East Rockaway High School, East Rockaway, New York January 9, 1937 1. Walter (Wally) Casper. CL 1937. [Newspaper, Basketball, Football, Dramatics, Hi-Y, Traffic Patrol, Varsity Club] Charter Member of Alpha Phi Chapter. 2. Woodrow W. Gleason. Initiated as alumnus. Charter Member of Alpha Phi Chapter. Brother of # 19 and # 42. 3. Harold W. (Jiggs) Holmes. CL 1938. [Captain Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track, Class Vice President, Varsity Club] Charter Member of Alpha Phi Chapter. 4. Arthur D. (Rollo) Keefe Jr. CL 1938. [Football, Basketball, Track, Gym Team, Baseball, Hi-Y, Newspaper, Varsity Club] Charter Member of Alpha Phi Chapter. Colgate University. Captain U.S. Marine Corps in WW II. FBI Special Agent. Security, Merrill Lynch. Manager of Security, Depository Trust of Garden City. VFW. Knights of Columbus. Coach, East Rockaway Vets. 5. Martin J. (Lefty) Kilcommons Jr. CL 1937. [Captain Football, Captain Basketball, Captain Baseball, Hi-Y, Athletic Council, Traffic Patrol, Newspaper, Gym Team, Boxing, All-Scholastic Basketball, Varsity Club] Charter Member of Alpha Phi Chapter. 6. Dr. Jack Klippel. CL 1937. [Basketball, Newspaper, Traffic Patrol, Hi-Y, Yearbook, Soccer] Charter Member of Alpha Phi Chapter. 7. Thomas F. (Moe) Moore. CL 1938. [Basketball, Football, Baseball, Newspaper, Track, Varsity Club] Charter Member of Alpha Phi Chapter. Killed in Action at Battle of the Bulge. Gold Star. 8. William Luke Proscia. CL 1937. [Hi-Y, Football, Traffic Patrol, Varsity Club] Charter Member of Alpha Phi Chapter. U. S. Army, WW II. Equipment Rental Business. Plant Engineer, Minolta Corporation. 9. Robert R. Pero. CL 1938. [Manager Football] 10. John W. (Jack) Sterett Jr. CL 1939. [Handball, Basketball, Football, Track, Soccer, Newspaper, Yearbook, Varsity Club] 11. James C. (Jimmy) O’Brien. CL 1938. [Student Government, Class Vice President, Football, Basketball, Baseball, Gym Team, Newspaper, Yearbook, Boxing, Wrestling, Handball, Varsity Club] Salesman, MooreBusiness Forms. 12. (James) Robert (Bobby) Wilson. CL 1939. [Captain Football, Basketball, Captain Track, Baseball, Gym Team, Yearbook, Varsity Club] Tilden & Company, Insurance. 13. Andrew Adam (Andy) Dyke. CL 1940. [Football, Baseball, Boxing, Wrestling, Track, Varsity Club, Hi-Y, Dramatics, Student Leader, Hall Cop] Deceased in WW II. Gold Star. 14. John (Johnny Mac) McNamara. CL 1939. [Class President, Football, Basketball, President Dramatics Club, Vice President Student Government, Tennis] Deceased in WW II. Gold Star. 15. Dewey John Munson Jr. CL 1939. [President Latin Club, Vice President French Club, Dramatics, Gym Team, Newspaper, Varsity Club, Handball, Football, Manager Basketball, Track, Honor Society] Brother-in-Law of # 25. 16. Robert (Bob) Mason. CL 1939. Brooklyn Technical HS [Hockey] ERHS [Football, Baseball, Track, Varsity Club]Gold Star, WW II. 17. *Frank Boesch. (Theta???) 18. *John (Jack) Craig. CL 1939. [Track, Football, Wrestling] 19. *Joseph V. (Joe) Gleason. CL 1939. [Baseball, Basketball, Football, Glee Club, Dramatics, Soccer, Gym Team, Varsity Club] Brother of # 2 and # 42. 20. *R. Everett (Ev) Hicks. CL 1939. [Newspaper, Dramatics, Yearbook Vice President Hi-Y] U. S. Navy, WW II. Buyer, Allied Department Stores. Brother in law of # 56. 21. Frank Junior Matzke. CL 1939. [President Student Government, President HiY] Rennslaer Polytechnic Institute. Lieutenant, U. S. Army, WW II. Manager, Public Buildings Programs. Deputy General Manager, New York State University Construction Fund. Associate Commissioner for Project Management, General Services Administration. Vice President/Technology and Programs, National Institute of Building Sciences. Brother of # 22 and # 49. 22. Robert Waldon (The Rimmer) Matzke. CL 1941. [Track, Basketball, Class Vice President, Class President] Brother of # 21 and # 49. Seton Hall University. Radio Operator, pioneer “Hurricane Hunter,” USAAF, WW II. General Accounting Manager, Kraft Foods” Eastern Division. 23. Clifford Herbert (Cliff) Platt. CL 1939. [Football, Dramatics, Radio Club, Airplane Club, Basketball, Track, Baseball] Delta Upsilon at Union College. Lieutenant, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, WW II. New York Telephone Company. Assistant Manager, Data Transmission, AT&T. Brother in Law of # 61. 24. Dr. Durand R. (Bud) Miller Jr. CL 1940. [Football, Basketball, Track, Latin Club, French Club, Hi-Y, Newspaper, Class Secretary, Student Leader] 25. *William Thomas (Bill) Park. CL 1941. [Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, Cheerleader, Student Leader, Newspaper, Stamp Club] TSgt. U. S. Army Intelligence, WW II. Textile Business. Regional Manager, Milliken, Inc. Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus. Ran first campaign of the New York Conservative Party. Brother-in-Law of # 15. 26. *Norman Joseph Little. CL 1941. [Art Club] U. S. Army, WW II. Police Officer, Floral Park, N. Y. Construction. Church Deacon. 27. Martin J. O’Rorke. CL 1940. [Captain Football, Track] 28. George (Big George) Mackin. CL 1941. [Football] Brother of # 39. 29. Charles Ralph (Casey) Castagnino (Case). CL 1941. [Orchestra, Latin Club, Student Leader, Chorus, Glee Club, String Quartet, Basketball, Riding Club, Track] Hofstra University. Naval Aviator, WW II. Marketing Manager, Burroughs Corporation. Pilot, ultralight aircraft. Brother in Law of # 91. Uncle of # 412 and # 436. 30. Francis Leo (Fritz) Furey Jr. CL 1941. [Track, Dramatics, Basketball, Football, Varsity Club] Airborne, U. S.Army, WW II. Republic Aviation. Senior Claims Adjuster, Hartford Insurance Company. Brother of # 110. 31. Warren J. (Pat) Patterson. CL 1941. [Class President, Vice President Student Government, President Student Government, Track, Football, Vice President Camera Club, Yearbook] Brother of # 135. 32. Leslie G. (Elsie) Carter. CL 1941. [Baseball, Basketball, Football, Band, Hi-Y] U. S. Merchant Marine Academy. San Francisco State College. Hofstra University. Vice President/Operations, New York Airways. Brother of # 81. 33. George Andrew (Floogie) Faulkner. CL 1940. [Football, Basketball, Baseball, Varsity Club, Student Leader]Seton Hall University. U. S. Army WW II. POW. Director of Athletics, East Rockaway High School. Cousin of Theta # 1, # 12, # 15 and # 32. 34. Francis (Red) Farrell. CL 1940. [Baseball, Football, Basketball, Student Leader] 35. Garrett (Buddy) Eelman. CL 1941. [Hall Cop, Student Government, Football, President Hi-Y, Band, Varsity Club] 36. Walter Lew (Walt) Kirch Jr. CL 1941. [Newspaper, Football, French Club, Hi-Y] Hofstra University. Crew Chief, USAAF, WW II. Owner, Charles Kirch and Sons, Plumbing and Heating. East Rockaway School Board Planning Commission. Brother in law of # 48. 37. Gerald Eugene Goldman. CL 1940. St. Johns Prep [Track] Richmond Hill HS [Swimming] ERHS [Football, Track, Hi-Y] Seton Hall University. Aviation Cadet, U. S. Navy, WW II. Gunner, U. S. Marine Corps Aviation, WW II. Contractor. Sales Manager, Flintcote Corporation. Security, Bay Shore High School. Brother of # 59 and # 108. Uncle of # 439 and # 459. 38. Theodore Harry (Teddy) Kopp. CL 1940. [Baseball, Hi-Y, Tennis] Sales manager, R. H. Macy and J. Horne Department Stores. Manager, Eastern Division, Tweed Shops. Owner, Ted’s, a ten-store clothing chain. 39. Roger H. (Roj) Mackin. CL 1941. [Football, Art Club, Gallery Club, Camera Club, Yearbook, Dramatics] Brother of # 28. 40. Robert (Wobbles) Goldshmidt. CL 1941. [Football, Camera Club, Riding Club] 41. George J. (Zeke) Friedling. CL 1942. [Captain Basketball, Football] 42. Fredrick Gleason. CL 1943. Brother of # 2 and # 19. 43. Raymond Bernard (Greek) Grosheim. CL 1941. [Baseball, Basketball, Football, Bowling, Golf] Brother of # 80 and # 102. Sergeant, Nassau County Police Force. 44. Charles Valentine (Charlie) LaFreniere Jr. CL 1942. [Football, Basketball] U. S. Navy, WW II. Builder. Captain, East Rockaway Fire Department. 45. John Conrad (Skippy or Luke) Lucas. CL 1942. [Football, Track, Manager Baseball, Hi-Y, Band, Chorus]Bombardier, U. S. Navy, WW II. Carpenter. Senior Building Inspector, Town of Hempstead. Brother of # 125. Brother in law of # 112. 46. Walter J. (Teenie) Tyler Jr. CL 1941. [Football, Track, Swimming] 47. John E. (Sambo) Yetter. CL 1941. [Latin Club, Basketball, Newspaper, Treasurer Honor Society] 48. Jirah D. (Ji) Cole V. CL 1941. [Baseball, Bowling] New Jersey School of Banking. Vice President, Meadowbrook National Bank. Vice President Westminster National Bank. Brother of # 77. Brother in law of # 36. 49. Ralph Fredrick Matzke. CL 1/1943. [Basketball] Petty Officer, U. S. Navy, WW II. Field Service Engineer, Republic Aviation. Division Manager, CDI Marine. Brother of # 21 and # 22. 50. Edward C. Gibbson. CL 1943. Deceased in WW II. Gold Star. 51. Charles Bermel (Charlie) Eich. CL 1942. St. Francis Prep [Swimming, Football, Basketball] ERHS [Student Government, Football, Baseball, Class Secretary, Hi-Y, Track] Long Island University. U. S. Navy, WW II. Production Control, Grumman Aerospace (LEM Project). Roosevelt Raceway. Knights of Columbus. 52. Richard Paul (Dick or Dimples) Hayhurst. CL 1942. [Football, Basketball, Golf] U. S. Army, WW II. Nassau County Police Highway Patrol. “Mr. 57 Chevy.” 53. Robert L. Bonagura. CL 1943. [Class President] U. S. Navy. Deceased in sinking of U. S. S. Ingram in WW II.Gold Star. 54. Jack (Bobo) Anderson. CL 1942. [Football] Brother of # 73. 55. Raymond Walter (Ray) Solinger. CL 1942. [Cheerleader, Newspaper, Hi-Y, Football, Student Government] U. S. Marine Corps, WW II. Owner, Rocklyn Fuel. 56. Alan Hugh Goldman. CL 1943. [Football, Basketball, Student Government] New York University. U. S. Navy, WW II. J. P. Stevens. Manager, White Cannon Inn. Vocational Teacher, Federation Employment Guidance Service. Cited by Governor Cuomo for educational work. Brother of # 37 and # 108. Uncle of # 439 and # 459. Brother in law of # 20. 57. Donald Smith. CL 1943. 58. Donald Martin Jensen. CL 1943. Father-in-law of Theta # 438. Officer, Lynbrook Police Department. 59. *Anthony William (Tony) Sisti. CL 1943. [Track, Baseball, Basketball, Class Treasurer, Newspaper, Yearbook] Seton Hall University. Semi-professional Basketball player. Sports Columnist, Newsday. Writers- Corner, Harness Racing Hall of Fame. Father of Delta Chi # . 60. George Boes. [Football, Track, Baseball, Golf] 61. Robert Anton Gerth. CL 1943. [Baseball, Class Vice President] Buffalo State College. Aviation Cadet, USAAF, WW II. Lt. Col., USAF, Korea. Manufacturing Engineer, General Motors. Brother in Law of # 23. 62. (Joseph) William (Dinky or Billy) Thornlow. CL 1944. [Newspaper, Baseball, Basketball, Class Vice President, Track] Hofstra University. Adelphi University. U. S. Air Force, WW II and Korea. Sales Manager, Printing Business. Lieutenant, East Rockaway Fire Department. Father of # 347. 63. *Robert Stephen (Bob) Reid. CL 1945. [Football, Track, Baseball] U. S. Navy, WW II. U. S. Marine Corps, Korea. Paralegal, Chemical Bank. Brother of # 136, # 173 and # 213. 64. James J. (Fagin or Jungle Jim) Murray. CL 1944. [Football, Baseball, Track] 65. David Williams. CL 1944. [Newspaper, Dramatics] 66. Lawrence Goody. CL 1943. [Track, Basketball] 67. Paul Vincent Cramer. CL 1943. Died April 19, 2009. [Baseball, Bowling, Basketball] Princeton University. U. S. Army, WW II. Partner, Walker Weighing. Waterfront Weighmaster. 68. Norman William (Normie) Gluf. CL 1944. [Track, Spanish Club, Dramatics, Ping Pong] Hofstra University. U. S. Navy, WW II. Industrial Engineer, Grumman Aerospace Corporation. New York State Track and Field Official. 69. August (Gus) Vogt. CL 1944. [Class Officer, Basketball, Yearbook, Dramatics]. 70. Douglas Richard Knox. CL 1944. [Captain Bowling] Grand Historian. Major U. S. Air Force. 71. John Roup’e (Johnny or Bud) Matthews. CL 1945. [Band, Stamp Club, Spanish Club, Ping Pong, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Student Government, Track] Hofstra University. U. S. Navy, WW II. CPA. Accountant, Allstate Insurance. Controller, Metropolitan and Commonwealth Savings and Loans. National Chairman, Financial Managers Society. Boy Scouts. Bishop, Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints (Mormon). Treasurer, Doctors’ Free Clinic. Treasurer, Institute of Continued Learning, Dixie State College. 72. Norman Leonard Nitshke. CL 1944. [Band, Orchestra, Dramatics, Airplane Club] University of Texas.University of Missouri. University of Michigan. Medical Technician, U. S. Army, WW II. Potash Miner. Chemical Engineer, International Minerals and Chemicals, Allied Chemical, Bristol-Myers-Squibb. 73. Eric Anderson. CL 1945. Brother of # 54. 74. *Guy (Pro) Prochilo. CL 1946. [Captain Basketball, Captain Football, Captain Baseball, Track] Construction Engineer. Cousin of Beta Gamma # 33, #78, #283 and # 277. 75 *Joseph (Sterno or Joe) Sternberg. CL 1946. [Class Treasurer, Basketball, Track, Football] Nassau CountyPolice. Killed in the line of duty. Brother of # 94. 76. Nicholas J. Pupino. CL 1943. [Captain Basketball, Baseball] 77. Woodbury Cole. CL 1943. [Track] Brother of # 48. 78. Edwin Jelley. CL 1943. [Football, Bowling] 79. Donald B. (Angus or Dougall) MacDonald. CL 1944. [Chorus, Track, Football] 80. Harry John (Heim) Grosheim. CL 1942. [Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Track, Stamp Club] U. S. Army, WW II. Three Purple Hearts. Nassau County Golf Course at Bethpage. Brother of # 43 and # 102. 81. Richard W. (Dick) Carter. CL 1944. [Dramatics, Dance Band, Chorus, Student Government] Brother of # 32. 82. Harold F. (Harry) Brown. CL 1939. [Basketball, Baseball, Varsity Club] Initiated as alumnus. 83. Walter P. (Brother or Walt) Craig. CL 1944. [Football, Baseball, Basketball] 84. Charles Peter. CL 1944. [French Club, Dramatics, Bowling, Manager Baseball, Dramatics, Track] 85. William (Weasel) Clemente. CL 1943. Commander, U. S. Navy. 86. Hugh A. (Stooge or Shrimp) Dolan. CL 1944. [Football, Basketball, Baseball, Class Secretary] 87. Donald Y. (Don) Pendas. CL 1943. [Football, Track, Ping Pong, Latin Club] 88. Frank E. (Frankie or Scharf) Scharfenberg. CL 1944. [Track, Student Government, Latin Club, Dramatics]Lehigh University. GMAC. 89. John P. (Jack) Nutley. CL 1943. [Football, Track, Newspaper] Model. 90. William Hamilton Meagher Jr. CL 1943. [Class President, Class Secretary, Vice President Honor Society, President Latin Club, Vice President French Club, Newspaper, Table Tennis, Debate Club, Yearbook, President Dramatics Club, Hall Cop, Student Government] Brother of # 247. Uncle of # 52. Cousin of # 111.Union College. Fordham University Law School. Patent Attorney. 91. Thomas Francis Doherty Sr. CL 1944. [Student Government, Baseball, Football, Basketball, Track, Class President] Hofstra University. Sgt., U. S. Army Air Corps/U. S. Air Force, WW II and Korea. East Rockaway School Board. Commander, Valley Stream VFW. Brother in Law of # 29. Father of # 412 and # 436. 92. Katche Halbourian. CL 1945. 93. Dr. William Dennis Murray. CL 1943. [Chorus, Orchestra, Class Vice President, Dramatics, Football] New York University, PhD. U. S. Marine Corps, WW II. Director of Engineering, Burroughs Corporation. Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Colorado. Brother of # 124. 94. Douglas H. (Doug) Sternberg. CL 1944. [Football, Track, Baseball, Student Government, Dramatics] Brother of # 75. 95. Joseph T. Decker. CL 1943. [Football, Captain Baseball, Ping Pong, Student Government, Latin Club] Electrician. Brother of # 154. 96. John Augustine Patrick (Jack or Timbuck) Dougherty. CL 1/1945. [Baseball, Football, Basketball, Track, Class President] USAAF, WW II. St. Francis College. Saatchi and Saatchi Advertising. Assistant Vice President, Ted Bates Advertising. Brother of # 133 and # 134. 97. *George R. (Clem) Cobb. CL 1944. [Football, Yearbook] Lehigh University. CPA. 98. John Joseph (Johnny or Cookie) Cook. CL 1945. [Student Government, Class Vice President, Stamp Club, Spanish Club] U. S. Navy, WW II. U. S. Post Office, East Rockaway. Longest-serving postal carrier in U. S.history. 100. *Arthur (Artie or Barney) Barnett. CL 1944. [Band, Newspaper, Yearbook, Student Government, Track, Dramatics, Spanish Club] Seton Hall University. Advertising Business. 101. Donald Alan Geis. CL. 1944. [Student Government, Latin Club, Honor Society, Class Vice President, Dramatics, Yearbook] U. S. Army, WW II. President, International Economic Services. Ltd. International tax consultant. Director, Toshiba-Ampex, Inc., Director, Kyo-Gen Automation Company. Director, International Inspection and Testing Corporation. Who’s Who in the World. 102. George Frank Grosheim. CL 1945. U. S. Navy Seabees, WW II. Cement Business. Hotel Magagement,Florida. Captain East Rockaway Fire Department. Brother of # 43 and # 80. 103. Arthur P. Kennedy. CL 1945. [Baseball] U. S. Navy. Wire Lather. Investigator. 104. *Bernard J. Frank. Uncle of # 188. Brother in law of # 144. CL 1946. [Chorus, Dramatics, Track, Hall Cop, NYSMA Competition, Class Vice President, President Student Government, Band, Math Honor Society, Yearbook] Brother of # 242. 106. *John (Jack) Chambers. CL 1946. [Yearbook, Basketball, Football] 107. *John Joseph Brown. CL 1946. [Spanish Club, Football, Baseball, Class Vice President] Latin American Institute for Foreign Trade. U. S. Army, Korea. Export Business. Heavy Construction Foreman. 108. Julian Frederick (Lambie) Goldman Jr. CL 1947. [Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track, Long Island Pole Vault Champion] R. Markey and Sons, Brokers, New York Commodity Market. Brother of # 37 and # 56. Father of # 439 and # 459. 109. Joseph Eugene (Gene) O’Brien. CL 1946. [Football] Seton Hall University. U. S. Navy. Sales, Paper Industry. 110. James Michael (Jim or Fritz) Furey. CL 1945. Bishop Loughlin Memorial HS ERHS [Track, Football] Brother of # 30. U. S. Navy, WW II. St. Johns University. St. Johns Law School. Attorney, Furey and Furey. President,Nassau Suffolk Trial Lawyers Association. Director, Nassau County Bar Association. Who’s Who in American Law. Who’s Who in America. 111. Paul Sheridan Riker Jr. CL 1946. [Football, Manager Basketball, Track, Glee Club, Dramatics, Yearbook] Cousin of # 90, # 247 and # 521. 82nd Airborne, U. S. Army. SSgt., USAF, Korea. University of Louisville. Fuel Oil Distributor. Police Chief, Block Island, Rhode Island. 112.*Warren Gordon (Parm) Parmiter. CL 1946. [Track] 82nd Airboirne, U. S. Army. Dock Builder. Self-employed cabinet maker. Seaford Fire Department. Bethpage Village Restoration. Brother in Law of # 45 and # 125. 113. *Arthur Doolittle. CL 1946. [Band, Dramatics, Track, Glee Club] Manhattan School of Music Juliard. Professional Pianist. Adjunct Professor, Hofstra University. Guidance Counselor and Music Teacher, Valley Stream Central High School. Brother of # 155. 114. Thomas (Tom Tarm) Lynch. CL 1946. [Football, Glee Club, Yearbook, Dramatics, Math Honor Society] Villanova University. 115. *Jacob Rieper (Jake or Jack) Shepherd. CL 1946. [Football, Chorus, Basketball, Dramatics, Track] SetonHall University. Adelphi University. Teacher, East Rockaway High School. Life Insurance Sales, Guardian Life. Certified Financial Planner. Brother of # 157. 116. *William John (Pete) Smillie. CL 1946. [Football, Yearbook] Brother of # 180, #215, # 295 and # 327. 117. *Charles Henri (Charlie) Tailleur. CL 1946. [Football] 82nd Airborne, U. S. Army. Commercial Sales, Sears Roebuck and Company. Real Estate Broker. 118. John William (Jack) Chantler. CL 1946. [Band, Baseball, Yearbook, Dramatics, Glee Club, Math Honor Society] 119. Joseph R. (Joe or Monroe) Muro. CL 1946. [Football, Captain Baseball, Class President, Student Government, Track, Basketball] 120. *Richard Arthur (Richie) Ullmann. CL 1945. [Football, Basketball, Track, Manager Baseball] Pace University. U. S. Navy, WW II. Co-ordinator of Personnel, Arabian-American Oil Company. Little League and Cub Scouts in Saudi Arabia. 121. *James (Buddy or Les) Weber. CL 1946. [Captain Basketball, Latin Club, Student Government, Captain Football, Class President, Class Treasurer, President Honor Society, Track] Seton Hall University. U. S. Navy. 122. *Arthur Edwin (Art) Johnson. CL 1948. [Football, Basketball, Track, Class Vice President] U. S. Army. Owner, several gas stations, garages and car lot. Airport Commissioner, Westfield Massachusetts. Founder, Boys Club of Westfield. 123. William George (Red or Bill) Kaelin. CL 1947. Chaminade HS ERHS [Newspaper, Glee Club, Chorus, Yearbook, Dramatics] Duke University. Duke University Law School. NYU Law School. Columbia University Law School. Tax Lawyer. Partner, Windels, Marx, Lane, Mittendorf. Brother of # 210. 124. *Donald Patrick (Don) Murray. CL 1946. [Student Government, Football, Dramatics, Track, Glee Club, Math Honor Society] American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Actor: Stage, Screen and Television. Six Broadway plays. More than 14 films. Academy Award Nominee for first film role. Founder and Chairman, Homeless European Land Program. Who’s Who in America. Who’s Who in the World. Brother of # 93. 125. *George Robert (Luke) Lucas. CL 1946. [Manager Football, Baseball, Basketball, Yearbook, Class Vice President, Dramatics, Newspaper] Brother of # 45. Brother in law of # 112. Professional Jockey. 126 *William C. (Bill) Meehan. CL 1946. [Latin Club, Football, Track, Glee Club] St. Johns University. Vice President, Marsh and McLennan, insurance brokers. Boy Scout Leader. Hospital Volunteer. Knights of Columbus. 127. William Sanford (Will or Bill) Gambee. CL 1947. [Football, Basketball] Sigma Nu at University of Vermont. U. S. Army. Buyer, Grand Union Company. Sysco Food Systems. Partner, Paragon Enterprises, food brokerage. 128. Richard Lenox (Doc or Dick) Harder. CL 1947. [Honor Society, Spanish Club, Traffic Squad, Math Honor Society, Treasurer Student Government, Newspaper, Glee Club, Hall Cop, Class President, Dramatics, Chorus, Yearbook] 129. Charles [Charlie] Brown. CL 1947. [Basketball, Football, Baseball, Spanish Club] 130. Howard Finn (Fletcher or Howie) Christian. CL 1947. [Football, Basketball, “Best Looking in Class”] U. S.Merchant Marine Academy. Lt., U. S. Navy, Korean Conflict. Merchant Marine Officer, McCormack Lines. Branch Manager; Central Region Commercial Director, Honeywell. 131. *John A. (Jack or Buck) Rogers. CL 1948. New York University. Canisius College. [Basketball, Class President, Class Vice President] Pfizer Labs. 132. Roger A. (Sub or Bee) Chambers. CL 1949. [Swimming, Basketball, Bowling, Prom Committee] 133. Paul James (Bumps) Dougherty. CL 1949. [Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country] U. S. Army, Korea. Insurance Broker. CLU. Financial Advisor. Director, Foothills Farms Improvement Association (Sacramento), Brother of # # 96 and 134. 134. Thomas Joseph (T.D.) Dougherty. CL 1947. [Football, Track, Basketball, Baseball, Student Government] U. S. Army, Korea. Lieutenant, New York City Department of Corrections. Brother of # 96 and # 133. 135. William Henry (Pat or Bill) Patterson. CL 1947. [Football, Spanish Club, Band, Glee Club, All-County Band, NYSMA, Columbia Band] Brother of # 31. 136. Girard Dennis (Jerry or Gus) Reid. CL 1947. [Track, Newspaper, Glee Club] U. S. Army, Korea. Grumman Aircraft. Sperry Gyroscope. Engineer and Manager of Applications Engineering, Clark Equipment Company. Brother of # 63 # 173, and # 213. 137. James (Jimmie or Harry the Horse) Smart. CL 1947. [Yearbook, Newspaper] 138. Salvatore (Sal or Chubby) Trupo. CL 1949. [Basketball, Captain Football] 139. Ronald Richard (Ron or Joe) White. CL 1948. [Basketball, Track, Football, Baseball, Captain Cross Country, Vice President Math Honor Society] U. S. Merchant Marine Academy. City College of New York. Commander, U. S. Navy. Korea. Meteorologist. Supervisor, Pacific Weather Service. Chief Forecaster, National Hurricane Center. 140. Joseph (Joe or Turtle) Reilly. CL 1948. [Football, Basketball, Track, Baseball, Swimming, Yearbook] Electrician. 141. (Wilburn) Minton (Mint or Thumper) Hamsley II. CL 1949. [Football, Track] Brother of # 167. Father of # 389. 142. Herbert Sanford (Herbie) Levison Jr. CL 1947. [Basketball, Eagle Scout] Hofstra University. U. S. Army,Korea. Heavy Construction. Construction Consulting. 143. William (Bill or Bojangles) Schroeder. CL 1949. [Football, Basketball, Track, Dramatics, Class Treasurer] 144. Lester Dwight (Les or Moo) Moody. CL 1948. [Football, Traffic Squad, Band, Chorus, Hall Cop, Lunchroom Squad] U. S. Army, Korea. Nassau County Police Officer. Brother in law of # 104. 145. Dr. Thomas J. (Tom) Craig. CL 1948. [Football, Student Government, President Math Honor Society, Honor Society] Brother of # 165. Cousin of Beta Gamma # 276. MD. 146. Richmond Allender Fryer Jr. 01/31/1933-1947-01/07/1980. CL 1951. [Football, Track] Merchant Marine Captain. Panama Canal Ship Pilot. 147. Carl Anthony Hotton Jr. CL 1950. St. Francis Prep. [Basketball, Newspaper, Math Club, Latin Club, Pianist for Rock Rivalry] St. Johns University. Construction Industry. Precast Concrete. Owner, National Concrete Structures. 148. Harold John (Hal) Malmquist. CL 1949. [Basketball, Cross Country, Track, Bowling, Golf, Football] U. S.Navy, Korea. Boat Builder. Foreman, Architectural Woodworking. 149. Giovanni J. (John) Minerva. CL 1951. [Football, Track] Transferred to Theta III Chapter, 1948. U. S. Army,Korea. Rheingold Brewery (Shop Steward) Beverage Distributor. Hampton Boat Works. Manager, Commack Foreign Auto Electric. 150. Anthony Michael Pagliaro. CL 1948. [Track, Football] U. S. Navy, Korea. Owner, Pickwick Moving Company. Owner, Barton Delivery Service. 151. Richard Alan Schey. CL 1948. [Class President, Class Vice President, Glee Club, Band, Math Honor Society, Hall Cop, Spanish Club, Newspaper, Football, Baseball] Colgate University. U. S. Air Force, Korea. Owner, Schey Advertising. 152. John (Johnny) Vette. CL 1948. [Basketball, Bowling, Track] 153. Dr. Woodrow (Woody) Zaros Jr. CL 1948. George Washington HS. ERHS [Football, Student Government, Hall Cop, Baseball] Sigma Alpha Epsilon at St. Lawrence University. Columbia University, MA, EdD. Lieutenant,U. S. Navy, Korea. Science Teacher, Wheatley School. Assistant Principal, Evanston (Illinois) HS. Principal, Walt Whitman (Huntington) HS. Superintendant of Schools, Orange, New Jersey. 154. Charles Joseph (Chuck) Decker. CL 1950. [Math Honor Society, Basketball, Football, Baseball] Brother of # 95. 155. Richard Irving (Dooey or Dick) Doolittle. CL 1950. [Basketball, Math Honor Society, Class Vice President, Dramatics, Yearbook] Brother of # 113. Kappa Sigma at Syracuse University, New York University. Columbia University. U. S. Army Signal Corps. Assistant Director, Stonier Graduate School of Banking, Rutgers University. Associate Director, American Institute of Banking. National American Institute of Banking. President, Graduate School of Banking at University of Wisconsin. American Council on Education. National Association of Trade and Technical Schools. Who’s Who in the Midwest. Who’s Who in Finance and Industry. 156. James Joseph (Jim or Jimmy) Hayes. CL 1949. [Band, Chorus, Dramatics, Editor in Chief Newspaper, Dance Band, President Student Government, Yearbook, Class Vice President, Debate Club, Math Honor Society, Service Squad, Lunchroom Squad] Pi Kappa Alpha at Oklahoma A&M College. U. S. Navy, Korean Conflict. Newspaper reporter, columnist, editor, Norfolk, Virginia. Newsman, WNBC-TV. Press Agent for Jack Paar, Arlene Frances, Bill Cullen, Donna Reed and Lassie. Speech Writer for John Glenn, Barry Goldwater and others. BBDO Advertising. Executive Director, Bicycle Manufacturers Association of America. Member, National Council on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances. Public Relations Society of America. American Association of Association Executives. U. S. Chamber of Commerce. Who’s Who in America. 157. Dr. John Candee (Shep) Shepherd. CL 1950. [Football, Basketball, Math Honor Society] Tufts University Dental School. Lt. Colonel, U. S. Air Force, Vietnam. Dentist. Brother of # 115. 58. Douglas (Doug) Wilcox. 11/18/1931-CL 1950. [Basketball] 159. Charles (Weasel or Charlie) Wilde. CL 1949. [Captain Bowling, Math Honor Society, Football] 160. Harry Thompson Breul. CL 1951. [Honor Society, Band, Football, Basketball, Rock Rivalry Chairman]Boston University. Adelphi University. Staff Scientist, Grumman Aerospace Corporation. 161. Ronald William (Ron or Ronnie) Brown. CL 1950. [Student Government, Basketball, Football, Math Honor Society, Baseball] Hofstra University. U. S. Army, Korea. Corporate Finance Officer, Borden’s Chemicals, Getty Petroleum, America West Airlines. Brother in Law of # 207. 162. John Bernard (Johnnie or Uncle John) Condon. CL 1950[Class Treasurer, Dramatics, Prom Committee, Yearbook, “Best Personality”]. Hofstra University. Sales, NCR Data Processing. Brother of # 239. 163. Charles Oakley [Bubby or Charlie] Conklin II. CL 1950. [Basketball, Football, Chorus, Glee Club, Dramatics, Yearbook] U. S. Navy, Korea. Stage Technician, NBC. Brother of # 164. 164. George Hulme Conklin. CL 1950. [Track, Basketball, Baseball, Football] U. S. Navy, Korea. Driver, Meenan Oil Company. Brother of # 163. 165. Charles Thomas (Charlie) Craig. CL 1951. [Football, Basketball, Baseball, Leaders Club, Math Honor Society, Dramatics, “Most Popular Teen in Nassau County”] Georgetown University. Brother of # 145. Cousin of Beta Gamma # 276. 166. Hon. Dennis Patrick Aloysius Dooley. CL 1950. [Football] U. S. Marine Corps, Korea. U S. Capitol Police.Georgetown University Law School. Attorney. Administrative Law Judge. 167. George Agnew Hamsley. CL 1951. [Football, Basketball, Leaders Club, Class Treasurer, Class Vice President] Brother of # 141. Uncle of # 389. SUNY at Farmingdale. Lt. Colonel, U. S. Air Force, Vietnam. Stock Broker, Merrill Lynch. Senior Vice President, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. 168. Donald B. Jacobsen. CL 1951. 169. John Joseph (Kell) Kelly. CL 1951. [Football, Bowling, Track, Vice President Leaders Club, Basketball] 170. William John (Bill or Lem) Lemon. CL 1950. [Dramatics] U. S. Army, Korea. Clerk, U. S. Post Office. Knights of Columbus. Quartermaster, Oceanside VFW. East Rockaway American Legion. 171. Jay K. (Preach) Matthews. CL 1951. [Honor Society, Spanish Club, Math Honor Society, Student Government, Projection Squad] 172. William Richard (Hosty) Raymond. CL 1951. [Football, Track, Leaders Club, Dramatics, Basketball] SUNY at Farmingdale. U. S. Air Force, Korea. Repairman, Verizon. 173. Donald Thomas (Reidy) Reid. CL 1951. [Football, Track, Leaders Club, Dramatics] Brother of # 63 # 136, and # 213. U. S. Air Force. Air Traffic Controller. 174. Wilfred Thomas (Willie) Waine. CL 1951. [Captain Football, Basketball, Bowling, Baseball, President Leaders Club, Dramatics] U. S. Navy, Korea. Construction Superintendant, Levitt and Sons; Crestwood Village. 175. David Sebastian (Cisco) Abut Jr. CL 1950. [Manager Football, Dramatics “Noisiest in Class”] Mondell Institute. U. S. Army, Korea. Draftsman, Sperry Gyroscope and Grumman Aerospace. Senior Frameman, Verizon. Trustee, Corporation President, East Rockaway Fire Department. Commander, ER VFW Post 3350. 176. James Staton (Jim or Jimmy) Calvert. CL 1950. [Track, Dramatics, Student Government, Basketball, Track, Yearbook] Spartan School of Aeronautics. Ohio State University. Designer, Wind Tunnel Manager, Systems Analyst, Rockwell International. General Dynamics Corporation. Brother of # 184. 177. Louis J. Ferrente. CL 1951. [Football] 178. Richard C. (Spud) Luck Jr. CL 1951. [Manager Basketball] U. S. Army. Electrician. 179. John McLoughlin. CL 1952. 180. James Robert (Jim) Smillie. CL 1952. [Vice President Gym Leaders, Dramatics, Captain Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track, “Best Build in Class”] SUNY at Farmingdale. Adelphi University. Division Supervisor, Long Island Lighting Company. Chief, East Rockaway Fire Department. Coach ER Raider Football. Brother of # 116, # 215, # 295, and # 327. 181. *Kenneth (Kenny) Krassner. CL 1952. [Gym Leaders, Dramatics, Glee Club, Chorus, Football, Basketball, Track] Brother of # 251. 182. John Franklin (Jack or Osti) Alexander. CL 1952. [Dramatics, Gym Leaders, Captain Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track] SUNY at Farmingdale. U. S. Army, Korea. Meteorologist, Republic Aviation. Quality Manager, Director of Manufacturing, Martin Marietta Aerospace. 183. Phillip Joseph (Phil, Felipe) Bacalla. CL 1952. [Football, Basketball, Track] SUNY at Oneonta. Adelphi University. Teacher, South Country School District. 184. Richard B. Calvert. CL 1952. [Service Squad, Dramatics, Chorus, Glee Club, Football, Basketball, Music Competition] Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Lieutenant, Miami-Dade County Police Department. Brother of # 176. 185. Richard Peter (FooFoo) Fullan. CL 1953. [Football, Track] U. S. Army, Korea. Machine Shop Operator. Pan American Airlines Fleet Service. Doorman, Manhattan Apartment Building. 186. Robert (Basil, Horsehead, Jamesie) James. CL 1952. [Class Vice President, Class President, Math Honor Society, Latin Club, Gym Leaders, Dramatics, Football, Basketball, “Best Personality in Class”] 187. Paul Thomas Canalizo. CL 1952. [Track] SUNY Farmingdale. U. S. Army. Professional Surveyor. Chief of Mapping, Suffolk County. 188. Harry Nelson Frank. CL 1954. [Football, Stage Crew, Mechanical Drawing Club] U. S. Army. Oil Burner Mechanic. Senior Executive, EXXON Oil Company. Nephew of # 104. 189. Kenneth Richard (Kenny) Klose. CL 1951. [Football, Basketball, Track, Baseball, Leaders Club, Math Honor Society] Hofstra University. U. S. Navy, Korea. Superintendant of Operations, U. S. Post Office, East Rockaway. Real Estate Appraiser. Chief, East Rockaway Fire Department. 190. Dr. Henry John Tramer. CL 1952. [Honor Society, Football, Basketball] Rensslaer Polytechnic University. PhD, Johns Hopkins University. Professor of Mathematics, SUNY Stony Brook, Chicago State University.191. William Anthony (Bill, Willie) Brannigan. CL 1953. [Chorus, Debate Club, Football, Newspaper, Editor in Chief Yearbook, Honor Society, Track, Chairman Rock Rivalry, “Best Personality, Class Wit, Life of the Party, Most Popular in Class”] Tufts University. Columbia University. Lt. U. S. Navy. Correspondent, UPI. Correspondent, ABC News, Saigon, Los Angeles, Tel Aviv and New York City. Bureau Chief, Nairobi and Cairo. Public Relations Director, The World Bank. Who’s Who in the South. 192. Robert Anthony (Roddy or Rods) Rodrigues. CL 1953. [Captain Baseball, Captain Basketball, Gym Leaders] Brother of # 222. 193. Joseph Victor (Joey or Josie) Wymes. CL 1953. [Captain Baseball, Basketball, All County Basketball, Football, Newspaper, Spanish Club, Track] Hofstra University. University of Hawaii. U. S. Marine Corps. Owner Coca-Cola Franchise. New York City Community-Police Relations. 194. Roy Prindle (Watussi) Foster Jr. CL 1952. [Glee Club, Band, Football, Basketball “Most Carefree in Class”] SUNY at Farmingdale. U. S. Army. Senior Heating Representative, Long Island Lighting Company. Lynbrook Board of Architectural Review. Athletic Director, St. Raymond’s CYO. 195. Peter Thomas (Pete) Ouzounian. CL 1952. [Dramatics, Gym Leaders, Bowling, Football, Basketball, All-State Football] U. S. Navy, Korea. UPS. Long Island Lighting Company. Brother of # 212. 196. Richard Angelo (Dick, Richie) Policastro. CL 1952. [Gym Leaders, Math Honor Society, Football, Manager Football, Track, Basketball, Manager Basketball, Bowling, Chorus] Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. U. S. Army. Insurance Broker, Prudential Insurance. Brother of # 301. 197. Joseph Francis (Joe) Smith. CL 1953. [Band, Football, Latin Club, Math Honor Society, President Gym Leaders] Third Grand Vice Princeps. Second Grand Vice Princeps. 198. William Greenwood (Willie) Wright Jr. CL 1953. [Band, Dance Band, NYSMA] 199. Thomas Clifford (Buddy) Adams. CL 1952. Owner, Heating and Ventilating business. 200. Hon. (Reuben) Philip (Giggy or Phil) Fahringer. CL 1953. [Baseball, Basketball, Chorus, Debate Club, Football, Math Honor Society, NYSMA, Spanish Club, Student Government, Track] Hamilton College. Stanford University Law School. Attorney. Assistant U. S. Attorney. Superior Court Judge, State of Arizona. 201. Paul Dennis Heinzel. CL 1952. [Dramatics] U. S. Army. Senior Distribution Planner, Long Island Lighting Company. Commodore, Hewlett Point Yacht Club. Chairman, East Rockaway Zoning Board of Appeals. Father of # 502 and # 503. 202. Conrad Owen (Connie or Puddin’) Decker. CL 1953. [Baseball, Basketball, Captain Football, Gym Leaders, Track] 203. Robert Raymond (Oobis or Oobs) Muller. CL 1953. [Band, Chorus, Dance Band, Football, Track] 204. (Fred) Rogers (Roger) Humes. CL 1953. [Service Squad] University of Hawaii. Hofstra University. U. S.Army, Korea. Manager, AT&T. East Rockaway Board of Education. East Rockaway Fire Commission. 205. Robert E. Butler. CL 1953. 206. Arthur John (Art Dart) Doherty Jr. CL 1954. [Captain Basketball, Service Squad, Chairman, Rock Rivalry, Gym Leaders, Stage Crew, “Best Athlete in Class”] SUNY at Farmingdale. U. S. Army. Electrician. Health Club Manager. Restaurant Owner. 207. Frank Joseph (Gio or Sonny) Giordano Jr. CL 1954. [Basketball, Baseball, Student Government, Stage Crew] Dean Junior College. U. S. Army, Korea. Owner, East Rockaway Service. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Sports Department, Plaza Hotel (Las Vegas). VFW, American Legion. Brother in law of # 161. 208. Sherman Henry Crosland (Sherm) Hamilton. CL 1953. [Football, Track] Nassau Community College. U. S. Army. Officer, Nassau County Police Department. 209. Hon. William Henry Intemann Jr. CL 1953. Wells HS. [Football, Track, Band] Union College. Albany Law School. U S. Army, Korea. Attorney. District Attorney, Hamilton County. County Court Judge, Hamilton County. Acting Justice, New York State Supreme Court. 210. Robert James Kaelin. CL 1954. [Basketball, Track] Brother of # 123. 211. Robert (Jake or Bob) Lamont. CL 1954. [Basketball, Baseball, French Club, Math Honor Society, Gym Leaders] 212. George Richard (Ozzie or Turk) Ouzounian. CL 1955. [Chorus, Debate Club, Football] Emporia College. Teacher, East Rockaway High School. Teacher and Coach, East Northport High School. Brother of # 195. 213. Richard Patrick (Dick or Reidie) Reid. CL 1954. [Newspaper, Football, Track, Gym Leaders, “Class Clown”] Brother of # 63 # 136, and # 173. U. S. Air Force. TransWorld Airlines.. 214. (Arthur) Barrett Robins. CL 1954. Oceanside HS. Thuram College. C. W. Post College. Sergeant, U. S.Marine Corps. Chemistry Teacher, New York City. 215. Ralph Raymond (Uncle Ralph) Smillie. CL 1953. [Yearbook, Dramatics] U. S. Air Force. Equifax. Brother of # 114, # 177, # 294 and # 327. 216. George David (Dave) Combes. CL 1953. Nassau County Police Officer. 217. Dr. John Walter (Jack) Coe. CL 1953. [Debate Club, French Club, Newspaper, Band, NYSMA, Dramatics, Student Government, Track] Ithaca College. Manhattan School of Music. PhD, Indiana University. High School Band Director, New York City. Professor of Music, University of Akron and University of Colorado. Professional Musician. Played with Tony Bennett, Mel Torme, Nancy Wilson, Bob Hope and Jerry Lewis.Akron Symphony Orchestra, Boulder Symphony. Higher Education Consultant, Wisconsin Education Association. Free lance writer. Legislative Liaison, Wisconsin Public Television. 218. Robert Francis (Bob or Duke) Snyder. CL 1954. [Football, Basketball, Gym Leaders] 219. Allan H. (Al, Eel or Dub) Devereaux. CL 1954. [Football, Newspaper, Dramatics, Golf, French Club] 220. William Oscar (Bill or Little) Campbell Jr. CL 1955. [Basketball, Yearbook, Chorus, Chairman Rock Rivalry, Football, Track, “Best Personality, Most Class Spirit”] SUNY at Oswego. SUNY at Farmingdale. U. S. Army Engineers. Building Contractor. President Lynbrook Little League. Lions Club. 221. Robert Charles (Bob or Bobby) Parker. CL 1955. [President Latin Club, Chairman Rock Rivalry, President French Club, Gym Leaders, Newspaper, Dramatics, Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track] Brother of # 234. U. S.Merchant Marine Academy. Captain, U. S. Navy. Engineering Management, Fleet Technical Support Center. 222. Donald Joseph Rodrigues. CL 1955. Brother of # 192. 223. *Ronald Worsdale (Tex) Elsis. CL 1955. [Dramatics, Football, Basketball] Long Island University. High School Teacher, New York City Board of Education. 224. *Robert D. (Bob or Otto) Furciato. CL 1956. [Football, Basketball, Track, Baseball, “Most Attractive in Class”] U. S. Army. Nassau County Police Department. East Rockaway Fire Department. 225. *Richard William (Dick or Jake) Jacobsen. CL 1955. [Gym Leaders, French Club, Vice President Latin Club, Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track] Hobart College. U. S. Navy. Vice President and Regional Sales Manager, TransApparel Group. Apparel Industry. 226. *Dr. Robert Thompson. 227. *Harold A. (Harry or Skinny) Friesleben. CL 1956. [Basketball, Captain Baseball, Latin Club, Gym Leaders, Yearbook] Westchester State University. Coach East Rockaway HS Basketball. Director of Athletics, East Rockaway High School. 228. *John Gregory (Jack or Johnny) Brennan. CL 1956. U. S. Army. [Gym Leaders, Football, Basketball, Track, Chorus] Brother of # 238, # 258, and # 310. Cousin of Alpha Chi # 107. Painter. Second President, East Rockaway H. S. Alumni Association. 229. *Ross Esch. CL 1955. [Newspaper, Dramatics, French Club, Football] University of Miami. 230. *Ernest Charles (Pete) Hunter. CL 1956. [Basketball, Football, Baseball, Gym Leaders] U. S. Army. Construction Supervisor. 231. *Walter J. (Kaky) Kakareko Jr. CL 1956. [Captain Basketball, Captain Football, Gym Leaders, “Best Dancer, Best Athlete in Class”] Brother of # 332. 232. *Bernard (Bernie) Litzel. CL 1955. [Newspaper, Football, Track] 233. George F. Coates. CL 1955. [Stage Crew, Golf, Track] Brother of # 256. SUNY at Oswego. Merchant Marine Ship Captain. 234. Paul J. (Snarkey) Parker. CL 1957. [Basketball, Track, Baseball, Dramatics, Student Government, Gym Leaders, Chorus, French Club, Latin Club, Yearbook] Brother of # 221. National Guard. Litigation Manager, Long Island Lighting Company. 235. Kenneth J. (Ken) Carboy. CL 1956. [Track, Chorus] 236. Richard J. (Dick or Sparky) Muller. CL 1956. [Track, Service Squad] Nassau County Police. 237. Donald Worth. CL 1956. 238. Robert Joseph (Bob, Bobby or Muffins) Brennan. CL 1957. [Football, Chorus, Dramatics, Newspaper, Yearbook, Gym Leaders] SUNY at Farmingdale. Training Supervisor, Long Island Lighting Company. Heating Technician. Brother of # 228, # 258, and # 310. Cousin of Alpha Chi # 107. 239. William E. (Billy, Wild Bill) Condon. CL 1957. [Captain Football, Golf, Chairman Rock Rivalry, Yearbook, President Gym Leaders, Chorus, Dramatics, Photography Club] Hofstra University. U. S. Marine Corps. Business Teacher, Coach, Assistant Principal, Brentwood High School, New York. Treasurer and Director,Suffolk County Teachers’ Federal Credit Union. Brother of # 162. 240. John Joseph (Spider) Uhl Jr. CL 1956. [Intramural Basketball] Hofstra Univrsity. Terminal Manager, EXXON. Father of # 458. 241. John C. (Jack) Lowe. CL 1955. [Chorus, Band, Glee Club, Spanish Club, Dramatics, NYSMA, Dance Band] 242. Benjamin (Bud or Buddy) Caine. CL 1957. [Basketball, Football, Class President, Student Government, Gym Leaders, Chorus, Glee Club] Brother of # 105. 243. Frank J. Artusa. CL 1958. SUNY at Buffalo. MBA. CPA. 244. Herbert Arthur (Herb or Herbie) Hardie. CL 1955. [Gym Leaders, Football, Basketball, Track “Most Artistic in Class”] SUNY at Farmingdale. Sign Maker. Major and Squadron Commander, Civil Air Patrol. Volunteer,American Air Power Museum at Republic Airport. 245. Albert Scatini. CL 1956. 246. Lawrence John (Larry, Mac or Red) McNamara. CL 1957. [Track] U. S. Army, 82nd Airborne. Household International Bank. 247. *Dr. Richard John (Dick, Richie or Nemo) Meagher. CL 1956. [Latin Club, Student Government, Newspaper, French Club, Photography Club, Yearbook, President Honor Society, Math Honor Society, “Most Likely to Succeed, Wittiest in Class”] Brother of # 90. Father of # 521. Cousin of # 111. Long Island University. Dean, Fashion Institute of Technology. President, East Rockaway School Board. Trustee, Deputy Mayor, Village of East Rockaway. Founding President, East Rockaway H. S. Alumni Association. Founding President East Rockaway Educational Foundation. 248. Robert Joseph (Bob or Spider) Reynolds. CL 1957. [Football, Bowling, Golf, Dramatics, Chorus, “Best Lines in Class”] 249. Edward T. (Eddie) Ryder. CL 1958. [Math Honor Society, President Gym Leaders, Football, Basketball, Captain Track, Golf] Brother of # 268 and # 302. 250. (Harvey) Reise Jacobs. CL 1959. [Football, Basketball, Track, President Gym Leaders, Class President, Student Government, Math Honor Society, “Most Class Spirit”] Crown and Lance at Hofstra University. Sales Engineer. Coach. Brother of # 309 and # 325. 251. Franklin (Frank) Krassner. CL 1958. [Captain Football, Basketball, Track] USAF. Brother of # 181. 252. Robert A. (Bob or Schles) Schlesier. CL 1957. [Captain Basketball, Football, Baseball, Chorus, Glee Club, Dramatics, Band, Class Vice President, Class President, Spanish Club, Math Honor Society, Vice President Gym Leaders, Vice President Science Honor Society, “Most Class Spirit”] 253. John J. (Sonny or Sparky) Crallan. CL 1957. [Football, Basketball, Chorus, NYSMA, Dramatics, “Cutest in Class”] 254. Irwin B. (Sonny) Frantz Jr. CL 1958. [Stage Crew, Track] U. S. Army. Carpenter. Frantz Custom Builders Inc. 255. Norman William (Nippy) Courbois. CL 1958. [Manager Basketball, “Class Clown”] Died in service, Vietnam War. Gold Star. 256. John Richard Coates. CL 1959. [Golf] Merchant Marine Seaman. Brother of # 233. 257. James P. (Jack or Moose) Reid. CL 1959. [Football, Basketball, French Club, Baseball, Track, Dramatics] 258. Richard Patrick (Richie or Bisquits) Brennan. CL 1960. [Chorus, Football, Baseball, Track, Basketball, Gym Leaders, “Class Clown”] Grand Vice Princeps (3 months). Leader, Rock ‘n Roll Band. Owner, Brennan’s Tree Service. Foreman, Nassau County. Maintenance, New York City Housing Authority. Brother of # 228, # 238, and # 310. Cousin of Alpha Chi # 107. 259. Alfons (Fons or Al) Farina. CL 1960. 260. Arthur Frank (Artie) Felicetti. CL 1960. [Service Squad, French Club, Gym Leaders, Treasurer Student Government, Basketball, Football, “Best Personality in Class”] SUNY at Delhi. South Nassau Community College. Director of Print Sales, Corporate Express. 261. Richard Jones. CL 1961. 262. John Francis (Jack or Breezy) Librizzi. CL 1960. [Football, Track, Bowling, Gym Leaders, “Best Dressed in Class”] SUNY at Delhi. Sales Manager, Rheingold Beer. Distributor, Coca-Cola and Arizona Ice Tea. Owner, Limousine Service. 263. William E. (Billy or Whitey) Matthes. CL 1960. [Basketball, Football] 264. Michael Sean (Mike) O’Rourke. CL 1960. [Class Vice President, President Gym Leaders, Treasurer Latin Club, Treasurer and Vice President Key Club, French Club, Andiron Club, Newspaper, Captain Football, Basketball, Baseball, Student Government, Chairman Rock Rivalry, “Most Athletic in Class”] University ofDelaware. St. Johns University Law School. U. S. Department of Justice. Attorney, Customs and International Trade, Rode and Qualey. Chairman, Westchester Philharmonic Orchestra. Director, National Lacrosse Foundation. Brother of # 297. 265. Herbert Rose. CL 1960. [Basketball] 266. Wallace Thomas (Wally) Rostron. CL 1960. [Football, Track, Gym Leaders, “Quietest in Class”] 267. Philip (Phil or Pinhead) Rumore. CL 1960. [Math Honor Society, Chorus, Band, Football, Key Club, Andiron Club, Treasurer Chess Club, Chess Team, Dramatics, French Club, Gym Leaders, Dance Band] University ofBuffalo. Teacher. President, Buffalo Teacher’s Federation. 268. Robert Spencer (Bob or Spence) Ryder. CL 1960. [Football, Track, Bowling, Debate Club, Golf, Basketball] Brother of # 249 and # 302. 269. Frederick Xavier (Fritz) Schwenker. CL 1959. [Track, Bowling, French Club, Latin Club, Chorus, Dramatics, Yearbook] U. S. Air Force, Vietnam. Senior Analyst, Department of Defense. 270. Philip (Phil or Lucky) Thomas. CL 1960. [Class Vice President, Class President, Student Government, Latin Club, French Club, Service Squad, President Chess Club, Key Club, Debate Club, Chairman Rock Rivalry, Football, Basketball, Track] Fourth Grand Vice Princeps (5 months). Nassau Community College. U. S. Army,Vietnam. Self-employed. 271. Brand. 272. Brennan. 273. Byrns. 274. Clapton. 275. Cole. 276. Con. 277. Hoy. 278. John C. (Jackie) Reid. CL 1962. [Football, Basketball, Track, Gym Leaders, “Best Personality in Class] Grand Historian. Editor, The Omega News. 279. Edward John (Ed or Eddie) Carey Jr. 1CL 1961. [Dramatics, Golf, Football, Service Squad] Second GVP. U. S.Army, Vietnam. Sheet Metal Worker. President, East Rockaway HS Alumni Association. 280. Lawrence (Larry or Poopsy) Welch. CL 1961. [Bowling, Golf, Debate Club, Chairman Rock Rivalry, Football 281. Hon. Robert William (Bobby or Hugs) Hughes. CL 1961. [Newspaper, Yearbook, Football, Baseball, Spanish Club, Class President, Debate Club, Key Club] SUNY at Oswego. University of California at Santa Barbara. St. Johns University Law School. U. S. Marine Corps, Vietnam. Attorney. Magistrate, State of Virginia. President,New York Chapter, National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse. Brother of # 299. 282. Michael (Mike) Ryan. CL 1960. [Golf, Debate Club, Basketball] 283. Walter Charles (Walt or Woody) Carlock. CL 1961. [Gym Leaders, Art Club, Captain Football, Track, Debate Club, Bowling, Newspaper, “Most Artistic, Class Wit”] Nassau Community College. Owner, Chemtron Circuits. Manager, Dees Nursery. Organizer, Night School Program at Oceanside HS. Brother of # 320 and # 345. 284. Denis Edward (Fish) Cole. CL 1961. [Football, Class Treasurer, Spanish Club, Debate Club, Bowling]Seton Hall University and Seton Hall Law School. New York University Law School. Captain, U. S. Army,Vietnam. Attorney, specializing in labor law. 285. William A. (Bill) Stephenson Jr. CL 1960. [Football, Basketball, Basketball] 286. John W. (Jack) Manning. CL 1961. [Basketball, Bowling, Newspaper, Service Squad] 287. Donald Gordon (Donny or Needleman) Niddrie. CL 1961. [Class President, Class Vice President, Student Government, Yearbook, Gym Leaders, Math Honor Society, Pi Delta Kappa (Math), Newspaper, Andiron Club, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Vice President Science Honor Society] Bucknell University. U. S. Navy, Vietnam. Irving Bank. Senior Executive Vice President, Bank of New York. Director, National Lacrosse Foundation. 288. Joseph Patrick (Joe) McCann. CL 1961. [Gym Leaders, Key Club, Math Honor Society, Pi Delta Kappa (Math), French Club, Football, Basketball, Baseball, Chorus, Band, Latin Club, Debate Club, Mathletics] 289. Vincent Arthur (Vince) Maggio. CL 1962. [Football] Owner, Maggio’s Carting Company. Owner, NeptuneBeach Club. 290. Robert Michael (Bob) Marchand. CL 1961. [Football, Track, Debate Club] 291. William Henry (Bill) Wingerden (Schaumloffel). CL 1961. [Football, Latin Club, French Club, Key Club, Bowling] SUNY at Farmingdale. Steamfitter. 292. Kenneth Jay (Kenny) DuPrey Jr. CL 1961. [Spanish Club, Football, Student Government, Gym Leaders] Brother of # 314 and # 339. Cousin of Delta Chi # 61 and # 70. 293. Hugh Edward (Hughie) Reilly. 04/05/1945-Spring 1959-?. CL 1963. [Newspaper, Captain Service Squad, Football, Bowling, Yearbook] Grand Historian. Editor, The Omega News. SUNY Farmingdale. IBEW Electrician. General Manager, Electrical Contracting Firm. 294. Kenneth Roger (Ken) Gaynor. CL 1961. [Basketball, Dramatics, Gym Leaders, Newspaper, Golf] U. S. Army,Vietnam. VP/Sales, Nabisco Brands. Boys and Girls Clubs. Chairman, American Logistics Association. 295. Frank Edward (Joe) Smillie. CL 1962. [Bowling, Chairman Rock Rivalry, Dramatics, Yearbook, Chorus, Glee Club, Class Vice President, Class President, “Did Most for Class, Most Class Spirit”] Third Grand Vice Princeps. U. S. Air Force, Vietnam. Hotel Industry. Brother of # 114, # 177, # 211 and # 327. 296. Thomas (Tom) Annunziata. CL 1963. [Football, Track] Brother of # 324 and # 363. 297. *Peter Kevin (Pete) O’Rourke. CL 1962. [Chorus, Dramatics, Football, Baseball, Bowling, Newspaper, French Club, Yearbook, Glee Club] Theta Chi at University of Delaware. University of Pennsylvania. Land Developer, Delaware Land Associates. Brother of # 264. 298. *John (Jack) Copeland. CL 1964. [Pi Delta Kappa (Math), Captain Football, Track, Basketball, Gym Leaders, Class Treasurer, Band] 299. William Joseph Hughes. CL 1964. [Baseball, Football, Student Government, Chairman Rock Rivalry] Nassau Community College. SUNY at Stony Brook. Nassau County Police. Park Ranger, Yellowstone and Everglades National Parks. Tourist Supervisor, California State Capitol, Freelance Writer. Brother of # 28. 300. John R. (Jack) Mulhern. CL 1964. [Baseball, Football, Band, Basketball] 301. Dennis L. (Den) Policastro. CL 1964. [Basketball, Baseball, Football, Chorus, Newspaper, Gym Leaders, Student Government] Queensborough Community College. Aircraft Engine Planning Department, Pan American World Airlines. Consultant for jet aircraft evaluation. Brother of # 196. 302. Richard (Rick or Ricky) Ryder. CL 1964. [Spanish Club, Pi Delta Kappa (Math). Science Honor Society, Track, Football, Gym Leaders, Class President, President, Student Government, “Did Most for Class”] Brother of # 249 and # 268. 303. Salvador (Sal) Passanisi. CL 1964. [Vice President Gym Leaders, Football] 304. James Francis (Jimmy) Tice. CL 1961. [Spanish Club, Key Club, Chorus, Football, Basketball, Track, Newspaper, Golf, Bowling] Hofstra University. Finance. General Partner, OTA Limited Partners. 305. Victor Joseph (Vic) Zanoni. CL 1964. [Football] U. S. Army, Vietnam. Union Carpenter. Owner, Tri-State Telecommunications Company. 306. John Anthony (Little T or Rack ’em up) Carney. CL 1960. [Key Club, Football, Track, Basketball, Gym Leaders, “Most Attractive in Class”] Electrical Contractor. Coach, Youth Athletics. Cousin of # 491. 307. *Kevin James (Pumpkin) O’Neil. CL 1962. [Track, Dramatics] 308. John Joseph (Van) VanHouten. [Football, Gym Leaders] Fourth Grand Vice Princeps. Nassau Community College. Adelphi University. City College of New York. Detective, New York City Police Department. Investigator, SIU, Zurich Insurance. President, East Rockaway School Board. Chief, East Rockaway Fire Department. Nassau County Fire Marshall.. 309. Michael (Mike) Jacobs. CL 1962. [Football, Track] Brother of # 250 and # 325. 310. Thomas Edward (Tom, Tommy or Breadcrumbs) Brennan. CL 1962. [Football, Track, Service Squad] Brother of # 228, # 238, and #258. Cousin of Alpha Chi # 107. 311. Lawrence Joseph (Larry) Marino. CL 1962. [Track, Football, Baseball] 312. Ronald Kenneth (Ronnie or Ron) McInnes. CL 1962. [Class Treasurer, Chorus, Track, Football, Latin Club, Treasurer French Club, President Math Honor Society, Honor Society, “Most Likely to Succeed”] 313. Peter Michael (Pete) Pizzino. CL 1962. [Basketball, Football, Bowling, Baseball, Pi Delta Kappa (Math), Vice President Key Club, Spanish Club] Villanova University. Sales Management. 314. Ronald Peter DuPrey. CL 1962. [Football, Track, Service Squad, Chorus, Gym Leaders] Uncle of # 495. Brother of # 292 and # 339. Brother in Law of # 338. Cousin of Delta Chi # 61 and # 70. 315. Anthony Michael (Fidooch or Tony) Fiducia. CL 1962. [Football, Track] Fifth Grand Vice Princeps. 316. David E. (Dave) Gracy. CL 1965. [AV Squad, Captain Hall Cops, Chorus, Band, Gym Leaders, Football, Basketball, Track] Nassau Community College. University of Arizona. Northern Arizona University. University of Phoenix. U. S. Air Force. Learjet Corporation. Bombadier Aerospace. Instructor, Pima College. Primerica Financial Services. 317. David (Griff) Griffen. CL 1964. [Gym Leaders, Student Government, Football, Class Historian] 318. Peter Xavier (Kitty) Kearney. CL 1963. Brother of # 328. 319. Wesley Rodrigo. CL 1963. 320. Thomas Michael (Little Pud) Carlock. CL 1964. [Football, Baseball, Service Squad, Newspaper, “Class Clown”] Denison College. U. S. Army, Vietnam. Owner, Vocational Rehabilitation Services. President, Country Club. Brother of # 283 and # 345. 321. Michael (Seech) Connell. CL 1964. [Football, “Most Artistic in Class”] Brother of # 343. Cousin of # 490. 322. Bruce T. Gleason. CL 1962. 323. William (Swifty) Swift. CL 1964. [Latin Club, Science Honor Society, Math Club, Honor Society, Andiron Club, Class Treasurer, Band, Chorus] 324. Robert (Bob) Annunziata. CL 1966. Brother of # 296 and # 363. 325. Joel Jacobs. CL 1966. [Science Honor Society, Math Honor Society, Football, Basketball, Track, Class Vice President, President Gym Leaders, Newspaper, New York Boys’ State] University of Buffalo. Teacher and Coach, East Rockaway High School. Trainer/Pursar, Pan American World Airlines. Executive Recruiter. Owner, Sales Marketing Company. Brother of # 250 and # 309. 326. Daniel Andrew (Moose) Morrison. CL 1966. [Dramatics, Math Honor Society, Football, Track, Class President] 327. Robert Allen (Bob) Smillie. CL 1966. [Captain Football, Basketball, Gym Leaders, Baseball, Track] Fifth Grand Vice Princeps (6 months). U. S. Air Force, Vietnam. Lieutenant, New York City Fire Department. Captain, East Rockaway Fire Department. Brother of # 114, # 177, # 211 and # 294. 328. Charles Edward (Charlie) Kearney. CL 1965. [Chairman Stage Crew] SUNY at Farmingdale. Electrician, Local 3. Brother of # 318. 329. Warren J. (Mick) Healey. CL 1965. [Football, Baseball] U. S. Army, Vietnam. Nassau County Police. Executive Board, Nassau Country PBA. Make-A-Wish Foundation. Town of Hempstead Anchor Program. 330. Kevin Kiley. CL 1965. Uncle of # 505 and # 513. University of Wyoming. Professional Football in National Football League and World Football League. Sports Commentator with ESPN, Fox Sports, Westwood One and TNT Television. Anchor/Reporter, WJLA-TV. Winner of multiple Emmy Awards. 331. Barclay Edward Booth. CL 1966. [Secretary Gym Leaders, Football, Basketball] University of North Carolina. Owner, Empire Petroleum, major East Coast gasoline distributor. Developer. Cousin of # 432. 332. Thomas (Tommy) Kakareko. CL 1966. [Basketball] Brother of # 231. 333. Dennis Timothy Key. CL 1966. [Student Government, Chairman Rock Rivalry, Football, Basketball] U. S. Marine Corps, Vietnam. Electronics Business. Nassau County Sewer Department. East Rockaway Fire Department. 334. John Channing Newhall. CL 1966. Wall Street Trader. East Rockaway and Holbrook Fire Departments. [Student Government, Newspaper, Football, Track] 335. Joseph Francis (Joe) Schibi Jr. CL 1965. [Football] Northwest Missouri State University. Teacher and Coach, Neosho High School, Missouri. 336. Larry Richard Hickam. CL 1965. [Football] U. S. Army, Vietnam. Supervisor, Nassau County Department of Public Works. Warehouse Manager, Tri State Telecommunications. Uncle of # 504 and # 512. 337. John (Lester) Spires. CL 1964. [French Club, French Honor Society, Pi Delta Kappa (Math), “Most Calm in Class”] 338. Peter John (Pete) D’Agnessa. CL 1967. [Vice President Gym Leaders, Captain Hall Cops, Football, Track] Father of # 494. Brother of # 364. Brother in law of # 314. 339. Paul Joseph (Dupes) DuPrey. CL 1965. [French Honor Society, Chorus] Nassau Community College. SUNY at Brockport. SUNY at Delhi. Owner, DuPrey Auto Body. Registered Nurse, Delaware County Public Health. Walton Fire Department. Brother of # 292 and # 314. Cousin of Delta Chi # 61 and # 70. 340. Donald Edward (Hughie) Scaglione. CL 1966. [Football, “Best Dressed in Class”] 341. Robert Tait (Bob) Smith. CL 1966. [Student Government, Football, Track, Basketball] Roanoke College. Partner, Ultraflex, flexible packaging. 342. Bryan (Roach) Monroe. CL 1968. [Student Government, Arts Club, Gym Leaders, Football, Track, Newspaper, “Best Dressed”] 343. Daniel (Dan or Weasel) Connell. CL 1968. Brother of # 321. Cousin of # 490. 344. Robert Mulhern. CL 1968. [Captain Basketball, Football, Track] 345. Patrick Francis (Ricky or Pat) Carlock. CL 1968. [Dramatics, Art Club, Foreign Exchange Club, Chorus, Newspaper, “Best Dancer”] Brother of # 283 and # 320. 346. Daniel (Danny) Kosotan. CL 1966. [Football] New Mexico State University. U. S. Army, Vietnam. Union Sheet Metal Worker. 347. Gary William Thornlow. CL 1968. [Basketball, Football, Track] Son of # 62. Deceased in Vietnam. Gold Star. 348. Melvyn (Mel) Combs. CL 1965. [Class President, Vice President Gym Leaders, Hall Cops, Basketball, Track, Baseball] 349. Bruce William Mello. CL 1967. [Honor Society, President Gym Leaders, Varsity Club, Basketball, Track, Cross Country, Baseball, Class President] Pennsylvania State University. Professional Basketball player, French Professional League. Television Advertising. Senior VP/General Manager for NBC Owned Stations Advertising, Harrington, Righter and Parsons. WABC. Assistant to President, Katz Media. Founder 24/7 Media (internet). Executive VP, Skygo. Network Sales and Marketing, Univision. 350. Edmund (Ed) Foley. CL 1966. [Football] 351. Thomas Hugh Stevenson. CL 1969. [Baseball, Basketball, Track, Golf, Dramnatics] Son of Theta III # 98. Petroleum Products Trader, Texaco. 352. Gary William (Opie) Dwyer. CL 1969. [Football, Baseball, Basketball, Track, VP Gym Leaders, Hall Cop] University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Principal, Scotland County Schools. 353. William John (Dart) Thompson. CL 1969. 354. Charles Jacob (Jake) Bogutzski. CL 1969. [Gym Leaders, Chorus, Football, Basketball, Track, Hall Cop] 355. James Harry (Chip) Koehler. CL 1967. [Gym Leaders, Football, Basketball, Track] U. S. Army, Vietnam. Long Island Rail Road Police. Brother of # 421. 356. James E. Ryan. CL 1969. Cousin of # 447. 357. Gary Douglas (Sweeney) Wester. CL 1969. [Football, Photo Editor Newspaper, VP DECA] 358. James Peter (Shishi) Sheshene. CL 1967. [Basketball, Football, Baseball] 359. John William Weiss. CL 1969. [Track, Cross Country, Band, Gym Leaders, Jazz Band, Football, Newspaper] Brother of # 379. Clarkson University. President, Micro Weiss Electronics/Weiss Instruments. 360. Roland L. Menendez. CL 1968. [Arts Club, Football, Track] U. S. Marine Corps, Vietnam. Maintenance Supervisor, Nassau County Department of Public Works. Brother of # 399. 361. Gary Glynn Reichle. CL 1967. Hofstra University. University of Maryland. U. S. Air Force, Vietnam. Architect, Wedding and Associates. 362. James Vincent Marasco. CL 1968. [Gym Leaders, Captain Football, Baseball, Yearbook, “Class Clown, Class Wit”] 363. Vincent Annunziata. CL 1970. [Football, Baseball] Brother of # 296 and # 324.. 364. Richard (Ricky) D’Agnessa. CL 1970. [Yearbook, Track, Band, Dramatics] Brother of # 338. Uncle of # 494. 365. Gregory Conrad (Greg) Lanza. CL 1969. [Football, Track, Art Club, Band] 366. Joseph Maniscalco. ?-02/16/1967-?. CL 1970. Expelled October 9, 1969. 367. Brian Robert Mahon. CL 1971. [Football] Broadway Stage Hand. Brother of # 369. 368. Michael N. Zaccheo. CL 1969. 369. Daniel Edward (Danny) Mahon. CL 1969. [Track, Cross-Country] SUNY at New Paltz. Hofstra University. Teacher, Oceanside HS. Film Technician. Brother of # 367. 370. Vance William Murphy. CL 1968. 371. Richard Robert (Rickey) Ruggiano. CL 1971. [President Student Government, Class President, Football, Track] Delta Psi Epsilon at Villanova University. Adelphi University. Insurance executive, Cigna Insurance. Vice President, AIG Group. Masonic Order. 372. Kirk D. Sternberg. ?-03/07/1968-?. CL 1969. [Basketball, Track] 373. Steven Louis Tutone. CL 1970. [Gym Leaders, Baseball, Football] Construction Manager. Brother of # 405. 374. James Michael (Jim) Finnis. CL 1970. [Baseball, Dramatics] Brother of # 450. 375. Ronald (Pill or Bubba) Haskins. CL 1970. 376. Thomas Arthur (Tommy) Hering. CL 1972. [Football, Basketball, Track, Gym Leaders, Student Government, Spanish Club, Arts Club, Dramatics, Drug Council, Youth Council, Students Against Pollution, Hall Cops, “Best Dancer”] SUNY at Albany. President, Pro Sports Properties. 377. Vincent (Vinnie) Lantz. CL 1971. 378. Richard Evans (Ricky) Mayell. CL 1972. [Honor Society, Yearbook, Vice President Student Government, New York Boys State, Baseball, Captain Basketball, Captain Football, Dramatics, Arts Club, Gym Leaders, Class Vice President, Drug Council, Chairman Rock Rivalry, Hall Cops, Band, “Most Versatile, Most Athletic”] Chi Psi at Union College. MBA, NYU. Manufacturer’s Hanover Bank. CS/First Boston. Oppenheimer and Company. Managing Director in charge of Latin American Investments. J. P. Morgan. Director, Holmdel Youth Sports Association, Director, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. 379. Stephen Edward (Steve) Weiss. CL 1972. [Chairman Rock Rivalry, Secretary Key Club, Students of Science, Dramatics, Track, Football, Band, Drug Council] Grand Historian. Baldwin-Wallace College. Weiss Instruments. Brother of # 359. 380. Robert Wright. CL 1970. 381. Thomas Alan (Tommy) Alto. 07/09/1954-01/09/1969-?. CL 1972. [Football, Track, Cross Country] Nassau Community College. Marketing, Circulation and Finance, Newsday, The Daily News and Hearst Magazines. Coach and Board Member, Oceanside Little League. 382. Anthony Peter (Bruno or Tony) Benardello. CL 1970. [Football, Track] Owner, CPS Electronics. Brother of # 390. 383. Robert (Moose) Jarmuz. CL 1970. [Football, Track] 384. (John) Philip (Phil) Larkin. CL 1971. 385. William Michael (Wild Bill) Warnken. CL 1970. [Football, Baseball] 386. Richard L. (Ricky or Big Yoz) Yoswein. CL 1970. [Student Government, Foreign Exchange Club, Key Club, Chess Club] SUNY at Albany. Owner, Alpha Business Systems, New York City. 387. John Gilmer Maloney. CL 1972. [Math Society, Yearbook, Student Government, Drug Council, Basketball, Students Against Pollution] SUNY at New Paltz. Owner, Maloney and Associates Surety Bonds. Director, California Center for the Arts. President, San Diego Surety Association. Treasurer, Construction Finncial Management Association. Director, Engineering General Contractors Association. 388. William Thomas (Tusk) Gilligan. CL 1970. Nassau Community College. Hofstra University. Air Freight Company, JFK Airport 389. Jeffrey Minton (Jeff or Brow) Hamsley. CL 1970. [Foreign Exchange Club, Dramatics, Chorus, Yearbook] University of Miami. Supervisor, Long Island Rail Road. Son of # 141. Nephew of # 167. 390. Michael Edward (Sach) Benardello. CL 1972. [Football] Brother of # 382. Carpenter. Structual Mechanic, Grumman Aerospace. Ground Support Crew, Republic Airport. 391. Howard J. (Tex) Cozine Jr. CL 1973. [Track, Captain Football] 392. James Edward (Jimbo) Kubat. CL 1973. [Football, Track, Vice President Student Government, Arts Club, Class Vice President] Nassau Community College. Fordham University. MA, New York University. Career Counselor. Executive Recruiter. 393. William (Billy or Mackie) McMahon. ? CL 1973. [Football, Baseball, Basketball, Gym Leaders] Brother of # 422. 394. Michael O’Reilly. CL 1971. 395. Clyde Ramsdell. CL 1973. 396. Edward M. (Eddie) Tanida. CL 1973. [Yearbook, Students Against Pollution, Class Vice President, Class President, Football, Baseball, Newspaper, Band, Track, Arts Club, President Key Club] SUNY at Oneonta. University of Michigan. Vice President, CIGNA Health Care. 397. William Gerard (Mickey) Kell. CL 1973. [Captain Football, Captain Baseball, Student Government] New York Institute of Technology. Chief Estimator, Sorbara Construction Corporation. Brother of # 402. 398. Robert (E.J.) Kienzle. ?-04/23/1970-?. Cl 1973. [Football, Track] 399. Daniel Duane (Delemar) Menendez. CL 1972. [Football, Track, Spanish Club, Arts Club, Dramatics, DECA, Bio Club, Hall Cops, Class President, Chorus, Band, Drug Council, Yearbook, Students Against Pollution, Student-Teacher Forum, Newspaper, Student Government] Palomar College. Miracosta College. Splicing Technician, SBC Communications. School Board, Cardiff-By-The-Sea. Coach Boys and Girls Little League, Pop Warner Football. Brother of # 360. 400. Kevin Scott Conway. CL 1972. [Football, Track, Arts Club, Yearbook, Newspaper] Brother of # 423. 401. Robert D. (Ivan) Deutsch. CL 1974. [Captain Basketball, Captain Track, Captain Football, All-Long Island Football] University of Rhode Island. 402 Douglas Alan Kell. Carey HS. [Football, Basketball, Baseball, Varsity Club] University of Miami. Union Carpenter. Delicatessan Owner. Building Department, Ulster County. Coach, Basketball and Baseball, Port Ewen Athletic Association. Brother of # 397. 403. Anthony M. (Tony Motts) Martorella Jr. CL 1973. [Football, Track] 404. Lawrence (Larry) McCondichie. CL 1974. [Captain Football, Captain Basketball] 405. Louis P. (Bo) Tutone. CL 1974. [Track, Football, Gym Leaders] Brother of # 373. 406. (William) John Wipfler. CL 1974. [Class President, Student Government, Chairman Rock Rivalry, Captain Football, Captain Track, Spanish Honor Society, Hall Cops, Chorus, Glee Club, Band, Key Club, Arts Club, Yearbook, Dramatics, Political Science Club] St. Lawrence University. Antioch College. MBA, Boston College. JD, Boston College Law School. Assistant Attorney General of Maine. Director Maine Health Care Finance Commission. Chief Executive Officer, Eyecare Medical Group. Orthopedic Associates. Lawyer. Brother of # 437. Who’s Who in American Law. Who’s Who in Finance and Industry. 407. Gary Steven (Gero) George. CL 1974. [Football] House Painter. Operations Manager, Chemical Pollution Control. 408. James Robert (Jimbo) Lehr. CL 1974. [Basketball, Track, Cross Country, Voice of Democracy Essay Contest] 409. William Campbell Heiple. CL 1975. [Student Government, Drug Council, Football, Basketball, Track] University of New Haven. Environmental Engineering, Metcalf and Eddy, Inc. Senior Project Manager, Triton Environmental. 410. Robert Anthony (Toby) Imbrogno. CL 1974. [Baseball, Basketball, DECA] SUNY at Farmingdale. Supervisor, Wise Potato Chips. Real Estate Agency. 411. Richard Edward (Ricky) Beauchesne. CL 1974. [Football] Brother of # 415, # 416 and # 461. 412. Thomas Francis (Tom) Doherty Jr. CL 1975. [Chairman Rock Rivalry, Class President, Baseball, Football, Gym Leaders, Drug Council, Student Peers] Son of # 91. Nephew of # 29. Brother of # 436. Springfield College. Rutgers University. Vice President for Real Estate Development, Verizon. 413. Gerard Michael (Jerry) Gremse. CL 1975. [Football, Track, Golf, Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Key Club, Drug Council, Hall Cops, Yearbook, Newspaper, Dramatics, Chorus, Student Peers, YOUGO] Norwich University. Owner, Mechanics Towell (Linen Supply). General Manager, Seacrest Linen. 414. Douglas Dean (Doug) Dake. CL 1976. [Chairman Rock Rivalry, Baseball, Football, Newspaper, Hall Cops] Owner, Trim and Top, Inc. 415. Michael (Bo) Beauchesne. 08/071957-11/30/1972-?. CL 1976. [Football] Brother of # 411, # 416 and # 461. 416. Steven (Steve) Beauchesne. 08/07/1957-11/30/1972-?. CL 1976. [Football] Brother of # 411, # 415 and # 461. 417. Scott Gregory (Podolak or Scotty) Pollock. CL 1974. [Football, Basketball, Golf, DECA] 418. Gregory (Bubba) Willis. CL 1977. [Football] Technician, Petro Oil Company. 419. Robert Werner Aue. CL 1977. [Football, Captain Basketball, Captain Track] New York Institute of Technology. Owner, Aue’s Ultra Pool and Spa. Boy Scout Leader. 420. Brian William Congdon (Clem) Richards. CL 1977. [Football, Track, Photo Club] Staff Sergeant, U. S. Air Force. Community College of the Air Force. Fuel Cell Systems Technician. 421. John Francis (Flash) Koehler. CL 1977. [Captain Track, Cross Country, Football, Yearbook] U. S. Post Office. Brother of # 355. 422. Thomas M. (Macky or Sneaks) McMahon. CL 1977. [Choir, Student Government, Football, Track, Dramatics] Brother of # 393. 423. Curtis Conway. CL 1977. Moved to Oklahoma. Brother of # 400. 424. Timothy D. (Tim) Reese. CL 1977. [Basketball, Golf] 425. William Daniel (Goods or Billy) Goodspeed Jr. CL 1977. [Track, Football, Basketball, Treasurer Student Government, President Student Government (2 years), Student Peer Organization, Class President, President YOUGO, Art Club, French Club, Secretary Youth Governing Board, Yearbook, Newspaper, Chorus, Dramatics] Convention Chairman. Grand Historian. Second Grand Vice Princeps. First Grand Vice Princeps. Grand Princeps (3 months). Pratt Institute. Commercial Artist. Owner, Goodspeed and Associates. Owner, Catch-24 Advertising and Design. Brother of # 444. 426. Michael R. (Mike) Nolan. CL 1977. [Football, Chorus] 427. Frank (Stich) Arena. CL 1977. [Football, Track, All-County Track] Nassau Community College. Landscape Design and Maintenance. Coach, PAL. 428. Rev. Donald Joseph (Donnie) Maloy. CL 1977. [Captain Basketball, Football, Captain Baseball] New York City Fireman. Minister, Higher Ground Ministries. Brother of # 454. 429. Karl (Merle) DeMasi. CL 1977. [Football, Track, Baseball, Student Peer Organization, Dramatics, Newspaper] Nassau Community College. Adelphi University. Teacher/Coach, East Rockaway HS; Robert L. Groves HS, Garden City, Georgia. 430. Jay Charles Rieder. CL 1977. [Spanish Honor Society, Yearbook, Newpaper, Football, Track, Dramatics, Key Club] Hofstra University. Graphic Artist Channel 11 News at 10 and James Banyon Photoengraving. Brother of # 451 and # 452. 431. Edward Francis John (Visine) Visone. CL 1977. [Football, Baseball] SUNY at Farmingdale. Civil Engineer, Nassau County. Coach, West Hempstead Youth Sports. 432. John David (Johnny Jock) Morano. CL 1978. [Captain Basketball, Class President, President Student Government, Captain Football, Captain Track, Cross Country, Dramatics, YOUGO] Clark University. Penn State University. Cousin of # 331. Professor of Journalism at Monmouth University. Author of three novels. 433. Brian Michael Conrad (Bryne) Armstrong. CL 1978. 434. John Baptist (Hondo) Gleason. CL 1978. [Captain Football, Baseball] Nassau Tech Trade Electricity I,II, I.B.E.W., C.S.E.A. Sr. Maintainer Facilities, Owner The Bait Well, Team Bass Boy bait and tackle shops, 8 year Coach E.R. Raiders Youth Football. 435. Warren William (Kip) Kipling. CL 1978. [Captain Basketball, Track, Yearbook, Newspaper, Chairman YOUGO, Student Government, Dramatics] Banner Chairman. Grand Comptroller (2 years). Waynesburg College. Partner, CPA Firm. Brother of # 473. 436. Robert George (Wubba) Doherty. CL 1978. [Football, Basketball, Baseball, Yearbook] Son of # 91. Nephew of # 29. Brother of # 412. Slippery Rock State University. Controller, Dual Star Construction, Inc. Co-Chairman, Andrew Stern Foundation. 437. Dr. Mark Gustav (Waff) Wipfler. CL 1978. [Chairman Rock Rivalry, Football, Track, Class Vice President] Clark University. New York Medical College. Doctor of Medicine. Emergency Room Physician. Assistant Director of Emergency Department, Bristol Hospital, Connecticut. Brother of # 406. 438. Edward Peter (Mario) Mari Jr. CL 1977. [Choir, Dramatics] St. Johns University. Engineer, Long Island Rail Road. Coach, Oceanside Little League. 439. Christopher Robin Francis (Studd) Goldman. CL 1978. [Basketball, Baseball] R. Markey and Sons, Brokers, New York Commodity Market. Son of # 108. Nephew of # 37 and # 56. Brother of # 459. 440. Henry William (Hank) Benning Jr. CL 1977. [Newspaper, Dramatics, Literary Magazine, Yearbook, Baseball, Captain Bowling] York College. Northside Savings Bank. New York Times Business Department. Voice of Sportsphone. Credit Analyst, CMP Media. 441. Raymond (Archie) Manning. CL 1979. Lynbrook High School. Transferred from Theta III Chapter. CPA, Lerner, Manning Company. Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. 442. Michael Perry (Beans) Wetherell. CL 1978. [Football, Track, Key Club, Honor Society, Student Government, Spanish Honor Society, Dramatics, Yearbook, Newspaper, Band Chorus, Hall Cops, Bowling] U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis. General Manager, Fleet Engineering, Long Island Rail Road. Vice President/Marketing, New Anthem Air Conditioning. Grandson of Theta III # 3. Brother of # 477. 443 Andrew Sheldon (Jay) Stern. CL 1978. [Track, Baseball, Football, Band, Chorus] Hofstra University. Dean Witter Reynolds. Municipal Bond Trader, Cantor Fitzgerald. Died in destruction of World Trade Center in New York City. 444. David Michael (Goods or Dave) Goodspeed. CL 1979. [Class President, Student Government, Basketball, Baseball, Chairman Rock Rivalry, Key Club, Dramatics, Newspaper, Yearbook, Hall Cops, Spanish Honor Society] Brother of # 425. Adelphi University. Magazine editor. Public Relations, Health Industry Business Communications Council. Director of Corporate Communications, Healthcare Dimensions. 445. Robert Scott (Wabbit) Balkam. CL 1979. [Dramatics, Basketball, Baseball, Key Club, Hope Club] 446. James Joseph (Jimmy) Conforti. CL 1978. [Basketball, Track, President YOUGO] Grand Master of Ceremonies. Owner, JC Automotive. 447. William David Campbell. CL 1979. Nassau Community College. Machinist, Security Company. Cousin of # 356. 448. Bruce Anderson (Bernie) Wilcox. CL 1979. [Football] UPS Driver. 449. Victor (Vic) Ruvolo. Cl 1979. [President Band, Baseball, Chorus, Glee Club, Friends Program, Dramatics, Orchestra, NYSSMA] SUNY at Buffalo. Senior Vice President/Group Client Director, Carat USA Advertising. 450. David Joseph (Dave) Finnis. CL 1980. [Captain Baseball] College of Insurance (St. Johns University) Insurance Broker, Aon Insurance Company. Brother of # 374. 451. Rev. Michael Joseph (Mike) Rieder. CL 1980. [Football, Track, Dramatics, Chorus, Madrigal Singers, Honor Society, Vice President Student Government, Friends Program, Key Club, Student Peers, Class Vice President] St. Johns University. Infant Jesus Church, Port Jefferson, NY. Associate Pastor, St. John of God Church. Associate Pastor, Saint Raphael’s Roman Catholic Church. Brother of # 430 and # 452. 452. Robert Francis (Beard) Rieder. CL 1980. [Chairman Rock Rivalry, Class Vice President, Honor Society, Dramatics, Spanish Honor Society, Captain Football, Captain Track, Key Club] SUNY at Stony Brook. Solomon Smith Barney. Brother of # 430 and # 451. 453. Charles Robert Kettles. CL 1980. Son of Alpha Psi # 265. Grand Master of Ceremonies. Grand Comptroller (2 years). Grand Secretary. 454. James Donald Maloy. CL 1980. [Spanish Honor Society, Captain Basketball for two years, Baseball, Dramatics] Brother of # 428. 455. Patrick W. Campbell. CL 1980. [Football, Track, Dramatics, Honor Society] Cornell University. Hotel Manager. 456. James Arthur (Cel) Celiberti. CL 1980. [Baseball, Captain Football, Yearbook, Key Club] Brother of # 460. St. Johns University. Manager, Business Development Subscription and Group Sales, Madison Square Garden 457. Vincent Joseph Pernice. CL 1980. [Dramatics, Yearbook, Class Treasurer, Football, Baseball, Key Club] SUNY at Stony Brook. Cartographer, Defense Mapping Agency. Regional Vice President, Primerica Financial Services. 458. Michael David (Aldo) Uhl. CL 1980. [Football, Captain Basketball, Baseball, Dramatics, Key Club, French Honor Society, Newspaper, Class Treasurer] Son of # 240. Director of Sales, Walt Disney’s Dolphin Hotel. Director of Sales, Paris-Las Vegas Hotel. 459. Stephen Brian (Steve) Goldman. CL 1981. [Football] Embry Riddle Aeronautical College. Northeastern University. Computer Lab, MIT. Son of # 108. Nephew of # 37 and # 56. Brother of # 439. 460. John Christopher (Cel) Celiberti. CL 1981. [Football, Dramatics, Student Government, Friends Program, Yearbook] Valentia Community College. Vice President Adco Electric. Brother of # 456. 461. David Alan (Dave) Beauchesne. CL 1981. Brother of # 411, # 415, and # 416. 462. John W. (Jack or Jackie) Eckhardt. CL 1982. [Track, Football, Basketball] Brother of # 475. 463. Thomas Joseph (O’Nick) Olewnicki. CL 1982. [Baseball, Dramatics, Key Club] Brother of # 516. 464. Mark Anthony (Julio) Caragiulo. CL 1982. [Baseball, Basketball, Track, Assistant Editor-in-Chief Yearbook, Hope Club, Newspaper, Key Club, “Best Looking”] Florida State University. Movie Actor and Director. Restaurant Designer, Caragiuolo’s Restaurants. Brother of # 481 and # 522. 465. Richard Jude (Cal or Ricky) Calabrese. CL 1982. [Dramatics, Basketball, Baseball, Student Government, Football] Uncle of # 542. 466. Andrew Steven (McNuts) McClure. CL 1982. [Basketball, Football, Track, “Best Personality in Class”] Hunter College. Financial Writer, Dreyfus Corporation. Investment Specialist, Citigroup. Building Homes for Heroes. 467. Mark J. Seelig. CL 1982. Hauppauge HS. Fordham University. Hofstra University Law School. Attorney, Rogers and Wells; Chassman, Yang and Seelig; Meister Seelig and Fine 468. Felix Herrara. CL 1982. [Band, Chorus] Brother of # 469. 469. Max Herrara. CL 1982. [Band, Volleyball, “Best Dressed”] Brother of # 468. 470. Dr. Lawrence James (Larry) Cardano Jr. CL 1982. [Student Government, President Dramatics, Key Club, Friends Program, Yearbook] SUNY at Buffalo. Columbia University. Doctorate, University of Florida. Private Practice of Audiology. Lions Club. Brother of # 482. 471. George Frederick Hafele Jr. CL 1982. Columbia-Greene Community College. U. S. Marine Corps. Columbia County Sheriff’s Department. Trooper, New York State Police. Copake Fire Department. 472. Michael John (Mike) Brandon. CL 1982. [Baseball, Dramatics] Syracuse University. Vice President/Construction Manager, Westerman Construction `Company. 473. Robert James (Kip) Kipling. CL 1982. [Track, Basketball, Cross Country, Yearbook, Newspaper, Dramatics, Stage Crew] Grand Historian (2 years). Florida Institute of Technology. Kipling Camera. Motophoto. Schneider Optics. Technical Advisor, Olympus Cameras. Holder of patent in optical glass. Brother of # 435. 474. Kevin Gillen. CL 1983. [Football, Basketball, Track] Resigned in lieu of expulsion September 1982. 475. Robert Scot Eckhardt. CL 1984. [Track, Football] Brother of # 462. 476. Gregory Charles (Webby) Webster. CL 1984. [Dramatics, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Track] New York City Police. Cab Driver. Custodian, Oceanside School District. Facilities Manager, AHRC. 477. Christopher Ellis (Chris) Wetherell. CL 1984. Nassau Community College. [Baseball, Basketball, Football, “Most Athletic in Class”] Grandson of Theta II # 3. Brother of # 442. Brother in law of # 492. Carpenter. 478. Vito J. (Stallion) Friscia. CL 1984. [Football, Baseball, Basketball] 479. Joseph Anthony (Joey) Esposito. CL 1984. Nassau Community College. Construction Industry. Manager, Verizon. Brother of # 499. 480. Joseph Maribelli. CL 1983. 481. Robert Anthony (Julie) Caragiulo. CL 1985. [Honor Society, Chorus, Madrigals, All-County Chorus, Baseball, President Dramatics, Basketball, Football, Editor in Chief Yearbook, “Most Respected, Most Versatile in Class”] Texas Tech University. SUNY at Albany. Florida State University. Owner/General Manager, Caragiulo’s Restaurants. Brother of # 464 and # 522. 482. Michael (Blackie) Cardano. CL 1985. [Captain Baseball, Cross Country, Football] St. Johns University. President, Cardano Capital. CarCam Corporation. Bristol Property Management. Brother of # 470. 483. Kevin J. (Spikes) Mikes. CL 1984. [Yearbook] Nassau Community College. New York City Police Department. Sales Manager, Aviation Life Support Company. 484. Frank Salvatore Boni. CL 1984. [Basketball, Baseball] Expelled November 1983. 485. Michael (Mike) Coletta. CL 1984. Expelled November 1983. 486. Michael Falco. Expelled November 1983. 487. John (Jack) Mogelnicki. CL 1984. Expelled November 1983. 488. Neil (2-Z-O) Tuzzio. CL 1983. [Football] Expelled November 1983. 489. Michael Gerald (Mike) Vonnoh. CL 1984. [Baseball, Basketball, Student Government, Choir, Madrigals] Expelled November 1983. 490. Richard Patrick (Ricky) Connell. CL 1985. [Vice President and President Dramatics, Class Vice President, “Most Dramatic in Class”] Cousin of # 321 and # 343. Director of Computer Sciences Department, technical school. Regional Controller, National Car Rental. Corporate Quality Control Manager, EZ Rentacar. 491. Robert Michael (Luvy) Walker Jr. CL 1984. [Football, Dramatics, Yearbook, “Class Wit”] SUNY College of Labor Studies. Lecturer on American Civil War. Volunteer, Old Bethpage Restoration. East Rockaway Fire Department. Electrician. Nephew of # 306. 492. Vincent Joseph (Vinnie) Spinnato Jr. CL 1985. [Honor Society, Literary Magazine, Editor in Chief Yearbook, Basketball, Baseball, Dramatics, Student Peer Organization] Hofstra University. CPA. Financier. Founding Partner, Guggenheim Capital Markets. Founding Partner, StoneCreek Capital Management. Founding Partner Dellacamera Capital Management. 493. Christopher Robert (Chris) Stiansen. CL 1984. [Football, Basketball, Baseball, Big Brothers Program, Dramatics] Nassau Community College. Detective, New York City Police. 494. Peter John (Pete or Petey) D’Agnessa Jr. CL 1985. [Track] Son of # 338. Nephew of # 314 and # 364. SUNY at Geneseo. Proprietor, Woods Avenue Delicatessen, Oceanside, NY. 495. Robert Joseph (Rob) Molinari. CL 1986. [Basketball, Football, Track, Weightlifting] St. Johns University. Inventory Manager/Purchasing Agent, American Marine Distributors. 496. Richard Frank (Rich or Parazoli) Palazzolo. CL 1985. [Captain Football, Track, Basketball, Baseball, Dramatics, Yearbook, “Most Athletic in Class”] University of New Haven. SUNY at Oneonta. New York City Police Department. Detective, Suffolk County Police. 497. Robert James Romero. CL 1986. [Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country] New York Institute of Technology. Construction Management. Brother in law of # 442. 498. Joshua (Josh) Bolen. CL 1986. [Football, Foreign Exchange Student in Thailand] Clark University. Lawyer. 499. Michael Andrew Anthony (Espo) Esposito. CL 1986. [Basketball, Football] Hudson Valley Community College. New York City Police. Brother of # 479. 500. Thomas Richard (Tommy) Galvin III. CL 1983. South Side High School. [Football, Wrestling, Weightlifting Club, DECA] University of Phoenix. New York City Police. Paralegal. 501. Robert Stephen (Bull) Tarleton. CL 1964. Port Washington High School [President Science Club, President Stamp Club, President Amateur Radio Club, Secretary Interact, Newspaper, Debate Club, Political Club, Band, Chorus, Varsity Choir, Dramatics, President Cyclotron Club, History Club, Student Government, Track, Indoor Track, PA and Lighting Crew] Initiated into Alpha Phi as alumnus. Previously a member of Upsilon Zeta, Delta Chi and Beta Pi Chapters. Banner Chairman (9 years). Convention Chairman (13 years). Editor, Omega News/Sodalitas (12 years). Grand Historian (10 years). Grand Secretary (7 years). Fifth Grand Vice Princeps. First Grand Vice Princeps. Grand Princeps (16 years). Adult Advisor of Alpha Phi, 1974 to 1989 and 2005-. Kappa Alpha Society at Wesleyan University. U. S. Air Force, Press Representative, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force. Vice President/Executive Director, Intercollegiate Broadcasting System. National Secretary, The Kappa Alpha Society, oldest collegiate fraternity. Adjudicator, U. S. Veterans Administration. Partner, Applause Productions. Author. Coined the word “Infotainment” (originally “Infortainment”) Who’s Who in Entertainment, Who’s Who in the East, Who’s Who in America. 502. Paul Francis Heinzel. CL 1984. [Football, Track] Electrician. Instructor, Business Representative, Executive Board, IBEW Local #25. Son of # 201. Brother of # 503. 503. Peter Richard (Pete) Heinzel. CL 1987. [Chorus, “Best Physique in Class”] Son of # 201. Brother of # 502. 504. Scott Elvie Hickam. CL 1987. [“Best Dressed in Class”] Empire State College. Laborer, Village of East Rockaway. Nephew of # 330 and # 336. Brother of # 512. 505. Richard Walter (Rich) McGreevy. CL 1984. [Football] 506. William Geddes (Billy) Simeon Jr. CL 1986. [Captain Football, Basketball, Baseball, Weightlifting] American International College. St. Johns University. Detective, New York City Police Department. 507. Dennis Lee Berg. CL 1985. Brother of # 509. 508. Brendan Michael Klapak. CL 1987. [Vice President Honor Society, Mock Trial, Editor in Chief Newspaper, Captain Cross Country, Captain Track, Class President, It’s Academic Team] SUNY at Albany. Seton Hall Law School. Major, U. S. Marine Corps. JAG. 509. Donovan Lee (Dudley) Berg. CL 1986. [Weightlifting, Dramatics] Brother of # 507. C. W. Post College. Scuba Diving Instructor. Boat Captain (100-ton Master). 510. Sean William McDonald. CL 1986. [Baseball, Students Against Drunk Driving, Student Government, Chairman Rock Rivalry, Band, Jazz Band] Tau Kappa Epsilon at Hofstra University. University of Missouri. Manager, Builders First Source, Building Materials Company. Cousin of # 534. 511. Thomas Anthony (Tom or Tongue) Gianni. CL 1987. [“Class Wit”] 512. Craig Kiley Hickam. CL 1988. [Basketball, Baseball, Football] Brother of # 504. Nephew of # 330 and # 336. Marist College. Corporate Accounts Manager, Expeditors International. Import Brokerage Manager, API Logistics. 513. Christopher George (Chris) Hoffman. CL 1987. [Honor Society, Yearbook, Band, Jazz Band] Systems Manager, Blockbuster Video. Corporate Trainer, Toys R Us. 514. Ralph Nicholas (Pamps) Pampino Jr. CL 1985. [Baseball, Basketball, Student Peer Organization, Yearbook, Treasurer Dramatics, “Best Personality, Most Popular in Class”] 515. Paul Matthew Mamay. CL 1987. [President Honor Society, Editor in Chief Newspaper, It’s Academic Team, Basketball, Track] Brother-in-law of # 519. SUNY at Albany. Suffolk County Police Department. 516. Paul Douglas Olewnicki. CL 1988. [Baseball, Basketball] Brother of # 463. 517. Charles Eric (Charlie) Pascale. CL 1987. 518. John Allen (Bovine) Angevine. CL 1985. [Roller Hockey] St. Johns University. Port Authority of New York and New Jersey: Public Relations, Customs, Heavy Machinery Operator. Mortgage Salesman. 519. Russell Joseph (Russ) Pajer. CL 1988. [Newspaper, Captain Basketball, Track, Football, “Did Most for Class, Most Athletic, Most Respected in Class”] Brother-in-law of # 515. Hofstra University. Teacher and Coach, East Rockaway High School. 520. James Edward (Jim) O’Hagan. CL 1988. [Football, Baseball, Captain Basketball] 521. John Joseph (The Rev) Meagher. CL 1988. [Honor Society, Cross Country, It’s Academic Team, Newspaper, Chorus, Jazz Band, Track, Yearbook, Band, Mock Trial, Class President, President Student Government, All-County Chorus, “Most Likely to Succeed”] Son of # 247. Nephew of # 90. Cousin of # 111.State University at Binghamton. Director of Technology, Network and Systems Coordinator, Middle CountrySchool District. 522. Anthony Michael Caragiulo Jr. CL 1987. [Chorus, Madrigals] Owner/General Manager Cargiulo’s Restaurants. Brother of # 464 and # 481. 523. Rodrigo (Rod) Corral. CL 1989. [Basketball, Track, “Best Dressed in Class”] 524. Brian Patrick (Foxy) Fox. CL 1988. [Football, Baseball, “Friendliest in Class”] Northeastern University. Media Processor, Cablevision. Coach, Oceanside HS Ice Hockey. Coach/Player, USA Hockey. Off-ice Official, National Hockey League. 525. Joseph C. (Joe) Mistretta. CL 1988. [Baseball, Football, Basketball] 526. Peter John (Rac) Racanelli. CL 1988. [“Class Clown”] Hofstra University. 527. Eric Raymond Acampora. CL 1987. Nassau Community College. Union Carpenter, New York City Housing Authority. Brother of # 528. 528. Steven Raymond (Steve) Acampora. CL 1986. Nassau Community College. St. Johns University. Court Officer, Borough of Brooklyn. Brother of # 527. 529. Edward Eugene (Eddie) Ryan. 1CL 1987. [Mock Trial, Newspaper, Chorus, Football] Son of Theta III # 351. Grand Historian (3 years). SUNY at Oswego. Teacher, Rochester, N. Y. Lieutenant, New York City Fire Department. 530. Richard Minton (Rich) Callagy. CL 1987. [Baseball] 531. Philip Joseph (Phil) Vitello. CL 1989. [Football, Track, Student Government] 532. Daniel Charles (Danny) Vito Jr. CL 1989. [Captain Football, Captain Baseball] C. W. Post College. Teacher/Coach, East Rockaway, NY. 533. Ralph Wayne Temple. CL 1989. [Captain Football, Basketball, Track, “Best Physique in Class”] New York Institute of Technology. Construction Manager, Verizon. 534. Seth Joseph Reynolds. CL 1990. Massapequa HS. Fashion Institute of Technology. Entrepreneur Cousin of # 510. 535. Gregory Thomas (Greg or Gregor) Hastings. CL 2006 [Class Vice President, Treasurer Student Government, Vice President Student Government, Captain Football, ‘Unsung Hero’ Award in Football, Baseball, Nassau County First Place Physical Education Award, Peer Mediation, Captain AV Crew, Lighting Director District Musical (2 years), High Honor Roll, Vice President Honor Society, Athletes Helping Athletes, It’s Academic Team, Captain Drumline, Band, Jazz Band, Orchestra, NYSSMA, Sunday School Teacher Bethany Congregational Church, Captain East Rockaway Junior Fire Department, “Most Involved”] University of Delaware. 536. Eric Javier Gonzalez. CL 2006. [Captain Football, Wrestling, Announcer/Coach E. R. Raiders Football, Anti-Bias Club, It’s Academic Team, Jazz Ensemble, Broadway Night, Junior Honor Society, Homecoming King, “Most Argumentative, Most Instrumental”] Five Towns College. 537. Justin Lau. CL 2006 [SADD, Peer Aide, Key Club, Track, Cross Country, Science Club, Mock Trial, It’s Academic Team, Chorus, Orchestra, High Honor Roll, Honor Society] SUNY at Stony Brook. 538. Philip James (Phil or Deech) DiChiara. CL 2006. [Captain Football, “Lineman of the Year,” Captain Lacrosse, All-Conference Lacrosse. Basketball, Track, Bully Prevention, Athletes Helping Athletes] SUNY at Farmingdale. 539. Mattheus Cerceau (Matt) Pacheco. CL 2006. [Lacrosse, SADD, Peer Aide, Bully Prevention, Musical, Key Club, Orchestra] U. S. Army. 540. Shen-Ming (Brother Ming or Shenjo) Jiang. CL 2006 [Valedictorian, Class Treasurer, Student Government, It’s Academic Team, Baseball, Cross Country, SADD, Chorus, Anti-Bias Club, Athletes Helping Athletes, High Honor Roll, Honor Society, “Teachers’ Pet, Most Likely to Succeed”] Harvard University. 541. Thomas John (Tom or TD) Dwyer. CL 2006. [Class Treasurer, Student Government, Chairman Rock Rivalry, Bully Prevention, Chorus, Captain Football, All-Conference Football, All Conference Academic Football, Nassau All-Stars Football Team, Holder of School Touchdown Record in a Single Game (5), Athletes Helping Athletes, MC Broadway Night, Dramatics, High Honor Roll, Honor Society, “Most School Spirit, Most Competitive”] SUNY at Albany. Nephew of # 352. 542. Craig Ryan (Cracka or Gelbs) Gelb. CL 2007. [Captain Football, Baseball, Captain Basketball, Captain Track, Lacrosse, AV Crew, Band, NYSSMA, Honor Roll, Junior Honor Society, Athletes Helping Athletes, Polar Bear Club] 543. Anthony Walter (Cal or C) Calabrese. CL 2007. [Captain Cross-Country, State Cross-Country Championships, Basketball, Baseball, High Honor Roll, Honor Society, Band, Jazz Band, NYSSMA, Musical, Sunday School Teacher Bethany Congregational Church, Eagle Scout, Baseball Clinic Coach, Athletes Helping Athletes] Nephew of # 465. 544. Paul Matthew Serpico. 03/18/1989 -?-?. CL 2007. [Captain Football, Captain Baseball, High Honor Roll, Honor Society, Chairman Rock Rivalry, Band, Drumline, Orchestra, NYSSMA] 545. Michael Cody Wynne. 06/03/1989 -?-?. CL 2007. [Football, Baseball, Basketball, Mock Trial, Honor Society, Athletes Helping Athletes, Leadership Forum] 546. Cesar Andres (Muney or Munz) Munoz. CL 2007. [High Honor Roll, Honor Society, Captain Football, All-County Football, Captain Lacrosse, All-Conference Lacrosse, All-County Lacrosse, Athletes Helping Athletes, Assistant Raiders Football, NYSSMA] 547. Michael Christopher (Squeaky) Shiel. CL 2007. [Football, Baseball, Lacrosse, Track, Athletes Helping Athletes, Polar Bear Club, Assistant Raiders Football, Honor Roll] 548. John Michael (Ven) Ventrello. CL 2007. Kellenberg HS. ERHS. [Basketball, Baseball, Football, Band, Drumline, NYSSMA, Honor Roll, Honor Society] 549. Anthony Francis (AD) Delury. CL 2007. [High Honor Roll, Honor Society, Captain Basketball, Captain Baseball, Captain Football] 550. Erik Gursky. CL 2007. [Band, Jazz Band, High Honor Roll, Honor Society] 551. Corey Eschbach. CL 2007. [Band, Jazz Band, Cross-Country, Basketball, Honor Society] 552. Justin (JT) Tricarico. CL 2007. NYSSMA All-State Festival. |