Exalted Chapter Members Meeting.
Mark Quering, Beta Chi/Delta Delta ’72 EC Vice President/Secretary
George deJager, Beta ’60
Mike D’Apolito, Beta Gamma ’66 EC President
Scott Marchetta, Tau Zeta ’73
Richie Bonacorsa, Beta Chi ’71
Chris DiPasquale, Beta Pi ’88
Tony Torcasso, Beta Chi/Delta Gamma ’78
Mike Fiumara, Beta Chi/Delta Alpha ’70
George Statler, Beta Chi/Beta Sigma ’75
Tom Dapolito, Beta Gamma/Delta Zeta ’65
Rich Hoffmann, Beta Chi ’70
The Exalted Chapter was created by resolution of the Grand Council, April 3, 1926. The Grand Council elected its original members and stated that thereafter the Exalted Chapter be self-electing.
Being elected to the Exalted Chapter of Omega Gamma Delta serves as the highest recognition that can be earned by an Omegaman for service to his fraternity. Selection and election is made by the living members of the Exalted Chapter. Members meet annually and are elected for life.
Exalted brothers also serve on the Corporate Board of Directors of the National Fraternity ‘ the highest legal authority within our order. Since its establishment, only a select group of 81 brothers have received this honor.