Bay Shore High School, Bay Shore, New York February 2, 1929 – 1944 Operated as Phi Lambda Psi Fraternity, 1944 – 1956 1. A. Russell Richards. CL 1930. Charter Member of Alpha Iota Chapter. 2. Stanley Benjamin. CL 1929. [Dramatics, Class Treasurer, Yearbook, Treasurer Athletic Association] Charter Member of Alpha Iota Chapter. Cornell University. 3. Richard (Dick) Hegarty Jr. CL 1928. [Vice President Athletic Association, Track, Yearbook, Dramatics, Football, Baseball, Basketball] Charter Member of Alpha Iota Chapter. 4. Max C. Strehlau. CL 1928. [Football, President Athletic Association, Class President, Student Government, Dramatics, Editor Newspaper] Charter Member of Alpha Iota Chapter. University of Alabama. 5. Robert S. (Pete) Fanning. CL 1930. [Class President, Basketball, Track, President Phi Lambda, Football, Dramatics, Yearbook] Charter Member of Alpha Iota Chapter. 6. Frederick E. Wicks. CL 1932. [Football, Track] Charter Member of Alpha Iota Chapter. Philadelphia College of Osteopathy. 7. Raymond H. (Ray) Jarvis. CL 1929. [Dramatics, Yearbook, Football] Charter Member of Alpha Iota Chapter.University of Texas. 8. *Burtis E. (Bert) Leyrer. CL. 1930. [President Student Government, Associate Editor Yearbook, Track, President Athletic Association, Editor Newspaper, Dramatics, Football, Basketball, Baseball] St. Lawrence University. Brother of # 21 and # 28. 9. Clifton Allen LaPlatney Sr. Honorary Member. St. Lawrence University. Faculty Member, 1928-1977. Chemistry and Physics Teacher. Coach, Football (28 years), Wrestling and Track. Faculty Advisor, 1929-1935, 1938-1939, 1956-1957. Suffolk County Sports Hall of Fame. Bay Bay Shore High School’s athletic field is named Clifton LaPlatney Memorial Field. 10. Charles Meyer. CL 1930. [Track Manager, Track, Dramatics, Yearbook] 11. A. Wesley (Wes) Hildreth. CL 1930. [Manager Track, Dramatics, Phi Lambda, Tennis] Cornell University. Brother of # 29. 12. William T. (Red) Nessenger Jr. CL 1934. [Athletic Association, Baseball, Hockey, Basketball] ExpelledAugust 17, 1933. Ensign, US Coast Guard Cutter Bedloe. Died in WW II in sinking of the Bedloe. Gold Star. 13. Donald F. (Don) Abrew. CL 1931. [Football, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball, Class Vice President, Sports Editor Newspaper, Sports Editor Yearbook] 14. Grover (Goose) Bela. CL 1931. [Class Treasurer, Vice President Phi Lambda, Basketball, Football, Track] Owner, automobile dealership. Captain, Bay Shore-Brightwaters Fire Department 15. Frank P. (Peck) Bisso. CL 1931. [President Athletic Association, Student Government, Captain Basketball, Manager Football, Football, Class President, Phi Lambda, Yearbook, Captain Baseball] 16. Vernon W. (Jake) Petty. CL 1930. [Dramatics, Manager Basketball, Yearbook, Manager Baseball] 17. Edward Schenck (Ned or Bull) Redington. CL 1932. [Football, Track, Debate, President Student Government, Manager Basketball, Secretary Athletic Association, Debate, President Forum, Band, French Club, Newspaper, Yearbook, Dramatics] Zeta Psi at Dartmouth College. Yale Law School. U S. Army, WW II. Attorney. Senior Partner, Hughes, Hubbard and Reeves, Hughes, Hubbard and Reed. Original Corporate Counself for Securities Investors Protection Corporation (SIPC). Director, Sonat Corporation. Director, Southern Natural Resources Inc. Director, Southern Natural Gas Company. Chairman Southside Hospital. Vice President Allen-Chase Foundation. Director Episcopal Church Foundation. Chairman, Brightwaters Zoning Board. Vice President, Bay Shore School Board. Who’s Who in American Law. Who’s Who in the East. 18. Ray Morgan (Bugle, Smitty or Radio) Smith. CL 1934. [Student Government, Class President, Basketball, Treasurer Athletic Association, Football, Captain Track] 19. Wilmot S. (Sonnie) Wiley. CL 1930. [Phi Lambda, Basketball, Student Government, Dramatics, Football, Baseball] St. Lawrence University. 20. Horace (Hoc) Otway. CL 1931. [Athletic Association, Captain Hockey, Basketball] 21. Ralph (Bing, Click or Dutch) Leyrer Jr. CL 1933. [Basketball, Football, Baseball, Newspaper, Commercial Club] Brother of # 8 and # 28. 22. Herman L. Riha. CL 1932. 23. Theodore J. Bisso. CL 1933. [Captain Basketball, Baseball, Captain Football, Hockey, Vice President Athletic Association, Class Vice President, Commercial Club] Cable Technician, NYNEX. 24. Dr. Philip Gibbon (Phil) Hammer. CL 1931. [Valedictorian, Editor Newspaper, Editor Yearbook, Debate Team, Phi Delta, Tennis] Delta Psi at University of North Carolina. PhD, Littauer School of Public Administration,Harvard University. U. S. State Department. Assistant to the Director General, United Nations Relief and Recovery Administration. Chairman, Hammer and Company Associates, Economic Consultants. Member Atlanta Metropolitan Planning Commission. Vice President, Potomac Institute. Chairman National Capital Planning Commission. President’s Commission on Suburban Problems. District of Columbia Bicentennial Commission. Director, Atlanta Urban League. Southern Regional Council. Director, National Council on Equal Business Opportunity. Trustee, Clark College. President American Society of Planning Officials. Trustee National Planning Association. Lecturer, University of North Carolina, Howard College, Dag Hammarskjold College. Who’s Who in the South. Who’s Who in America. 25. Howard Sullivan. CL 1935. 26. Frank Richard (Pep) Flynn. CL 1932. [Baseball, Captain Football, President Athletic Association, Hockey, Forum, Newspaper, Yearbook, French Club, Tennis] U. S. Military Academy, West Point. 27. Thomas (Tommy) Cantella. CL 1933. [Football, Captain Wrestling, Vice President Commercial Club] 28. William C. (Bill) Leyrer. CL 1933. [Baseball, Secretary Debate, Rifle Club, President Student Government, Editor Newspaper] Brother of # 8 and # 21. 29. Edward (Ned) Hildreth. CL 1935. [Captain Football, Basketball, Track, Class President, President Science Club, Dramatics, French Club] Brother of # 11. 30. John J. (Sleepy) Sinott. CL 1933. [Basketball, Football, Baseball, Newspaper] 31. Arthur Murphy. CL 1934. 32. Robert (Bob) Falk. CL 1932. [Valedictorian, Phi Delta, Debate, Tennis, French Club, Class President, Editor Yearbook, Band, Track, Dramatics] Cornell University. Brother of # 60. 33. Charles G. (Charlie) Hubbard. CL 1934. [Class President, Athletic Association, Student Government, Newspaper, Manager Football, Manager Wrestling, Manager Baseball] 34. Clayton W. Blakeslee. Honorary Member. SUNY at Oswego. Faculty Member. Teacher of Mechanics and Civics. Faculty Advisor, 1930-1932. 35. George (Bud) Clark. CL 1934. [Student Government, Football, Hockey, Captain Baseball] 36. Gerald (Jerry) Cockerill. CL 1934. [Class President, Student Government, Football, Track, Wrestling, Yearbook] 37. E. Lloyd Moreland. CL 1928. Alumni Member. New York State College for Teachers. Columbia University. Faculty Member. Teacher, History, Civics and English. Assistant Principal and Chief of Guidance, Bay Shore High School, 1939-1954. Superintendent of Bay Shore Schools, 1954-1968. Faculty Advisor, 1933-1939. 38. Henry Francis (Harry) Hafele. CL 1936. [Football, Basketball, Captain Baseball, AAU Representative] U. S. Postal Service. 39. C. Dudley (Dud or Captain) Rogers. CL 1936. [Captain Basketball, Captain Football, Class President, President Student Government, Baseball, Hockey, Dramatics] Brother of # 82. 40. Paul (Beef) Walker. CL 1934. [Class Treasurer, Wrestling, Track, Football] 41. Raymond V. (Hank) Chester. Honorary Member. St. Lawrence University. Faculty Member. Teacher, Science and Math, 1925-1943. Basketball Coach, Baseball Coach. Faculty Advisor, 1933-1939. 42. Jack Bocker. 43. Benjamin (Fish) Selleck. CL 1935. [Football, Student Government, Debate, Newspaper, Dramatics] 44. Edward J. (Eddie) Melton. CL 1934. [Student Government, Newspaper, Manager Basketball, Commercial Club, Dramatics] Brother of # 70. Cousin of # 77, # 88, #136 and # 224. 45. Arvid (Arvie Mo) Molin. CL 1932. [Track, Basketball, Manager Hockey, Yearbook, Manager Golf] 46. Bernard F. (Barney) Kelly. CL 1933. [Newspaper, Yearbook, Commercial Club] IDS-American Express. 47. Frank (Shimmy) Chadima. CL 1933. [Football, Forum] 48. *Robert John (Rabbit) Otway. CL 1933. [Captain Hockey, Class Treasurer, Athletic Association] 49. Edgar Muir. 50. Anthony (Moose) Cantella. CL 1935. [Captain Wrestling, Captain Football, Baseball, Dramatics] Expelled March 1935. 51. Louis (Loui) Schienke. CL 1934. [Track] Laco Fuel Company. 52. George W. (Bing) Furey Jr. CL 1937. [Class President, Dramatics, President Student Government, Football, Basketball, Golf] 53. William C. Sinnott Jr. CL 1934. 54. Emmett (Queenie or Em) Drake Jr. CL 1936. [Class Vice President, Yearbook, Chairman Junior Prom, Arts Club, Football, Baseball, Basketball] President, Emmett Drake and Sons, Inc. 55. John P. (Johnny) Modderno. CL 1935. [Football, Wrestling, Baseball, Glee Club, Band] Phamaceutical Inventor, Modern-Lab, Inc. 56. *William Clark. 57. John Lewis (Jack) Matthewman. CL 1934. [Student Government, Rifle Club, Football, Dramatics] 58. John H. (Jack) Coen. CL 1938. [Football, Wrestling, Cheerleading, Class Treasurer, Dramatics] Brother of # 119 and # 131. 59. Edward Baldwin. CL 1935. 60. Nils (Swede) Falk. Brother of # 32. CL 1936. [Football, Wrestling, Arts Club, Prom Committee, Debate, Yearbook, Tennis, Band] 61. Lynn Fake. CL 1934. [Class Treasurer, Literary Club, Newspaper, Dramatics, Treasurer Art Club] 62. Rex A. Walker. CL 1935. [President Student Government, Wrestling, Football, Track, Band, Glee Club] 63. Harrison (Bud) Watts Jr. CL 1937. [Track, Art Club, Class Vice President, Class President, Newspaper, Dramatics, French Club, Yearbook] 64. *Ralph J. Elliot. Honorary Member. Grove City College. MA, Columbia University. Faculty Member. Science Teacher. Basketball Coach. Assistant Superintendent, Bay Shore Schools, 1955-. Faculty Advisor, 1936-1939, 1944-1955. 65. *Jack Fletcher. 66. Donald (Don) Pindar. CL 1935. [Tennis, Newspaper, Art Club, Dramatics, French Club] 67. John K. (Duke) Frieman. CL 1938. [President Student Government, Dramatics, Football, Baseball, French Club] 68. Bertram J. (Bert or Dobber) Furey Sr. CL 1938. [Captain Wrestling, Long Island Wrestling Champion, Track, Tennis, Class President, Student Government, Newspaper, Dramatics] 69. David J. (Doc) O’Connell. CL 1935. [Football, Wrestling, President Science Club, Class Vice President, Track] Brooklyn Prep. Fordham University. Captain, US Army, WW II. Republic Pictures. Film Producer, MCA-Universal Studios TV. Editorial Supervisor of TV Production. Received Emmy Award as Producer of Marcus Welby, M. D. Producer of first television miniseries, Vanished, in 1970. 70. Charles (Moulton) Melton. CL 1937. [Manager Football, Captain Cheerleading, French Club, Student Government, Class Treasurer, Yearbook] Brother of # 44. Cousin of # 77, # 88, #136 and # 224. 71. John (Johnny) Grauer. CL 1935. [Salutatorian, Rifle Club, French Club, Arts Club, Editor Newspaper, Dramatics, Class Treasurer, Student Government] 72. Jack Klechka. CL 1935. [Football] 73. Harry L. (Mel) Wolpert Jr. CL 1937. [Captain Baseball, Football] Partner, Islip Laundry. Partner, Artcraft Printing Company. 74. Stanley M. (Pappy) Hafele. CL 1938. [Class Treasurer, Basketball, Football, Tennis, Pawns of Pegasus] Brother of # 92 and # 124. Deceased in WW II. Gold Star. 75. Logan J. (Meathead) Phillips. CL 1938. [Captain Football, Wrestling, Track, Class Vice President, Dramatics. Vice President Student Government] 76. Daniel (Dan) Carey. CL 1936. [Track, Wrestling] 77. Andrew Joseph (Andy) Melton Jr. CL 1938. [Wrestling, Football, Treasurer Student Government, Dramatics] Villanova University. Lieutenant, U. S. Marine Corps, WW II and Korean Conflict. Investment Consultant. Chairman, Executive Committee, Smith Barney Company. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Dean Witter Reynolds. President, Investment Bankers Association of America. President, Bond Club of New York. Brother of # 88 and # 136. Cousin of 44, 70 and 224. Who’s Who in Finance and Industry. Who’s Who in the East. Who’s Who in America.. 78. William J. (Carilli) Courtney. CL 1938. [Basketball, Baseball, Dramatics, Glee Club, Class Vice President] Brother of #101 79. Dr. George Henry Gatje. Honorary Member. Rensslaer Polytechnic Institute. MA, PhD, Columbia University.New York University. US Army, WW I. Phi Delta Kappa. Principal of Bay Shore High School, 1925-1939. Superintendent of Bay Shore Schools, 1939-1955. Faculty Advisor, 1936-1939. New York State Council of School Superintendents. State Committee of the Kellogg Foundation. Rotary Club of Bay Shore. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Father of # 268. Uncle of # 293. 80. John F. (Jack or Ching) Young. CL 1937. [Football, Baseball, Newspaper] Brother of # 85, # 87 and # 116. Vice President, A. G. Becker and Company. 81. Erwin (Irving) Becker. CL 1937. [Football, Track, Baseball, Wrestling, Tennis, Student Government] 82. G. Frederic Rogers. CL 1936. Brother of # 39. 83. R. William (Bill) Pike. CL 1937. [Basketball, Football, Golf] Custodian, Bay Shore School District. 84. Martin Kletchka. CL 1939. 85. George J. (Brud) Young Jr. CL 1939. [Basketball, Dramatics, Chorus, Football, Baseball] Brother of # 80, # 87 and # 116. 86. Frederick (Lo) Lowe Jr. CL 1937. [Football, Baseball, Track] 87. Thomas F. (Tom) Young. CL 1940. [Football, Art Club, Pawns of Pegasus] Brother of # 80, # 85 and # 116. 88. James (Jimmy) Melton. CL 1940. [Student Government, Dramatics, Pawns of Pegasus] U. S. Army, WW II. Fordham University and Fordham University Law School. Prominent figure in Suffolk County Democratic Party. Lawyer, Meyer, Suozzi, English and Klein. Commissioner, New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, 1975-1981 89. Dr. Kenneth Sprague (Power Play) Rothwell. CL 1938. [Track, Wrestling, Manager Tennis, Dramatics, Debate, Editor Newspaper, Student Government, Dramatics, French Club, Second prize in National Oratorical Contest] University of North Carolina. PhD, Columbia University. Lieutenant, U S. Army, WW II. Professor of English, University of Kansas, University of Rochester, University of Cincinnati. Professor of English and Department Chairman University of Vermont. Author of five books. Brother of # 77 and # 136. Cousin of 44, 70 and 224. Who’s Who in the East. Who’s Who in America. 90. Edward Furey. CL 1940. 91. Robert (Bob) Baker. CL 1939. [Football, Track, Baseball, French Club, Dramatics, Class Treasurer] 92. George (Monk) Hafele. CL 1939. [Captain Baseball, President Student Government] Brother of # 74 and # 124. 93. Charles A. (Blimp) Frieman. CL 1940. [Football, Dramatics, Assistant Treasurer Student Government, Manager Baseball] 94. James (Jimmie) Ravenscroft. CL 1940. [Student Government, Class President, Dramatics, Captain Football, Captain Basketball, Captain Baseball] 95. Thomas (Touse) Danes. CL 1938. [Newspaper, Tennis, Wrestling, Track, Football, Debate, Dramatics, French Club] 96. Howard Kempton Hastings. CL 1940. University of North Carolina. Assistant to President, Bay Ridge Specialty Company. Senior Vice President, Tizon Chemical Company. Vice President, Johnson Atelier and School. Vice President, Johnson Foundation. Trustee, Atlantic Foundation. Professional Sculptor. Who’s Who in the East. 97. Edward (Ned) Raven. CL 1940. [Track, Football, Dramatics, President Art Club, Newspaper] 98. John Walter (Sunbeam) Maynard. CL 1940. [President Art Club, Latin Club, Student Government, Editor Newspaper, yearbook] Phi Nu Theta (Eclectic) Society at Wesleyan University. MS Degree, Columbia University. Writer/Editor, Providence Journal and Current Events. 99. Robert (Bob) Forster. CL 1940. [Treasurer Student Government, President Student Government, Basketball, Football, Latin Club] 100. Walter (Walt) Schick. CL 1940. [Basketball, Soccer, Class President, Newspaper, Yearbook] Administrator, Calhoun High School. 101. John (Jack or Carilli) Courtney. CL 1940. [Student Government, Football, Baseball, Craftsman Club] Brother of # 78. 102. William (Zip) Kiernan. CL 1940. [Basketball, Football, Baseball, Tennis, Art Club, Band, Orchestra, Student Government, International Affairs Club] 103. (Maynard) Loring (Bull) Allen. CL 1940. [Football, Wrestling] Hydrographic Surveyor. 104. Frederick (Fred) Snedecor Jr. CL 1941. 105. Albert M. (Fink) Freije. CL 1940. [Football, Baseball, Tennis, Art Club, Pawns of Pegasus, Class Treasurer] NYNEX. 106. Donald (Don) Courtney. CL 1940. [Latin Club] Brother of # 139 and # 142. 107. Paul Cummings. CL 1941. 108. Walter (Whiskey) Holewinski. CL 1940. [Golf, Basketball] 109. John Anderson. CL 1942. [Captain Football, Basketball, Track, President Student Government, Secretary Arts Guild, Class Treasurer, Class President] 110. *Frank Modderno. CL 1941. [Football, Basketball, Track, Class President, Commercial Club] 111. *Charles Geddes. Honorary Member. University of Rochester. Faculty Member. Teacher, Math and Science. Faculty Advisor, 1939-1940. 112. Frederick (Fred) Merkle. CL 1942. [Chorus, Soccer, Basketball] 113. Anthony Erickson. CL 1941. 114. Joseph Francis Ladman Jr. CL 1941. [Class President, Football, Captain Track, Arts Guild] U. S. Merchant Marine Academy. Vice President/Director, Great American Insurance Company. Vice President/Director, American National File Insurance Company. 115. Herbert (Mac) McDonald. CL 1941. [Football, Basketball, Dramatics] Teacher and Builder. 116. Joseph F. Young. CL 1942. [Student Government, Football, Baseball, Wrestling, International Club] Brother of # 80, # 85 and # 87. 117. George (Split) Doan. CL 1941. [Baseball, Dramatics] 118. John Baylis. CL 1942. [Manager Football] 119. William R. (Bill) Coen. CL 1942. [Student Government, Football, Basketball, Baseball, Arts Guild] Brother of # 58 and # 131. Manager, NYNEX. 120. Irad DeFriest Jr. CL 1942. 121. Arthur Drake. CL 1943. [Football, Basketball, Latin Club, Camera Club] 122. William Lawrence (Bill) Johnson Jr. CL. 1941. [Softball, Dramatics, Chorus, Commercial Club] U. S. Army, WWII. C. W. Post College. Lab Technician, Republic Aviation. 123. William F. Milligan. CL 1942. [Track, Football, Wrestling, Orchestra, President Arts Guild, Camera Club, Band, Chorus, President Student Government, Debate Club, Dramatics] Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency. 124. James R. Fortunato Sr. CL 1942. [Manager Basketball, Student Government] Contractor. 125. Morgan Hafele. CL 1943. [Wrestling, Captain Soccer] Brother of # 74 and # 92. Flour Broker, Demarest Company. 126. Donald K. Russell. CL 1943. [Vice President Student Government, Backstage Club, Football, Captain Basketball, Track, Baseball, Track, Arts Guild] Artist. 127. John E. (Jack) Baker. CL 1942. [Class President. Commercial Club, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Chorus] Outside Plant Engineer, NYNEX. 128. Dr. John P. (Rupe) Ruppe Jr. CL 1941. [Soccer, Tennis, Camera Club, Art Club] New York UniversityMedical School. MD. Dermatologist. 129. *Charles Cordes. Cl 1944. [Baseball, Football] Deceased in WW II. Gold Star. 130. *Walter Robson. Honorary Member. Faculty Member. Art Teacher. Faculty Advisor, 1940-1941. 131. Robert Coen. CL 1944. [Arts Guild] Brother of # 58 and # 119. 132. Carroll H. T. Burns Jr. CL 1942. [Football, Baseball, Wrestling, Newspaper, Camera Club, Dramatics, Arts Guild] 133. John (Jack) Doan. CL 1943. 134. Philip (Phil) Genthner. CL 1944. [Football, Baseball, Manager Baseball] 135. Walter Ball. CL 1942. [Manager Basketball, Band, Orchestra] 136. Rev. John Hugh Melton. Bishop Loughlin HS. Bay Shore HS. St. Francis Prep. CL 1943. US Marine Corps Aviation, WW II. Villanova University. Augustinian College. Augustinian Priest. Teacher and Guidance Counselor, Monsignor Bonner High School and Malvern Prep. [French Club, Dramatics, Arts Guild] Brother of # 77 and # 88. Cousin of 44, 70 and 224. 137. John J. Ettinger. CL 1942. [Football, Wrestling, Track, Dramatics, Arts Guild] Aeronautical Engineer, Grumman Aerospace. 138. Alexander Smith. CL 1942. 139. Vincent Courtney. CL 1943. Transferred to Beta Alpha II, February 1942. Brother of # 106 and # 142. Goldman Brothers. 140. *Warde G. McLaughlin. Honorary Member. SUNY at Oneonta. New York University. Columbia University. Faculty Member. Principal of Bay Shore High School, 1939-1962. Faculty Advisor, 1941-1942. 141. *John H. Goessling. Honorary Member. Syracuse University. Faculty Member. Director of Band and Orchestra. Faculty Advisor, 1941-1943. 142. *Kenneth Courtney. CL 1945. [Arts Guild, Captain Basketball, Student Government, Captain Soccer] Transferred to Beta Alpha II, February 1942. Brother of # 106 and # 139. 143. *Harry Atchison. CL 1942. [Manager Football, Chorus, Dramatics] 144. *Albert P. Raynor. CL 1942. [Soccer, Tennis, Arts Guild, French Club, Newspaper, Yearbook, Dramatics, Student Government, Honor Key] Foreign Service Officer, U. S. State Department. 145. *Morgan Burns. CL 1943. [Arts Guild, Newspaper, Dramatics, Baseball, Football, Captain Basketball] 146. *Andr? Thouin. CL 1943. [Wrestling, Football, Track, French Club 147. *Richard (Bub) Milligan. CL 1944. [Student Government, Wrestling, Basketball, Captain Football, Track, Class President, Honor Key] U. S. Army Air Corps, WW II. 148. *Walter Bunge. CL (1944) 1947. [Track, Wrestling, Basketball, Captain Football, Class President, Student Government, Arts Guild, Pre-flight Aviation] Owner, Bay Shore Fuel Service. 149. *Joseph Greenhalgh. CL 1944. [Student Government, Manager Baseball, Football, Track] 150. *Edwin Long. CL 1943. [Football, Baseball, Basketball] 151. *Robert Bartley. CL 1943. [Student Government, Class Secretary, Class President, Honor Key, Tennis, Football, Wrestling, Manager Wrestling, President Camera Club, French Club, Yearbook] 152. *Raymond Wilson. CL 1943. [Track, Manager Baseball] 153. *Theodore (Ted) McLam. CL 1943. [Soccer, Basketball] 154. *Edward Schaefer. CL 1943. [Commercial Club] Suffolk County Water Authority. 155. *Charles Abrams. CL 1943. [Captain Soccer, Basketball, Track, Latin Club] 156. *Ralph A. DeStefani. CL 1944. [Student Government, Treasurer Arts Guild, French Club, Basketball, Class President] Purchasing Agent. 157. *Francis (Chick) Lawrence. CL 1944. [Football, Basketball, Captain Baseball] 46 Hemlock Lane, Bay Shore, NY 11706. 631-665-1593. 158. *Jack Skinner. CL 1944. [Soccer, Baseball, Football, Manager Football] Entenman’s Bakery. 159. *Joseph (Joe) McDonough. CL 1944. [Baseball, Soccer] 160. *Eugene (Gene) Costello. CL 1944. [Wrestling] 161. *George Greenhalgh. CL 1945. [Arts Guild, Student Government] Subcontract Administrator, Grumman Aerospace. 162. *Donald (Duck) Conover. CL (1944) 1947. [Track] 163. *Edward Cavagnaro. CL 1944. [Soccer, Wrestling] 164. *John Cray. CL (1944) 1947. [Soccer] Harbor Pilot Association. 165. *William (Bill) Barringer. CL 1945. [Arts Guild] 166. *Frank Fortunato. CL 1945. [Junior Prom Committee, President Arts Guild, Student Government, Dramatics] Credit Manager. 167. *Charles F. (Sal) Souhrada. CL 1946. [Manager Football, Captain Soccer, Basketball, Captain Baseball, Treasurer Latin Club, Arts Guild, Band, Orchestra, Dramatics, Newspaper] U. S. Postal Service. 168. *Warren Delamarre. CL 1946. [Wrestling, Manager Football, Soccer, Class President, Arts Guild, Dramatics] Tug Boat Crewman. 169. *John A. (Jack) Roesel. CL 1946. [Basketball, Baseball, Football, Vice President Arts Guild, Latin Club, Student Government, Class President, Dramatics] New York Telephone Co. 170. *James (Jimmy or Bird) Erickson. CL 1946. [Captain Football, Basketball, Baseball, Arts Guild] 171. *Allan B. Day. CL 1944. [Class Orator, Track, Basketball, Arts Guild, Backstage Club, Vice President and President Latin Club, President Student Government, Dramatics, Yearbook, Assistant Editor Newspaper] 172. *Kenneth Erickson. CL 1944. [Football, Baseball, Manager Baseball, Wrestling] 173. *Francis Cummings. CL 1945. [Soccer, Wrestling, Baseball] 174. *Frank J. Catalanotto. CL 1945. [Track, Arts Guild, Yearbook] U. S. Internal Revenue Service. 175. *(George) Maxwell (Ozzie) Owens Jr. CL 1946. [Football, Basketball, Baseball, Treasurer Arts Guild] 176. *Malcolm (Buzzy) Smith. CL 1946. [Class President, Basketball, Track, Soccer] 177 *James (Jimmy) Mahoney. CL 1947. [Football, Track] 178. Fabyan R. Saxe Jr. CL 1947. [Football, Basketball, Baseball, Backstage Club, Dramatics] Engineer, Saxe Associates. 179. *Charles (Charlie) Follett. CL 1944. [Football, Wrestling, Track, Basketball, Dramatics] Cornell University. 180. *Gene Krummel. CL 1945. [Track, Wrestling, Football, Treasurer Arts Guild, Student Government] 181. *Thomas (Tom) DeStefani. CL 1945. [Treasurer and President Arts Guild, Dramatics, Basketball, Football, Baseball] Marketing Representative. 182. *Robert Storm. CL 1946. [Soccer, Basketball] 183. *John R. (Jack) Saxe. CL 1945. [President Student Government, Class Treasurer, Arts Guild, Latin Club, Yearbook, Basketball, Manager Basketball, Football, Manager Football] Grumman Air Systems. 184. *Patrick (Pat) Vesey. CL 1946. [Football, Basketball, Track, Class Secretary, Class Treasurer, Backstage Club, Junior Prom Committee, Dramatics] 185. *Robert E. Halliday. CL 1945. [Soccer, Baseball, Arts Guild, Junior Prom Committee] 186. *William (Billy) Knapp Sr. CL 1946. [Yearbook, Dramatics, Football, Captain Wrestling, Track] 187. *Charles (Charlie) Grampp. CL 1947. [Football, Wrestling, Basketball, Class Vice President, Track, Dramatics] 188. *George (Ding). Paulding. CL 1946. [Football, Basketball, Track, Secretary Latin Club, Arts Guild, Backstage Club, Band, Dramatics] 189. *Patrick (Pat) McDonough. CL 1947. [Dramatics, Soccer, Cross-Country, Basketball, Track, Chorus] 190. *Hon. John Campbell (Johnny) Cochrane Sr. CL 1947. [Soccer, Basketball, Track, President Latin Club, Honor Key, Science Club, Class President, Newspaper, Yearbook, Dramatics] U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis., Lieutenant, U. S. Navy, Korean Conflict. Captain U. S. Naval Reserve. President, Cochrane and Craven Agency. Advertising Director, Manufacturer’s Hanover Bank. Chairman, Suffolk County Republican Committee, 1972-1991. New York State Assemblyman, 1974-1994. County Treasurer, Suffolk County, New York, 1994-. Director Long Island State Bank and First National Bank of Bay Shore. President, Bay Shore-Brightwaters United Fund. President Bay Shore Lions Club. Commodore, Bay Shore Yacht Club. President,New York State Government Finance Officers Association. Stony Brook University Council. Director, New York State Strategic Center for Port and Maritime Security. Who’s Who in American Politics. 191. * Arthur (Artie) Schiller. CL 1947. [Junior Prom Committee, Captain Soccer, Manager Soccer, Dramatics, Wrestling, Track] Owner, Southside Hotel. 192. *Richard (Rick) Bode. CL 1946. [Football, Basketball, Baseball, Latin Club, Backstage Club, Dramatics, Newspaper, Class President, Student Government, Yearbook] 193. *William (Bill) Annin. CL 1946. [Class Orator, Honor Key, Football, Wrestling, Track, Backstage Club, President Student Government, Latin Club] Engineer, Saxe Associates, Inc. 194. Edward (Eddie) Puntervold. CL 1947. [Football, Captain Wrestling, Baseball, Class Vice President, Arts Guild] President, Puntervold Insurance Agency. 195. *George Egbert. CL 1947 [Wrestling, Manager Soccer] 196. *Ramon (Ray) Highland. CL 1948. [Football, Track] 197. *Hemming (Izzy) Isbrandsten. CL 1947. [Football, Basketball, Captain Tennis, Class Vice President, Chairman Junior Prom, Dramatics] 198. *Gustave A. (Gus) Merkel. CL 1947. [Football, Basketball, Track, Class Treasurer] Outside Plant Manager,New York Telephone. 199. *Richard (Dick) Johnson. CL 1947. [Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Student Government, Treasurer Science Club, Vice President Latin Club, Class Treasurer, Yearbook] 200. *Leonard (Lenny) Drake. CL 1948. [Football, Basketball, President Latin Club] 201. *Richard Cavagnaro. CL 1948. [Track, Wrestling, Captain Soccer] Rocket Technician. 202. *John (Jack) Schiller. CL 1948. [Football, Track, Basketball, Manager Basketball, French Club, Class President, Dramatics] 203. *Richard (Dick) Welton. CL 1947. [Football, Baseball, Dramatics] 204. *Joseph (Joe) Fortunato. CL 1948. [Class President, Dramatics, Manager Basketball, Football] 205. *Michael (Mike) Manley. CL 1947. [Captain Soccer, Tennis, Rifle, President Student Government, Class President, Dramatics, Junior Prom Committee] 206. Allan VanNostrand. CL 1948. [Football, Basketball, Baseball, Tennis] Brother of # 235. 207. Robert J. (Bob) Lycke. CL 1948. [Football, Baseball, Basketball, Student Government, Latin Club, Dramatics] Retirement Systems Manager, Home Life Insurance Company. 208. Robert (Bob) Hines. CL 1948. [Football, Manager Basketball, Student Government] 209. Walter Bunge. CL 1947. Owner, Bay Shore Fuel Service. 210. Nicholas (Nick) Primis. CL 1948. [Baseball, Football, Track, Basketball, Rifle, Class Treasurer, Chorus, Dramatics, Yearbook, Junior Prom Committee] 211. Thomas B. Vesey Sr. CL 1948. [Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track, Class Vice President, Yearbook] 212. Sidney Walter (Sid) Rossuck Jr. CL 1949. [President Student Government, Class Vice President, Newspaper, Yearbook, Dramatics, Soccer, Track, Wrestling, Basketball, All-State Chorus] University of Vermont. Vice President/Far East, International Flavors and Fragrances. 213. Joseph P. (Joe) Roselli. CL 1949. [Football, Manager Football, Track] Hotel Business. 214. John B. (Jack) Russell. CL 1948. [Basketball, Football, Cross-Country, Baseball, Track, Soccer] Configuration Analyst, Grumman Corporation. 215. Eugene J. (Gene) Vesey Sr. CL 1949. [Latin Club, Dramatics, Captain Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track] Teacher, Brentwood School System. 216. Alfred (Al) Welton. CL 1949. [Class Vice President, Student Government, Junior Prom Committee, Dramatics, Football, Captain Baseball, Basketball] 217. Jack D. Percival. CL 1948. [Football, Wrestling, Dramatics, Class President, French Club] William and MaryCollege. University oif Pennsylvania. Vice President/Finance, AMECON Division, Litton Industries. 218. James (Jimmy) Merkel. CL 1949. [President and Treasurer Latin Club, Class President, Football, Manager Football, Basketball, Baseball] 219. Dr. Joseph Michael (Joe) Scandura. CL 1949. [Honors, French Club, Captain Wrestling, Football, Track]University of Michigan. Syracuse University. Stanford University. National AAU Wrestling Champion and Wrestler of the Year, 1953. PhD. Professor of Mathematics, SUNY Oswego. Instructor in Mathematics and Head Wrestling Caoch, Syracuse University. Assistant Professor, University of Buffalo. Fullbright Scholar. Chairman, Intelligent Micro Systems, Computer Software Company. Editor in Chief, Journal of Structural Learning. Professor and Director, Interdisciplinary Studies in Structured Learning and Instructional Science,University of Pennsylvania. Who’s Who in the East. Who’s Who in America 220. Robert (Bob) Simpson. CL 1949. [Treasurer Latin Club, Sports Editor Newspaper, Yearbook, Student Government, Dramatics, Science Club, Track, Soccer, Cross-Country, Basketball] 221. Fred Paul. CL 1948. 222. Foster Reed. CL 1949. [Class Treasurer, Class Secretary, Vice President Latin Club, Baseball, Football, Basketball] 223. Daniel (Danny) Arthur. CL 1949. [Student Government, Band, Orchestra, Science Club, Football, Track] 224. George Melton. CL 1948. [Class Critic, Football, Track, Basketball] Cousin of #44, #70, #77, # 88, and # 136. 225. Donald Jeffrey. CL 1949 [Football, Basketball, Baseball] 226. John P. (Jack) Sanborn. CL 1950. [Class President, Science Club, Boys State, President Student Government, Band, Honor Award, Honor Key, Cross-Country] Engineer, Bell Labs. 227. Robert T. Loudon. CL 1949. Deceased 1988 [Art Editor Newspaper, Art Editor Yearbook, Student Government, Basketball, Baseball, Captain Soccer, Manager Tennis] Employed for 30 plus years at Republic Aviation / Fairchild Industries. 228. Charles Hatfield. CL 1950. [Soccer, Wrestling, Baseball] 229. Peter (Petie) Olsen. CL 1949. [Student Government, Football, Baseball, Manager Baseball, Wrestling, Basketball] 230. Joseph Albanese. CL 1950. [Junior Prom Committee, Newspaper, Yearbook, Captain Track, Captain Cross-Country, Basketball] 231. Fred Timinello. CL 1950. [Class Critic, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Ping Pong, Badminton, Volleyball] 232. Joseph A. (Joe) Modderno. CL 1950. [Dramatics, Chorus, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Junior Prom Committee, Class Vice President] Owner, Modderno’s Custom Wood Shop. 233. John N. Scocozzo. CL 1950. [Wrestling, Dramatics, Junior Prom Committee, Track, Soccer] New York Telephone Company. 234. Edward Barnes. CL 1950. [Football, Baseball, Basketball, Wrestling] Head Custodian, Bay Shore Junior High School. 235. Kingdon (King) Van Nostrand. CL 1951. [Football, Captain Tennis, County Champion Tennis, Student Government, Basketball, Class Vice President] Brother of # 206. 236. Donald (Donny) Reed. CL 1951. [Latin Club, Captain Football, Basketball, Baseball] 237. Joseph (Joe) Bonnett. CL 1949. [Wrestling, Football] 238. John (Johnny) Kousi. CL 1951. [French Club, Latin Club, Football, Wrestling] President, East Winds Investments. 239. Robert F. Smith. CL 1950. [Class Dramatics, Yearbook, Chorus, Basketball, Manager Baseball, Captain Football] U. S. Marine Corps. 240. Bruce Waldo. CL 1950. [Student Government, Cross-Country, Track, Basketball] Sales Engineer, TLT. 241. E. Grant Hubbard. ?-1948-Dec. CL 1950. [Baseball, Basketball, Football] 242. Robert Feinman. CL 1950. [Basketball, Football, Baseball] Grumman Aerospace. 243. John (Jackie) Loughlin. CL 1951. [Football, Basketball, Wrestling] 244. William L. Nardone. CL 1950. [Soccer, Baseball, Basketball] Construction Specialist. 245. Dr. James L. (Jim or Jimmy) Scandura. CL 1952. [Junior Prom Committee, Class President, Captain Football, Captain Wrestling, Track, Varsity Club] Director of Corporate Operations, CMA Consulting Services. 246. Edward H. (Eddie) Allan. CL 1952. [Band, Orchestra, Varsity Club, Junior Prom Committee, Dramatics, Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track] Project Engineer, Florida Department of Transportation. 247. Edward (Eddie) Quayle. CL 1951. [Class President, Basketball, Baseball, Football] 248. Thomas J. (Tom) Mulligan. CL 1951. [Basketball] Manhattan College. President, Hydro Qual, Inc. Director, General Testing Corporation. 249. Joseph (Joe) DeNatalie. CL 1950. [Basketball] 250. Wayne Williamson. (James? Dec) CL 1952. [Student Government, Dramatics, Varsity Club, Yearbook, Football, Basketball, Track, Baseball] 251. Earl Bailey. CL 1951. [Dance Committee, Chorus, Basketball, Track, Baseball, Golf, Football] 252 William (Bill) Rudolph. CL 1951. [Boys State, Dramatics, Football, Basketball, Wrestling, Track, Tennis, Class Orator] Assistant General Counsel, Coltek Industries. 253. (Ernest) Dale Christie. CL 1951. [Backstage Club, Chorus, Class President, Basketball, Baseball] AT&T. 254. Gerard (Jerry) Snover. CL 1952. [Vice President Varsity Club, Class Vice President, Junior Prom Committee, Football, Basketball, Baseball] 255. William (Buddy Barnes. CL 1952. [Chorus, Band, Orchestra, Basketball] 256. John (Johnny) Nolan. CL 1951. [Football] 257. Eugene L. (Gene) Dyson. CL 1952. [Captain Football, Basketball, Track] Buyer. 258. Theodore (Ted) Messinger. CL 1952. [Soccer, Baseball, Basketball, President Varsity Club, Honor Society] IBM. 259. James (Duke) McCulley. CL 1953. [Football, Baseball, Band, Orchestra, Varsity Club, Student Government, All-State Band] 260. (Albert) Barton (Bart) Cass. CL 1952. [President Student Government, Class President, French Club, Yearbook, Basketball, Football, Track] Princeton University. Engineer. Commissioner, Suffolk County Department of Public Works. Masons. Sayville Yacht Club. 261. John J. (Johnny) Cummings. CL 1952. [Varsity Club, Cross-Country, Wrestling, Football, Track] District Manager, National Propane Company. 262. Thomas (Tom or Tommy) Souhrada. CL 1952. [Secretary Varsity Club, Dramatics, Soccer, Basketball, Wrestling, Baseball] Franchisee, 7-11. 263. J. Richard (Richie) Farrell. CL 1952. [Varsity Club, Class Treasurer, Football, Baseball, State Championship Basketball, Manager Soccer] SUNY at Potsdam, U. S. Army. Teacher, Bay Shore and Westhampton Beach. Westhampton Beach Police Department. 264. Charrivance (Turk) Bordies. CL 1953. [Football, Basketball, Baseball] Affirmative Action Officer/Personnel, Suffolk County Department of Labor. 265. Robert (Bob) Levine. CL 1952. 266. Joseph T. (Jot or Joe) Hedges. CL 1952. [Track, Cross-Country, Football, Varsity Club] Facilities Manager. 267. Benedict (Ben) Kemper. CL 1953. [Soccer, Wrestling, Baseball, Varsity Club, Treasurer Student Government, Science Club] Engineer. 268. David (Dave) Gatje. CL 1952. [Backstage Club, Varsity Club, Student Government, Science Club, Honor Society, Football, Baseball, Basketball] Son of # 79. Cousin of # 293. 269. Calvin (Cal) Thurber. CL 1952. [President Riding Club, Varsity Club, Cross-Country, Soccer] 270. Edward (Ed) Reusch. CL 1953. [Football, Wrestling, Track, Varsity Club, Dramatics, Honor Society, Class President, President Band, Orchestra, Newspaper, Yearbook, Dance Band, All-State Band] Consultant, RBI Management Services. 271. John (Jack) Murray. CL 1953. [Wrestling, Football, Varsity Club] 272. John (Johnny) Santa Maria. CL 1953. [Basketball, Class President, Dramatics, Student Government] 273. Gerald (Jerry) Bjorkman. CL 1953. [Captain Football, Captain Golf, Baseball, Basketball, Wrestling, Varsity Club] 274. Timothy (Tim) Foran. CL 1953. [Football, Swimming, Baseball, Varsity Club] 275. Daniel (Jay) Edwards. CL 1953. [Football, Wrestling, Track, Science Club, Secretary Varsity Club, President Debate Club, Newspaper, Class Treasurer, Honor Society, Yearbook] 276. John F. Follett Sr. CL 1953. [Football, Treasurer Rifle Club, Varsity Club, Cheerleader] Senior Safety Administrator, Nuclear Products, Northeast Utilities. 277. John (Jack) Griffin. CL 1953. [Football] Retired Teacher/Coach. Sales Representative, Paul O. Brown Company, Inc. 278. Daniel (Danny or Sonny) Mowbray. CL 1953. [Basketball, Football, Baseball, Wrestling, Gym Club, Varsity Club, Student Government, Junior Prom Committee, Cheerleader] 279. James Joseph (Jim) Skala. CL 1954. [President Student Government, President Inter-school Student League, Secretary Varsity Club, Football, Track, Basketball] Head Grounds Keeper, Bay Shore Public Schools. 280. Arthur Benjamin (Ben) Hull III. CL 1954. [President Varsity Club, Honor Society, Class President, Football, Captain Basketball, Tennis] Owner, Hull Chevrolet-Olds. 281. Arthur M. (Art or Artie) Rietmann. CL 1953. [Football, Basketball, Baseball, Treasurer Varsity Club] Plumber, Suffolk Fuel Company. 282. William H. (Bill) Loudon. CL 1953. [Soccer, Baseball, Football] Specialist in Corporate Communications. Corporate Manager of Visual Communications, Fairchild Corporation. Chief Illustrator, Republic Aviation. Who’s Who in Advertising. 283. Henry S. (Hank) Treadwell. CL 1953. [Football, Basketball, French Club, Honor Society] Retired MSGT, U. S.Air Force. Assistant Quality Control Manager, Annheuser-Busch Co. 284. Donald W. (Don) Schupp. CL 1954. [Honor Society, Captain Football, Basketball, Baseball] Gulfstream Aerospace. 285. Joseph (Joe) Guccione Jr. CL 1954. [Vice President Varsity Club, Football, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball] Captain, United Airlines. 286. Stanley David (Stan) Ostrofsky. ?-1952-?. CL 1954. [Varsity Club, Baseball] Timber Point Road, East Islip, NY 11730. 516-266-1902. 287. James Eugene (Jimmy) Hubbard. CL 1954. [Student Government, Varsity Club, Football, Basketball, Baseball] 288. Joseph C. (Joe) Griffin. CL 1954. [Football, Golf] 289. Charles (Charley) Curto. CL 1954. [Varsity Club, Football, Baseball] 290. William (Bill) Plage. CL 1954. [Varsity Club, Football, Baseball] Wild Game Biologist. President, American Sportsmen, Inc. 291. Myron Bailey. CL 1954. [Varsity Club, Baseball, Basketball, Track] 292. William Francis (Bill) Murray. CL 1955. [Wrestling, Football, Varsity Club] President, Prime Cleaners. 293. Capt. Peter Herbert (Pete) Gatje. CL 1954. [Honor Society, Treasurer Varsity Club, Student Government, Class Vice President, Class President, Football, Baseball] U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. Captain U. S. Navy. Commanding Officer, Naval Oceanography Center. Nephew of # 79. Cousin of # 268. 294. Richard F. (Dick) Tennien. CL 1955. [Student Government, Captain Football, Basketball, Baseball, President Varsity Club, Student Patrol] U. S. M. C. Detective, Suffolk County Police Department. Investigator, State Organized Crime Task Force. Lead investigator with the “Commission Case.” The U. S. Department of Justice honors Richard Tennien with a Fellowship in his name. 295. Donald W. (Don) Baldwin. CL 1955. [Football, Captain Golf, Basketball, Varsity Club, Dramatics, Class Treasurer, Class President] Private Investigator. 296. Deno Stavrocos. CL 1955. [Football, Varsity Club, Chorus] 297. John (Johnny) Bradley. CL 1954. [President Gym Club, Varsity Club, Cheerleader, Captain Cross-Country, Track] Senior Account Executive, WGSM Radio. 298. Raymond J. (Ray) Roberts. CL 1954. Area Supervisor, LILCO. 299. George (Snooky) Messinger. CL 1955. [Basketball, Golf, Varsity Club] Entrepreneur. 300. David S. (Hot Rod) Loudon. CL 1955. [Soccer, Honor Society] 301. Paul Boghosian. CL 1955. [Student Government, Football, Baseball, Bowling, Varsity Club] 302. John P. Hansen. CL 1955. [President Student Government, Varsity Club, Honor Society, Class President, Dramatics, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Track] Real Estate Developer. 303. Norman (P. Clifford?) (Norm) Huston. CL 1955. [Treasurer Varsity Club, Yearbook, Captain Basketball, Captain Golf] 304. Francis (Frank) Griffin. CL 1955. [Football, Golf, Gym Club, Student Government, Rifle Club] Phoenix Risk Management Group. 305. Thomas (Tom or Sleeper) Jordan. CL 1955. [Football, Basketball, Golf, Varsity Club] 306. (John) Stewart McLaughlin. CL 1955. [Treasurer Student Government, Manager Wrestling, Soccer, Varsity Club, Dramatics, Honor Society, Boys State, Golf] Attorney. 307. Robert (Bob) Tidwell. CL 1955. [Vice President Varsity Club, Captain Basketball, Football, Baseball] 308. Robert R. (Ebs) Edmiston. CL 1955. [Football, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Honor Society, Varsity Club, Concert Master Band, Rifle Club, Boys State] Managing Director, Lehman Brothers, Inc. 309. John E. (Jack or Jackie) Long Jr. CL 1955. [Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Varsity Club, Student Government] Attorney, Long, Tuminello, Besso, Seligman. 310. Teodoro I. (Ted or Teddy) Urreta. CL 1955. [Captain Soccer, Football, Track, Baseball, Varsity Club] Chief of Training, Martin-Marietta. 311. Dr. Bernard (Buddy) Levine. CL 1956. [Football, Dance Chairman] M.D. 312. John (Johnny) Jones. CL 1956. [Soccer] 313. Clarence L. Joseph. CL 1956. [Track, Wrestling, Manager Football] 314. Robert (Bob) Helm. CL 1956. [Football, Wrestling, Honor Society, Varsity Club] Attorney. 315. Guy W. Guccione. CL: 1956. [Football, Wrestling, Captain Baseball, Varsity Club, Long Island Wrestling Champion] Penn State University. Teacher and Wrestling Coach to Principal, Suffern High School. Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Ramapo School District. 316. Robert (Bob) Abbott. CL 1956. [Football, Wrestling, Varsity Club] Southeastern Branch Manager, Hoover Division of Maytag Corporation. 317. Alfred (Bud or Buddy) Steinman. CL 1956. [Vice President Varsity Club, Vice President Spanish Club, Yearbook, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer] 318. Selven (Sam) Powell. CL 1956. [Class President, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Secretary Varsity Club, Yearbook] 319. Lawrence (Larry) Hoyt. CL 1956. [Captain Football, Captain Basketball, Spanish Club, President Student Government, Dramatics, Varsity Club, Poetry Award] 320. Donald (Don) Venezia. CL 1956. [Football, Baseball, Varsity Club] 321. Robert (Zeke) Kaczynski. CL 1957. [Captain Football, Captain Basketball, Varsity Club] Bricklayer. 322. Ralph A. (Ralphie) Leggio Sr. CL 1957. [Soccer, Wrestling, Class President, Varsity Club, Dramatics] Brickmason. 323. Frank (Motts) Amodeo. CL 1956. [Football, Baseball, Basketball, Varsity Club] 324. Paul Wilson. CL 1956. 325. George (Ed) Hessler. CL 1956. [Football, Varsity Club] 326. Joseph (Joe) Farmer. CL 1956. [Varsity Club, Football, Baseball, Wrestling, Track] 327. James (Jim) Bruscino. CL 1957. [Football, Wrestling, Varsity Club, Dramatics] Sergeant, Omaha Police Department. 328. Robert (Bob) Royce. CL 1957. [Football, Basketball, Tennis, Secretary Varsity Club, Secretary-Treasurer Dramatics, Honor Society, Yearbook, Student Court] Attorney. 329. Thomas V. (Tom) Van Laningham. CL 1957. [Football, Baseball, Dramatics, Writers Club, Yearbook] Boat Builder/Wood Boat Restorer. |