Website Donations
Our website is maintained exclusively by donation only. If you are able please make a donation by mailing a check to the address below. Please help keep our website on-line. The creation of the website began in 2007 with a $2,000 donation from OGD Fraternity, Inc. The website did not go live until mid 2008 and we did not start requesting donations until April 2009.
To make a donation: Please make your donation payable to Mike D’Apolito and mail to:
Mike D’Apolito
OGD Website Administrator
POB 881631
Port St. Lucie, FL 34988
Donations are not tax deductible. Thank You Brothers.
OGD Fraternity, Inc.
Jerry Nardella, AΣΨ ’66
Mike D’Apolito, ΒΓ ’66
George Brush, ΒΓ ’72
Mark Drucker, TZ ’76
Gerard Malloy, TZ ’70
Ed Kelley, ΒΓ ’66
Tom Garigliano, B ’85
Ronnie Triaina, AΨ ’85
Edward Kelly, AΨ ’86
Dan Upbin, BΣ ’90
Andy Canicatti, AΨ ’83
Scott Schemmer, XBX ’91
Robert Magrino, AΨ ’84
Tom Amato, AΨ ’86
Dennis Mula, BX ’89
Paul Canavan, BΣ ’91
Cory Slavens, AΨ ’87
Ralph Iervolino, BX ’74
Henry Maring, BX
Tom Andello, TZ ’80
Ben Montante, AΨ ’87
Ray Millan, BX ’91
Rick Gallagher, XBX ’90
Tom Dapolito, BΓ ’64
Chuck Julig, AΨ ’90
Anthony Millan, BX ’82
Michael Alloro, AΨ ’83
Rich Bonacorsa, BX ’70
Jerry Lange, AΨ ’68
John DePalma, BΣ ’99
Frank DeJoy, BX ’81
Steve Breitman, BΨ ’78
Mike Glennon, ГФ ’72
Al Mayo, BΓ ’74
Joe Giordano, ΔΨ ’77
George Closs, AΨ ’97
Chuck Julig, AΨ ’90
Mike Fiumara, BX ’70
Joseph LaManna, BX ’85
Dennis Jong, ГФ ’71
George Parks III, BX ’87
Elliot (Dennis) Kleinman AΨ ’68
George De Jager, B ’60
Northern NJ Chapters Reunion
Michael Miksovsky, Sr., ГФ ’61
Robert Downs, BГ ’41
Mitchell Kahn, B ’77
Anthony Lespier, BΣ ’79
Mark Quering, BX ’72
Vincent Consentino, XBX ’87
Charles Vesely, AΨ ’54
George Dutchess, B ’60
Steve Ciapi, BX ’83
Gregory DiGregorio, TZ ’85
Richard Hoffman, BX ’70
John Brogan, B ’62
Michael Oddo, BΨ ’62
Anthony Macri, AΨ ’82
Christopher Di Pasquale, BΠ ’88
Dave Herman, AΨ ’91
Peter Vander Schuyt, BΓ ’54
Dana Colella, BΠ ’77
Paul Colliton, ΔX ’68
Alexander Landi, AΣΨ ’71
Robert Phillips, B ’71
Roy Little, BΓ ’61
Joseph Zabatta, AΨ ’54
Rodney Zimmerman, BΓ ’74
James Gilboy, BΣ ’98
Ryan Mcbride, BΣ ‘2003
Jerry Jacobs, ΔΨ ’78
Rick Ragone, BX ’64
Thomas Ciapi, BX ’73
Richard Cacciatore, XBX ’94
Carl Judd, BΣ ’84
Anthony Madia, BX ’75
Daniel LaMarch, BΣ ’90
James Reed, ΔΨΔ, ’62
Robert Ingal, BX ’75
Kevin Kreidell, BX ’81
Robert Sutherland, BX ’75
Thomas Scheel, BX ’74
Brian Mackie, ΔΨ ’86
William Meyers, B ’63
Robert Marsicovetere, BГ ’67
Karl Jones, AΨ ’37
Michael Zabatta, AΨ ’80
Bill Lowe Jr., BΠ ’75
Stephen Zuppello, AΨ ’69
Randy George, Beta ’71
Jim Robertson, AX ’52
Arthur Angst, AΨ ’52
Nicholas Baldo, B ’58
Gerard Hassett, BΣ ’77
James Brogan, IΩ ’60
Joe Mauro, ΔB ‘2014
Jeff Korn, IP ’82
Dan Gannon, BX ’68
Robert Nedswick, IΩ ’61
Ralph Mercer, B ’52
John Walsh, BX/ΔB ’77
Carl Aberle, BX ’74
Phil Cigna, BX ’78
Michael Kennedy, TZ ’68
Bill Hann ΔA ‘2014
Franklin Churchill, BГ ’53
Ricardo Lopez, BX’92
Dan Maher, BГ ’75
John Ragone, BX ’64
Chris Argento, AΨ ’62
Frank Canonico, IΩ ’65
George Lujack, BΣ ’80
Mario Bevilacqua, ΔB ‘2014
Thomas Buchanan, AΣΨ ’69
John Dillon, TZ ’79
Charles Flynn, AX ’66
John Gleason, AФ ’74
Andrew Walsh, XBX ’97
Paul Wasielewski, ΔГ 2015
Joe Nicholas, BГ ’51
Vito Sgaramella, BX ’78
Steven DeLuca, AΨ ’65
Howard Boughey, ГФ ‘62
Ray Ciafrone, ΔГ 2016
Joseph Petrosi, ΔФ ‘67
Paul Ricca, ΔZ 2016
Jeffrey Tytone, ΔГ 2016
Louis Grasso, AΣΨ ’72
Larry North, ΔB ‘2014