Brothers, as we are about to depart, let me once more impress upon you the sacredness of our oath.
Be ever ready to help a brother; let no shame come upon our Order through any act of ours; and always remember . . .
LORD, our heavenly Father, thou high and mighty Princeps of the Universe, who dost from Thy throne behold all dwellers upon the earth, most heartily we beseech Thee, with thy favor bless our Grand Officers and Chapters of Omega Gamma Delta; and to replenish them with the grace of the Eternal Chapter, that finally after this life, they may enjoy everlasting life and felicity.
According to Dr. Walter H. Kerby, Alpha ’04, the athletic department at Boys High School was the province of alumni of Cornell University and the Founders chose the tune of Cornell’s Alma Mater “Far Above Cayuga’s Waters” for Omega’s song as a result. The words of the first verse were written by the Founders while they were still in high school.
A second verse for the song came 40 years later. Louis F. DeMarco joined the young Beta Eta Chapter at Fort Hamilton High School during the fall of his senior year in 1942, and before he joined the U. S. Army Air Force, penned a second verse to the song, which quickly became the standard. Eventually Brother DeMarco went on to become publisher of Advertising Age magazine.
At various times the second verse has been sung “Christians are we all” or “Faithful are we all” before settling into the current wording more than 40 years ago.
Tune: Cornell Alma Mater
1. To Thee Omega Gamma Delta, Our Fraternity,
We’ll raise our voices all together, in humility,
Ours the labor, thine the glory; Brothers are we all,
We’ll work for thee, our dear Omega, in the rise or fall.
2. Fraternity, you’ll live forever, in the hearts of all,
Those assembled here together, answering your call.
By our God, we will follow, Brothers are we all.
We’ll pray for thee, our dear Omega, in thy rise or fall.