East Orange High School and Clifford J. Scott High School, East Orange, New Jersey; Barringer High School, Newark, New Jersey; and South Orange High School, South Orange, New Jersey
May 2, 1914 – 1945 1. (George) Moultin (Moe) Morse. CL 1915. [Football, Delegate New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association, Chairman, Senior Dramatics] Charter Member of Omicron Chapter. 2. Stanley Hilton (Stretch) Doggett. CL 1916. [Captain Basketball, Captain Track, Captain Cross Country, League Delegate] Charter Member of Omicron Chapter. Brother of # 31. University of Pennsylvania. 3. Chester S. (Chet) Braun. Charter Member of Omicron Chapter. 4. Walter (Walt) Prior Jr. Charter Member of Omicron Chapter. 5. Cornelius J. (Neil) Curtin Jr. Charter Member of Omicron Chapter. Assistant Dean of Men, Seton Hall University. 6. (Frederick) William (Bill) Francke Jr. CL 1916. [Captain Baseball, Track, Football, Commercial Club] Charter Member of Omicron Chapter. Washington and Lee University. 7. Robert Thayer (Bob) Bodine. CL 1916. [Commercial Club, Basketball, Football, Track, Spanish Club] Charter Member of Omicron Chapter. Convention Chairman. Grand Secretary. Grand Vice Princeps. Grand Princeps. Exalted Chapter from April 24, 1926. United Fruit Company. Gorton and Lidgerwood Company, Heating Systems. 8. Herman S. Meeteer. 9. Robert Charles (Fitz) Fitzsimmons. CL 1915. [Basketball, Football, Captain Baseball] Board of Approved Football Officials. 10. Wainwright (Wain) Holt. CL 1917. [Football, Track, Baseball] U. S. Navy, WWI. 11. (David) Irving (Wren) Reynolds. CL 1915. [Football, Track, Glee Club, Athletic Association] Brother of # 27. Army Air Corps Lieutenant, WW I. Killed in action September 9, 1918 at Foggia, Italy. Gold Star. 12. William Kirk (Coty) Ervin. CL 1917. [Baseball, Commercial Club] 13. Leslie S. (LC) Crater. CL 1915. [Yearbook, Newspaper, Debate Club, Honor Roll, Special Honors] Grand Treasurer (7 years). Grand Comptroller (6 months). Exalted Chapter from April 13, 1928. New York University. Prudential Insurance Company. 14. Robert Kennedy (Tissy) Thistle. CL 1915. [Captain Basketball, President Athletic Association, Track, Cross Country, Glee Club, Dramatics] Coast Guard, World War I. United States Corporation Company. President and Chairman of the Board, Hasbrouck, Thistle and Company, securities printing specialists. Treasurer, Willis McDonald and Company, Inc. 15. John H. (Johnnie) Nixon. CL 1916. [Newspaper, Yearbook] Brother of # 33. Guelph College (Canada). Stock Broker. 16. (Silas) Kenneth Flint. CL 1915. [Football] 17. Arthur C. Welte. Butler Brothers. 18. John Lawton (Johnnie) Higley. CL 1918. [Class President] Stevens Institute of Technology. 19. Henry Wyngard. 20. Dudley Mandeville (Dud) Noling. CL 1915. [Cross Country] 21. Van Scoten Steele. U. S. Army, WW I. 22. Harold E. (Ammie) Ammerman. CL 1916. 23. Forrest E. (Evans) Evans. 24. Dr. Frank Badger (Smarzo) Smarzo. CL 1918. Syracuse University. University of Buffalo. Country Doctor. President Livonia School Board. 25. (Edson) Burton (Burt) Schryver. CL 1918. [Physics Club, Football, Secreatary Athletic Association, Student Government, Hockey] 26. Horace William Heyman. CL 1916. [Football, Mandolin Club] Grand Vice Princeps. 27. Albert S. Reynolds. Brother of # 11. 28. Clifford S. Lindner. 29. Russell C. (Rus) Holt. CL 1917. [Football, Track] 30. Gilbert Wesley (Ginnie) Meeteer. CL 1918. [Football, Basketball, Captain Track, President Athletic Association, Student Government] 31. Howard G. (Hafty) Doggett. CL 1918. [Basketball, Physics Club, Class Night Committee] Brother of # 2. University of Pennsylvania. 32. Ferris Tyndall (originally Talko). U. S. Navy, WW I. 33. George E. Nixon. Brother of # 15. U. S. Navy, WW I. Charles T. Wilson and Company. Spice and rubber importer and broker. 34. Charles Frederick (Chuck) Schaub Jr. CL 1918. [Secretary Student Government, Track] 35. Russell Jacobus. U. S. Navy, WW I. 36. Amos Sherman (Amy) Hebble Jr. CL 1919. [Basketball, French Club] Brother of # 55 and # 58. 37. Louis Charles Denis Jr. CL 1917. U. S. Army, WW I. 38. Frederick Smith. 39. Elwood Emmons. U. S. Army, WW I. 40. (William) Wallace (Wally) Jacobus. CL 1915. [French Club] U. S. Navy, WW I. University of Pennsylvania 41. (John) Leslie Earl. 42. Robert L. (Bobby) Wyngard. [Basketball, Manager Football, Captain Baseball, Vice President Athletic Association] Grand Vice Princeps. Showcase Decorations. 43. Alfred Fontana. 44. Malcolm Bassett. 45. Pierre J. (Sherry or Bub) Sherry. CL 1920. Grand Historian. University of Virginia. Barr Brothers. 46. Howard Graple. 47. Andrew Bradley (Bub or Red) Murray Jr. CL 1918. [Football, Spanish Club, German Club, Baseball, Rifle Club, Two times All State Football] 48. Elmer R. Docherty. 49. William Bruen. 50. Ervin Lynn (Puss) Dunlap Sr. CL 1920. [Baseball, Football, Athletic Association] Syracuse University. Manager of Personnel and Training, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. 51. Wilbert H. (Dunny) Dunn. CL 1919. [Athletic Association, French Club, Dramatics, Physics Club] Syracuse University. 52. Hon. Vincent Siering Haneman. Sigma Nu at Syracuse University. Phi Delta Phi. Phi Kappa Phi. Board of Education, City Attorney and Mayor, Brigantine, New Jersey. Seven-term New Jersey Assemblyman. Counsel to New Jersey Racing Commission. Court of Common Pleas. Vice-Chancellor. Superior Court Judge. New Jersey Supreme Court Justice. Who’s Who in the East. Who’s Who in America. 53. James H. (Jimmy) Sanderson. Supervisor of Athletics, Boonton HS. 54. Thomas S. (Tom) Davis. CL 1920. [Baseball, Hockey, Football, Spanish Club, Physics Club] 55. Howard Edward (Pete) Hebble. CL 1921. [Football, Track, Debate, Radio Club, Student Government, Secretary Athletic Association] Princeton University. Brother of # 36 and # 58. 56. George Stevens. 57. Joseph (Joe) Byrne. CL 1920. Brother of # 99. 58. Christian B. (Bubbie) Hebble. CL 1920. [Basketball, Baseball, Physics Club] Brother of # 36 and # 55. 59. Hugh Eagan. 60. Milton Cubbison. 61. George A. (Al) Walters. CL 1924. [Debate, Student Government, Athletic Association] 62. William Morris. 63. Herman E. (Hermie) Hillenbach. CL 1922. [Manager Football, Student Government, Debate Club, Class President, Corridor Patrol] Transferred to Delta Chapter. New York University. Lawyer. 64. Reginald (Reg) Mervin. Cousin of # 65. Wharton R. Huston. 66. G. Kenneth Kaltenbach. 67. Charles Murray. 68. Bingham Willing Morris. St. George’s School. Harvard University. 69. Carl A. (Hansen) Hansen. CL 1920. [Captain Basketball, Athletic Association, Math Club] Syracuse University. 70. Jack (Handy) Watson. CL 1922. [President Scientific Society, Dramatics, Football, Track, Corridor Patrol] Dartmouth College. 71. Chester Townsend. 72. Wilbur L. (Sey) Seymour. CL 1924. [Athletic Association, Manager Football, Fencing, Track, Student Government] 73. William Martin. 74. Theodore Sanderson. 75. Ralph H. (Nobby) Walters. 76. Walter R. Blauberg. [U. S. Interscholastic Track Champion in three distances] University of West Virginia. 77. John Forbes Smith. Brother of # 135. 78. James Murray. 79. Albert L. (Fat) Weber. CL 1924. [Track, Basketball, Football, Orchestra, Band] Damrosch Musical Conservatory. 80. Thomas P. Winslow. 81. James J. (Jim) Corcoran. CL 1923. Brother of # 84. New York University. 82. Edward A. Dannic. 83. James Leo (Red) Bergoff. CL 1924. [Student Government, Athletic Association, Basketball, Football, Newspaper, Rifle Club] Phi Kappa Tau at William and Mary College. Prudential Insurance Company. 84. Charles Corcoran. Dropped. Brother of # 81. 85. Edgar C. F. (Ed) Cadmus. CL 1924. [Student Government, Corridor Patrol, Football, Basketball, Track] Philadelphia Textile College. 86. Walter A. (Kirk) Kirkpatrick. CL 1925. [Valedictorian, President Debate Club, Orchestra, Student Government, Athletic Association, Football, Track, Baseball] Dartmouth College. 87. Gilbert L. (Gibby) Ward. [Football, Track, Student Government, Athletic Association] Yale University and U. S. Military Academy, West Point. 88. Gordon Chamberlin. 89. Louis Francis (Louie) Gerber Jr. CL 1925. [Football, Track, Manager Track] 90. Frederick Deliduka. Brother of # 113 and # 211. 91. Stephen S. Langley II. 92. George E. (Devil) Muench. CL 1924. [Basketball, Baseball, Fencing, Swimming, Track, Student Government, Athletic Association] 93. Edward B. (Nid) Mingle. CL 1924. 94. Richard W. Pendleton. 95. Frederick Stagg (Freddie) Tate. CL 1925. [Football, Science Society, Baseball, Student Government, Athletic Association] Died while Princeps of chapter. University of Chicago. Western Union Co. 96. Harold Brown. Seton Hall University. 97. Ralston Foster (Dick) Sumner. CL 1924. [Basketball, Debate Club] Syracuse University. University of Pennsylvania. 98. William (Bill) Van Ryper. CL 1924. [Basketball, Football, Baseball, Student Government] 99. Raymond J. (Ray) Byrne. CL 1925. [Cheerleader, Basketball, Student Government, Athletic Association] Brother of # 57. University of Pennsylvania. 100. Louis James (Lou) Winslow. CL 1925. [Rifle Club, Scientific Society] Haverford College. 101. Henry Heimert. [Football, Captain Basketball, Track, Baseball] 102. Franklin Laury Pendleton. 103. John P. Harkrader. 104. Frederick W. E. Mindermann. Expelled from East Orange High School for membership in Omega. Transferred to Tau Chapter. Banner Chairman (2 years). Second Grand Vice Princeps (2 years). United Aircraft. National Official, Masaonic Lodge of Research. Exalted Chapter from December 4, 1970. 105. Earle W. Thurston. 106. Russell (Van) Van Wagoner. CL 1925. [Fencing, Football, Student Government] Brown University. 107. J. Henry (Buddy) Oswald. CL 1926. Captain [Football, Track] Transferred from Tau Chapter, 108. Edward John Hall. Transferred from Tau Chapter. Princeton University. 109. Kenneth Lester Crawn. Public Service Electric and Gas Company. 110. (Hugh) Kirk Jackson. Dartmouth College. 111. Wilbur Martin. [Football] 112. Arthur Francis (Art) Redmond. CL 1927. [Basketball, Tennis, Debate, Newspaper] Newark Institute of Arts and Science. CPA. 113. Joseph John Deliduka. CL 1928. [Manager Track] Grand Recorder. (3 years). Brother of # 90 and #211. 114. Pierre (Bud) Palmatier. CL 1928. [Math Club, Rifle Team] Stevens Institute of Technology. 115. Hurlbut Young. [Football] 116. Walter Fielding. 117. Nelson C. Hazeltine. 118. Gerald (Jerry) Barber. 119. Lewis Riker Chase. 120. Raymond E. (Ray) Koenig. CL 1928. [Class President, Student Government] Convention Chairman (7 years). Grand Comptroller (2 years). Grand Historian (2 years). Fourth Grand Vice Princeps. First Grand Vice Princeps. Grand Princeps (3 years). Exalted Chapter from April 19, 1941. Professional photographer. 121. Kenneth (Ken) Davidson. CL 1928. [Track, Baseball, Senior Council, Football] 122. William K. (Bill) Everett. CL 1929. [Soccer, Newspaper] 123. Russell H. (Russ) Smith. CL 1928. [Editor Newspaper, Student Government, Tennis, Basketball] Princeton University. 124. Herbert D. Jones. 125. Robert Clinton Moot Sr. [Newspaper] Controller, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, U. S. Navy Department, WW II. U. S. Army, WW II. Deputy Administrator, Administrator, Small Business Administration. Assistant Secretary of Defense/Controller. Vice President for Finance, AMTRAK. Treasurer, President Gerald Ford’s Election Committee, 1976. Rockefeller Public Service Award. Who’s Who in the South. Who’s Who in Government. Who’s Who in America. 126. Wilfred H. Hart. 127. Harold Paul (Red) Poeschel. CL 1928. [Football, Baseball, Basketball, Track] 128. Edwin James (Buddy) Cronen. CL 1929. [Football, Baseball] 129. Albert Caddo. 130. Charles E. (Chuck) Shipman. CL 1929. [Student Government] 131. Daniel Lucy. [Student Government] 132. Richard (Dutch) Helbig. CL 1931. [Football, Baseball, Class Council] Springfield College. 133. Robert (Bob) Douglass. CL 1930. [Football, Baseball, Secretary Athletic Association, Class President] Dartmouth College. 134. Herbert F. (Herb) Irish Jr. CL 1930. [Class Vice President, Class President, Student Government] 135. Charles Smith. Brother of # 77. [Editor Newspaper, Student Government] 136. Benjamin R. (Ben) Frost. CL 1929. [Manager Baseball] Bowdoin College. 137. Herbert Shea. 138. William McGeehan. [Football] 139. Thomas (Tommy) Niehaus. CL 1931. [Class Council, Student Government, Basketball, Baseball, Class President] 140. James Lockart. 141. John Wright (Johnnie) Manson. CL 1932. [Track] 142. Walter A. Snow. Colgate University. Graduate student at New York University at time of death. 143. Robert Hodge. 144. John Milton (Jack) Duryee. CL 1930. [Manager Baseball] 145. Carl Oswald. 146. Douglas (Doug) Dwyer. CL 1931. Andover Prep. 147. Edward Maurice Condon. Vice President, The Bon Marche Department Store. President, William Hengerer Company, department store. Chairman/CEO, H. S. Pogue Department Store. Executive Vice President, Associated Dry Goods Stores. Director Central Trust. Director, Union Central Life Insurance Company. Chairman, Ohio Council of Retail Merchants. Who’s Who in Finance and Industry. Who’s Who in America. 148. Charles Lounsbury. 149. Edward Randall. 150. James Ward. 151. Donald David (Don) Streit. CL 1929. [Student Government, Athletic Association] New York University. Newark Institute of Arts and Sciences. Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. 152. Albert Weigle. 153. James Campbell. 154. Richard (Swede) Erickson Jr. CL 1933. [Football] 155. (John) Robert (Bob) Hayes. CL 1930. [Student Government, Baseball] Yale University. 156. Arthur Philip (Art) Henricks Jr. CL 1932. [Swimming, Newspaper] Franklin and Marshall College. President, A. P. Henricks Company, manufacturers’ representative. Who’s Who in America. 157. Paul F. Clark. CL 1931. [Swimming, Athletic Association, Manager Baseball] 158. Vincent Morse (Rugged) Frost. CL 1934. [Football, Track, Orchestra] Lehigh University. 159. Charles Reuel Estill. Transferred to Rho Chapter October 1931. Colgate University. U. S. Navy, WW II. Bronze Star. Account Executive, Young and Rubicam. Director of Development, Clarkson Institute of Technology. Vice President, Johns Hopkins University. President Charles Estill and Company. Chairman, Hospice of Sarasota. Who’s Who in the South. 160. William K. (Muzzy) Meakin. CL 1932. [Football, Basketball, Track] Dana College. 161. Francis F. (Fritz) Tenstchert. CL 1930. [Football, Track, Basketball] 162. Richard (Dick) Weisgerber. [Captain Football, All-State Football] Willamette College. All-American Football. 163. Douglas M. (Doug) Neare. CL 1930. [Basketball] University of Virginia. 164. William Lawrence. 165. Kenneth Henderson. 166. Nils (Hook) Anderson. CL 1931. [Swimming, Football] Brother of # 168. 167. John E. Framley. 168. *Carl (Bub) Anderson Jr. CL 1932. [Football, Baseball, Class Council] Brother of # 166. 169. *Richard B. (Dick) Cross. CL 1935. [Swimming, Class Council, Football] Oberlin College. 170. Horace L. Wynn Jr. 171. *(Jerome) Wallace (Jerry) Brokaw. CL 1935. [RailRoad Club, Football, Track] Duke University. 172 * Honiss. 173. * Stinson. 174. *John Henry (Woodshed) Woodhouse. CL 1935. [Glee Club, Band, Orchestra, Choir] 175. *Carl Zingg. 176. *Jerry Craw. CL 1935. [Football, Track] 177. Chester (Chet) Ackerman. 178. * Lawson. 179. *Philip Raphael (Powerhouse) Kenneally. CL 1933. [Basketball, Football] University of Alabama. 180. Edwin W. James. [Cheer Leader] 181. *Woodward Hewitt. Transferred to Alpha Beta Chapter, October 1933. 182. *Stephen Walsh. 183. *William Irving (Pete) Peters. CL 1935. [Tennis, Basketball] 184. Robert Fellers. 185. Edward Hammel (Ed) Hulit Jr. CL 1934. Carnegie Institute of Technology. 186. *John William (Clark) Naumann. CL 1936. [Class Council] Brother of # 187. 187. *Augustus J. (Gus) Naumann. CL 1936. [Tennis, Swimming, Basketball] Brother of # 186. 188. Arnett R. Shaw. [Cheer Leader] 189. Henry Wyman. 190. Gilbert G. (Gil) Hemiter. CL 1936. [Tennis, Basketball, Soccer] Duke University. 191. John J. (Jack) Hauck. CL 1936. Ohio State University. 192. Donald E. (Don) Mowry. CL 1937. U. S. Army Air Corps. 193. Kendrick Feather. CL 1937. [Football] 194. James B. (Jim) Pratt. CL 1937. [Football] 195. Martin Reed Jr. CL 1937. 196. William A. (Pete) Carroll III. CL 1938. 197. Robert Stirrat. 198. Samuel S. (Ed) Edmonston. CL 1939. 199. William E. Harrigan. 200. John M. (Jack) Martin. CL 1937. [Tumbling, Chemistry Club] 201. *John King. 202. *James Kay. 203. *James E. (Jimmy) Smith. CL 1940. 204. *John Elliot. 205. *James S. (Jim) Moore. CL 1939. [Newspaper, Spanish Club] Rutgers University. 206. *Thomas A. (Wimpy) Polson. CL 1939. [Football, Basketball] Slippery Rock State College. 207. *Lee John Thomas (Lee) Lightner. CL 1939. [Glee Club, Dramatics] Edson Leonard (Ted) Garrabrants. CL 1941 [Captain Fencing, Athletic Association] Lehigh University. U. S. Military Academy at West Point. Army, WW II. U. S. Air Force, Korea and Vietnam. Lieutenant Colonel. Distinguished Flying Cross. Owner, Construction Company. Cousin of # 64. 208. E. Charles Lawrence. CL 1942. [Basketball, Football] 209. Henry F. C. (Hank) Burdack. CL 1939. [Photography Club, Tropical Fish Club] 210. *Robert Spence (Jigg) Williamson. CL 1940. [Stamp Club, Basketball, Yearbook] Princeton University. 211. Robert J. (Bob) Deliduka. CL 1944. [Art Club, Manager Football, Athletic Association] Brother of # 90 and # 113. 212. *John James (Jack) Wyrough. CL 1940. [Newspaper, Track] Seton Hall University. Georgetown University. U. S. Army, WW II. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Prudential Insurance Real Estate Investments. 213. Ralph Townsend. 214. Warren Hinton. 215. Norman Wright. 216. William Wyrough. 217. *Frank Lannon. 218. *Richard McGarry. 219. Joseph T. Burns. CL 1944. 220. Harry H. Dunn. CL 1943. 221. Robert S. Jacobus. CL 1943. [Chemistry Club] U. S. Army, WW II. 222. Jack C. Spink. CL 1945. |