honor Roll] Convention Chairman. Fordham University. Embalmer. 304. *James (Jimmy) Arrasate. CL 6/1940. [President Student Government, Football All-Scholastic Soccer, Squad Leader, Class President, “Best All-Around”] Brother of # 272. 305. *Richard (Dick) Kedenburg. CL 1942. Brooklyn Technical H. S. Transferred to Beta Beta Chapter. 306. *William Miller. 307. Jeremiah (Jerry) O’Leary. CL 1941. Brother of # 315. 308. Edward Joseph Manzo. CL 1940. Brooklyn Technical High School. Transferred to Beta Beta Chapter. Pratt Institute. Engineering Manager, Total Access Controls. 309. Arthur Kavanaugh. CL 1941. New York City Police. 310. Eugene H. McDonough. CL 6/1941. [Captain Ice Hockey, All-City Ice Hockey, Latin Club, Student Government, Dancing Club]. 311. Malachy V. (Mal) Finnen. CL 1/1942. [Basketball, Track, Cross Country, Newman Club, President Student Government, Gym Leader, Bank Agent, Dancing Club, Locker Guard] Syracuse University. 312. Raymond Young. CL 1/1941. [Basketball, Baseball, Track, Indoor Track, Wingfoot Club] Notre Dame University. 313. Lawrence F. Lee. CL 1943. 314. Arthur McClean. CL 1939. Initiated as alumnus. 315. Lawrence (Larry) O’Leary. CL 6/1939. [Captain Cheerleaders, Newman Club, Newspaper, Honor Roll, Yearbook, Squad Leader, Chairman of Alumni Committee] City College of New York. Initiated as alumnus. Brother of # 307. 316. Charles (William?) Hackett. CL 1/1941. [President Honor Guard, Minute Man, Color Guard] 317. Philip P. Hanlon. CL 1/1942. [Class Treasurer, Honor Roll, Basketball, Track, Squad Leader, Student Government, Newman Club, Dancing Club] U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. Brother of # 382. 318. John J. Bannon. CL 6/1940. [Traffic Squad, Squad Leader, Basketball] 319. Arthur Lyon. CL 1941. 320. John Garrigan. CL 1941. 321. Anthony Gerard Carretta. CL 1942. Transferred from Rho Chapter, September 1941. 322. *Peter J. Muniz. ?-?-?. CL 1/1945. [Gym Leader, Locker Guard. Student Government, Honor Roll] 323. Thomas Murphy. CL 1940. 197 Eighth Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215. 718-788-3383. ==Brother of Edward J. Ryan, # 303, was supposedly a member. 324. William (Bill) Sheridan. CL 6/1941. [Basketball, Football, Newspaper, Student Government, Captain Annex Guard, Squad Leader, Bank Agent, Dance Club] Potowhatatomy University. 325. Anthony Arcoria. CL 6/1941. [Manager Track, Manager Football, Squad Leader, Student Government, Newman Club, Dancing Club, Italian Club, Chairman Social Committee] 326. Sigmund Urban. CL 6/1942. [Manager Track, Track, President Wingfoot Club, Student Government] 327. Robert Meagher. CL 1942. 328. James Dempsey. CL 6/1941. [Newman Club, Captain Honor Guard, Student Government, Squad Leader, Locker Guard, Dancing Club] Black Mountain College. 329. Harry Treble. CL 1942 330. Howard Taylor. CL 1940. New York City Police. 331. Frank J. Scoppetta. CL 1942. 332. Walter Clyne. CL 1942. 333. *Arthur Joseph Daudelin. CL 1942. Champlain College. Corporal USMC, WW II. Tester, New York Telephone Company. 334. *Philip Malazzo. 335. *William McCluskey. 336. *Thomas Murphy. Transferred to Beta Eta II Chapter. 337. *Robert O’Keefe. CL 1943. Transferred to Beta Eta II Chapter. 338. *John Scafilstad. CL 1942. Transferred to Beta Eta II Chapter. 339. John Bendas. CL 1943. 340. Thomas Cappiello. CL 1943. 341. John C. DeVerna. CL 1943. 342. John Fitzgerald. CL 1943. 343. Gerard Galvin. CL 1943. 344. Harold D. Kelly. CL 1/1942. [Chairman Decorating Committee, Student Government, Squad Leader, Basketball, Baseball, Track, Glee Club, Dance Club] St. Johns University. Father of Gamma Psi # 33 and # 77. 345. John J. Litrio. CL 1943. 346. Walter Vincent McIntyre. CL 1944. Banner Chairman (2 years). 347. Frank Reilly. CL 1944. Second Grand Vice Princeps. (2 years). First Grand Vice Princeps. Brother of # 298. Cousin of # 300. 348. LeRoy L. Wimmer. CL 1942. 349. *Arthur Gardland. 350. *James J. Dwyer. CL 6/1944. [Dance Club, Locker Guard, Math Club, Pan-American Club, Student Government, Newman Club, Honor Roll, Newspaper] U. S. Marine Corps, WW II. 351. *Hugh Mooney. 352. *William Redmond. 353. *Frank Russo. [Honor Roll, First Aid] 354. *Robert Fitzgerald. 355. William Duffy. 356. Alfred Abeltin. CL 1/1947. [President Student Government, Honor Roll, Football, City Championship Football, Track, Cross Country, All-Metropolitan Football, “Most Athletic in Class”] 357. Daniel E. Arena. CL 1/1946. [Student Government, Basketball, Locker Guard, First Aid, Newman Club, Red Cross] 358. Donald Barton. CL 1946. [Class President, Honor Roll, Honor Society, Newman Club, Student Government, City Championship Football] Columbia University. 359. John H. Brown. CL 1/1947. [Honor Roll, Honor Society, Student Government, Newspaper] 360. Joseph M. Leaver. CL 1/1945. [Student Government, Newspaper, War Stamp Salesman, Squad Leader, Locker Guard, Newman Club] New York City Police Department. 361. John Bernard (Tiny) Sicuranza (Curan). CL 1/1947. [Class Treasurer, Honor Roll, Honor Society, President Student Government, Football, Track, History Squad, Locker Guard, Newman Club, Lunchroom Squad] Princeton University. Labor Organizer. Vice President, Brotherhood of Boiler Makers. Brother of # 376. 362. Matthew Smokevitch. CL 6/1945. [President Prefect, Newman Club, Student Government, Locker Guard, Squad Leader] 363. Walter Torbinski. 04/22/1927-09/29/1944-?. U. S. Navy WW II. New York City Fire Department. 364. James F. (Jimmy) Grant. CL 6/1948. [Student Government, Newspaper, President Prefect, Chairman Social Committee, “Typical Boy”] 365. John Fornal. 366. Daniel W. (Danny) O’Leary. CL 6/1948. [Student Government, Newspaper] St. Johns University. 367. Herman J. Ruhe. CL 1/1947. [Swimming, Golf, Student Government, Newspaper, Honor Guard, Biology Squad, Italian Club, Library Staff] Pilot, TWA. 368. Donald J. Walsh. CL 6/1949. [Honor Roll, Student Government, All-City Student Government, Yearbook, Newspaper, Locker Guard, Squad Leader, Track, Indoor Track, First Aid, Chairman Poster Committee] 369. William F. (Bill) Bagonis. CL 1/1949. [Student Government, Football, Honor Roll, Basketball Announcer, Record Chairman, “Class Politician”] Third Grand Vice Princeps. 370. Michael Eugene Behlen. CL 1/1947. [Honor Roll, Honor Guard, Honor Society, Student Government, Basketball, Baseball, Football] 371. Charles H. Schlobohm. CL 6/1948. [Honor Roll, Glee Club, Student Government, Newspaper, Football] 372. *Linton Miller. 373. *Nicholas R. (Nick) Brady. CL 6/1950. [Student Government, Class Vice President, Honor Guard, Baseball, Locker Guard, “Class Politician”] Transferred from Beta Eta II Chapter March 1948. 374. John Michael Gambello. CL 6/1949. [Honor Society, Football, Baseball, Student Government, ‘Class Politician’] Brother of # 375, # 423 and # 456. Director of Security, Methodist Hospital. 375. Louis Anthony Gambello. CL 1/1948. [Honor Roll, Secretary Prefect, President Prefect, Student Government, Orchestra, Football, Basketball, “Class Athlete”] Brother of # 374, #423 and # 456. Owner, L. A. Gambello Insurance Agency. 376. Michael Edward John Sicuranza (Curan). CL 1/1951. [Captain Football, Class Treasurer, Secretary Student Government, President Student Government, Newspaper, Honor Society, Honor Roll, Bank Staff, Manager Yearbook, Newman Club, Social Studies Squad, Cafeteria Squad] Brother of # 361. Princeton University. Fordham Law School. Head, Merrill-Lynch National Litigation. First Deputy Superintendant, New York State Insurance Department. Partner, Curan and Ahlers. Specialist in insurance regulation. 377. James F. Dougherty. CL 6/1949. [Captain City Championship Football, Student Government, Newspaper, Track, Wingfoot Club, Class Treasurer] 378. Leonard Maurice Kenny. CL 6/1947. [Honor Roll, Locker Guard, Gym Leader, Captain Kip Club] 379. John E. (Jack) McGreevy. CL 1/1948. [Student Government, Red Cross, Honor Roll, Football, Track] Brother of # 380. 380. Peter J. McGreevy. CL 6/1948. [Swimming, Vice President Prefect, President Student Government, Yearbook, Newspaper, Class President, “Most Popular in Class”] Brother of # 379. 381. *Vincent A. Marraro. CL 1947. [Glee Club, Band, Student Government, Vice President Prefect, War Bond Salesman, Locker Guard, Football, Track, Kip Club] 382. *Frank X. Hanlon. CL 1947. Initiated as alumnus. Brother of # 317. 383. John M. Flaherty. CL 1/1948. [Honor Roll, Student Government, Locker Guard, Honor Guard, Band] 384. Gerard McNerney. St. Francis Prep. Transferred to Alpha Pi II Chapter. 385. John Francis O’Hara. St. Francis Prep. Transferred to Alpha Pi II Chapter. 386. Joseph A. Martin. CL 1949. 387. Walter J. Price. CL 1949. 388. Peter A. (Pete) Bushong. CL 1950. 389. Pat Zurica. CL 1950. 390. Kenneth (Ken) Smith. CL 1951. St. Francis Prep. Transferred to Alpha Pi II Chapter. 391. Philip Anthony (Phil) Digati. CL 1951. St. Francis Prep. [Optimate Society, Football, Manager Baseball. Glee Club, Class Officer] Transferred to Alpha Pi II Chapter. St. Johns University. Brooklyn Law School. Trial Attorney. Lay Director, Catholic Curcillo Movement of Miami. 392. Alfred (Al) Berg. CL 1/1950. [Honor Roll, Student Government] 393. Frank J. Caricato. CL 6/1948. St. Francis Prep. Transferred to Alpha Pi II Chapter. Long Island University. Insurance Underwriter, Royal Globe Insurance, Crum and Forster. Vice President/Data Processing, Crum and Forster. 394. William (Cyril F.) Draddy. (CL 1950). 395. Pat Forristal. Transferred to Beta Xi Chapter, June 1949. 396. Frank Halloran. 397. Kevin A. Martin. CL 6/1950. [Student Government, Newspaper, First Aid] 398. John O’Connor. Transferred to Beta Xi Chapter. 399. Edward David Powers. CL 1950 St. Michaels HS. Transferred to Beta Xi Chapter. St. Johns University. Fairleigh Dickinson University. President, Mueller Company. 400. Henry Price. 401. Robert (Bob) Shea. 402. Robert H. Thompson. CL 1950. Third Grand Vice Princeps. 403. Louis Zarandona. CL 6/1949. [Student Government, Lunch Room Squad, President Prefect, Honor Roll, Locker Guard, Squad Leader, Chairman Diploma Cover Committee] 404. Richard M. Lamantia. CL 1950. 405. John P. McManus. CL 1950. St. Augustine’s DHS. 406. Victor A. Triolo. CL 1950. St. Augustine’s DHS. 407. John F. (Chubby) Sulfaro. CL 6/1950. [Class Treasurer, Honor Roll, Track, Baseball, Newspaper, “Mr. Manual”] 408. John Neville. CL 1951. 409. Manuel Victor Malavet. CL 6/1950. [Swimming, Pool Squad, Student Government, Locker Guard, Honor Guard] 410. Edward Curtin. CL 1/1951. [Student Government, Locker Guard, Newspaper] 411. Edward J. Trager. CL 1/1951. [Newman Club, Locker Guard, Treasurer Prefect, President Prefect, Student Government, Newspaper, Honor Guard, First Aid] University of Miami. 412. George Wellstead. CL 1951. 413. *Frank T. Gargano. CL 1950. Brother of # 418 414. *Martin J. Bowen. CL 1/1952. [Student Government, Class President, Bank Staff, Newspaper] 415. *William A. Musgrove. CL 1950. 416. *Ronald Stephen Mankowski. CL 1/1951. [Football, Track, Student Government, Newman Club, Pan American Club, Bank Staff, President Prefect, Lunchroom Squad] University of Miami. Sergeant, U. S. Army Airborne, Korea. Bronze Star. Electrical Contractor. 417. Anthony J. Gangone. CL 1/1953. [Honor Roll, Manager Bank Staff, President Student Government, Football, Newspaper] Sales Associate, Grolier Educational. 418. *Hon. (Angelo) Charles Gargano. CL 6/1952. [Vice President Prefect, President Prefect, Student Government, Bank Staff] City College of New York. Fairleigh Dickinson University. Manhattan College. Highway Engineer. Chief Engineer, J. D. Posillico. Deputy Administrator, U. S. Department of Transportation. Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago. Chairman, Empire State Development Corporation. Vice Chairman, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. President, Lower Manhattan Redevelopment Corporation. Director, First Commercial Bank of Long Island. Chairman, New York Reagan-Bush Election Committee. New York Athletic Club. President Italian Earthquake Relief Fund. President, Children’s Development Center. Knight of the Republic of Italy. Knight of Malta. Brother of # 413. Who’s Who in American Politics. Who’s Who in America. Who’s Who in the World. 419. John Bendetti. CL 1950. 420. John O’Reilly. CL 1951. 421. Ed Sasadodi. CL 1950. 422. Edward Lavelle. 423. Michael Francis Gambello Jr. CL 6/1953. [Honor Roll, Treasurer Student Government, President Prefect, Lunchroom Squad, Basketball, Swimming, ‘Most Popular’] Seton Hall University. Brother of # 374, #375 and # 456. Labor Relations, ITT Corporation. 424. *James Clyne. 425. Angelo Victor Pesce. CL 6/1947. [Kip Club, Track, Student Government, First Aid] Initiated as alumnus. 426. Cosmo Corrado. CL 1953. 427. Paul Gallant. CL 1952. 428. *Louis (Lou) Pernice. CL 6/1953. [Class President, President Student Government, President Prefect] City College of New York. 429. *Joseph Caratozzola. Brother of # 427. 430. *Matthew Anthony (Matty) Falcone. CL 1/1955. [Secretary Student Government, President Student Government, Honor Roll, Honor Guard, “Class Politician”] New York City Community College, St. FrancisCollege. Empire State College. U. S. Marine Corps. 431. *Raymond Gallant. 432. *Joseph Rosa. CL 6/1955. [Honor Roll, Student Government, Gym Team] 433. *Rosario Caratozzola. Brother of # 423. 434. Gerald J. (Jerry) Anzalone. CL 6/1955. [Honor Roll, Student Government] 435. Thomas P. Crocilla. CL 1/1955. [Student Government, First Aid, Honor Guard, Class President] 436. John E. Foca. CL 6/1955. [Honor Roll, Orchestra, Glee Club, Student Government, Class President, Newspaper] 437. Joseph DiCicco. CL 1/1956. [Orchestra, Piano Soloist] 438. *Richard H. Weber. CL 1/1956. [Honor Roll, Honor Society, Editor in Chief Newspaper, Yearbook, Honor Guard] 439. Joseph F. Benante. CL 6/1955. [Honor Roll, Honor Society, Science Squad, Swimming, Bowling] Systems Analyst, IBM. 440. *Nicholas DeLuca. 441. *Edward Mazzella. 442. James O’Toole. CL 1/1956. [Honor Roll, Honor Guard] Brooklyn College. 443. Richard Perretta. CL 1/1957. [Honor Roll, Sergeant Honor Guard, Baseball] 444. *William Baldwin. 445. *Lawrence Barnett. 446. *E. Dougherty. 447. *Stephen Farsey. 448. *John J. Fernandez. CL 6/1956. [Honor Roll, Library Service, Student Government] 449. *G. Flaherty. 450. J. H. Hart. ?-?-?. 451. Jack Hines. ?-?-?. 452. *Frank McCarthy. ?-?-?. 453. *Thomas Murray. ?-?-?. 454. *Charles Trautman. ?-?-?. 455. *Thomas Trautman. ?-?-?. 456. Carl Gambello. CL 6/1958. [Honor Roll, Captain Football, President Student Government, “Most Popular in Class”] VP Manhattan Cable. Brother of # 374, # 375 and # 423. 457. Anthony F. Coppa. CL 1/1957. [Student Government] 458. Gerard Kelly. CL 1960. 459. William Paterson. CL 1959. 460. Allen Walsh. CL 6/1959. [Kip Club, Captain Honor Guard, Honor Roll, Student Government] 461. Robert Panzera. CL 1959. 462. John Boyle. CL 1959. 463. Jack Kiernan. CL 1958. 464. Robert Lamar. CL 1959. 465. James McAllen. CL 1960. 466. Joseph Madsen. CL 1960. 467. Joseph John Belling. CL 6/1960. [Pan American Club, Student Government] U. S. Navy. General Agent, John Hancock Insurance Company. 468. Philip (Phil) Dressler. CL 6/1960. [Band, Honor Guard, Rifle Team] 469. Robert W. Bolstad. L 6/1960. Vice President, Bolcor Security. Lieutenant, New York City Sanitation Department. 470. Mario S. Catanzaro. CL 6/1961. [Student Government, Honor Roll, Band, Orchestra, Honor Guard] 471. Frank J. Pennisi. CL 6/1960. [Honor Roll, Band, Student Government] 472. Teddy Madsen. CL 1962. 473. James (Jimmy) Mulligan. CL 1962. 474. James (Jimmy) Ness. CL 1962. |