Barringer High School, South Side High School, East Side High School, West Side High School and Newark Academy, Newark, New Jersey; Columbia High School and South Orange High School, South Orange, New Jersey
Operating as The Ramblers. 1901 – December 20, 1910 December 20, 1910 – 1932 1. Clifford F. Armitage. CL 1903. Brother of # 46. 2. Stephen Paterson (Calamous) Belcher Jr. CL 6/1902. [‘Most Humorous’] Cooper Union. Surveyor. 3. Theodore (Douglio) Mead Jr. CL 1900. [‘Best Laugh’] Columbia University. Brother of # 27. 4. Elliott Hughes (Wend) Wendell. CL 6/1902. [‘Most Whimsical’] 5. Philip Ricord (Banner) VanDuyne. CL 6/1902. [Class President, Football, Track, ‘Best Athlete’] The Kappa Alpha Society at Lehigh University. New York Law School. Attorney, Lehlbach and VanDuyne. President, Meeker Foundry Company. President, Teeasurer, Employers’ Association of North Jersey. Director, Malleable Iron Research Institute. Director, Malleable Founders Society. Director, American Foundreymen’s Society. Essex County Board of Chosen Freeholders. Governor’s Committee, Passaic Valley Flood Control. Brother of # 63. 6. Walter N. (Rink) Higbie. CL 6/1902. [Most Noisy] 7. Louis U. Bruyere. CL 6/1902. 8. James A. (Jimmie) Gill. CL 6/1904. [Secretary Athletic Association, Football, Track, Newspaper, Treasurer, New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association, ‘Least Heard Of’] Princeton University. Newspaper Reporter, The Brooklyn Standard Union, The New York Telegram. Brother of # 104. 9. Walter McIntosh Geddes. CL 1903. [‘Most Cynical’] Stevens Institute of Technology10. Arthur Cheeter (Butter) Hampson. CL 6/1902. [Baseball, ‘Most Handsome’] Princeton University. Business Manager, The Philadelphia Evening Public Ledger. Official, Office of Price Administration, Office of Production Management, WW II. 10. George (One Half) Beattie. CL 1903 [Football, Basketball, Vice President Athletic Association, ‘Biggest Crank’] 11. George Bruyere. 12. Perry Furgeson. 13. C. Robert (Stockingless) Duncan. CL 6/1902. Brother of # 44 and # 78. 14 Jerome David Kern CL 6/1902. New York College of Music (NYU). Composer. Composer of 44 Broadway Musicals including Show Boat, which changed the entire genre by introducing a detailed plot line. Composer of five London musicals. Composer of music for seven movies. Mentor of composer George Gershwin. Known as “the father of the American Musical.” Partner, T. B. Harms Music Publishers. Director, American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP). Who’s Who in America. Who Was Who, Volume II. 15. Victor A. (Med-be) Schwartz. CL 6/1903. [Captain Baseball, Track, Newspaper, Captain Football, Captain Basketball, Swimming, Treasurer Athletic Association, ‘Ladies Man’] Brown University. Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society. 16. Arthur W. (Duckey) Lunn. CL 6/1903. [‘Most Musical’] Princeton University. Columbia University. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Sales Manager, General Electric Company. Chairman of the Board, United Hospitals of Newark. Chairman of the Board, Newark Presbyterian Hospital. Trustee, Blue Shield of New Jersey. President, Fairmount Sanitary Association. Advisory Board, United States Savings Bank of Newark. 17. Alexander MacGaw (Carrots) Borrie. CL 1/1904. [Baseball, ‘Biggest Flirt’] University of Pennsylvania. 18. (John) Ralph (Waterproof) Honiss. CL 6/1904. [Football, Track, ‘Most Admired’] Brown University. 19. Arthur T. Vanderbilt. CL 6/1905. [Class President, Editor newspaper] Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity at Wesleyan University. Columbia University Law School. Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Fraternity. Lawyer. Professor and Dean, New York University Law School. Chairman, New Jersey Judicial Council. Chairman, Association of State Judicial Councils. President American Bar Association. Chief Justice, New Jersey Supreme Court, 1948-1957. President Phi Beta Kappa Associates. Honorary President Delta Kappa Epsilon National Fraternity. Trustee and Chairman, Wesleyan University. Director, White Laboratories, Pepsi-Cola Company and several banks. Multiple honorary degrees. His name was proposed by Presidents Roosevelt and Eisenhower for Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court in 1938 and 1953. Author of several books.Who’s Who in America. Who Was Who, Volume III. 20. ‘Granpa’ Gill. [Best All Around] 21. Nicodemus (Cuttlefish) Armitage. [Most Popular] 22. John Gayle Stonaker. [Best Natured] 23. Warren (Winkie) Wheaton. [Baseball, Most Sought After] 24. Harold W. (Golden Hair) Adams. CL 1903. [Baseball] 25. Edgar (The-ate) Buffum Jr. CL 1903. [Track] 26. Augustus (Tillie) Begerow. 27. Raymond H. (Rah-Rah) Mead. CL 6/1901. [Easiest] Brother of # 3. 28. William Gerhard Mennen. CL 1/1903. [President Athletic Association] Cornell University. President, then Chairman of the Board, The Mennen Company. Who’s Who in America. Who Was Who, Volume IV. 29. Harry Doane. CL 6/1903. Newspaper reporter. Army, WW I. Columbia University. Treasurer, Osborn Company, manufacturer of calendars. 30. William S. Ward. CL 1/1903. Waldron Merry Ward. CL 6/1902. Princeton University. New York Law School. Counsel, Pitney, Harden and Kipp. Chairman of the Board, Howard Savings Institution. Director, National Newark and Essex Baking Company. Who’s Who in America. Who Was Who, Volume VI. 31. Charles Platt Gulick. CL 1/1904. Chairman, Nopco Chemical Company, formerly National Oil Products Company. New Jersey State Chairman, Committee for Economic Development, WW II. East Orange Board of Education. President, Sulphonated Oil Manufacturers Association of America. Director, Harrison National Bank. Chairman of the Board, Brass Yeast Corporation. Who’s Who in America, Who Was Who, Volume III. 32. Charles Franklyn Edsall. CL 6/1904. Phi Nu Theta at Wesleyan University. Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Fraternity. New York Law School. Lawyer specializing in estate work. 33. Henry Schwinn. CL 1904. [Captain Football, Hockey] 34. Edward R. Dunning. CL 1/1905 35. William C. Barkhorn. CL 1/1905. [Football, Baseball, Basketball] Semiprofessional Baseball player. Secretary, William H. Barkhorn Company, millwork dealers. 36. Albert H. Freygang. CL 6/1905. [Captain Football, All-State Football, Basketball, Baseball] Purdue University. 37. Dr. Victor Raymond (Pete) Seidler. CL 1906. [Captain Baseball, Captain Track, Football, All State Football, Newspaper] Brown University. Columbia University Medical School. Major, Army Medical Corps, WW I.Director of Department of Surgery, Mountainside Hospital. President, New Jersey Surgical Society. 38. Frederick H. (Doc) Holmes. CL 1906. 39. Joseph (Joe) Stonaker. CL 1905? [Editor Acropolis] 40. Harold (Pete) Brangs. CL 1905. [Football] Stevens Institute of Technology. 41. Julius Bergfels. CL 1905. 42. Thomas A. Kane. CL 1905. [Baseball, Newspaper] 43. Otto Scher. (Otto J. Seibert CL 1/1905?) 44. Arthur Duncan. CL 1906. Brother of # 13 and # 78. 45. Raymond Fairchild. CL 6/1906. [Football, All-State Football, Baseball] 46. Lacey Armitage. CL 1906. [Football] Brother of # 1. 47. Andrew Breidenback Jr. CL 1906. 48. Albert Daub. CL 1906. [Hockey, Football] 49. Carl Ruehl Raquet. CL 6/1906. [Baseball, Football, All-State Football, Basketball] Brown University. 50. John M. Layng. CL 1906. [Baseball, Football, Manager Hockey] 51. Allen Travis Lees. CL 6/1906. [Football, Baseball, Class Treasurer, Class Committee, Business Manager Newspaper] President Andross Worsted Company. 52. Arthur Gross. CL 1/1907. 53. John V. VanBuskirk. CL 6/1907. [Basketball, Baseball, Manager Football] 54. Leonard B. Terhune. CL 6/1908. [Captain Track, Cross Country] Pratt University. Brother of # 106. 55. Kenneth Spinning. CL 6/1909. [Tennis, Dramatics, Newspaper] Princeton University 56. Kirby. 57. Edward Ball. CL 1908. -[Football] 58. Manning Atchason. CL 1908. Centenary Collegiate Institute. [Captain Track, Football] 59. William Watts. [Captain Baseball, President Athletic Association, Newspaper] University of Pennsylvania. 60. Wagner. [Baseball] 61. William A. Brooks. CL 1907. [Manager Basketball] 62. H. Lewis. 63. Harrison Ricord Van Duyne. Initiated as alumnus. The Kappa Alpha Society at Lehigh University. Civil Engineer. Chief Engineer Newark Department of Streets. Chairman, Board of Zoning Commissioners. Commissioner, North Jersey Transit Commission. Brother of # 5. 64. Harold Gerard Michaelson. CL 6/1906. [Editor in Chief Newspaper] 65. Edwin Thomas Leslie. CL 6/1906. [Business Manager Newspaper] Rutgers University. 66. Arthur Feick Hinrichsen. CL 6/1906. Princeton University. 67. Murray VanCise. CL 1/1906. Stevens Institute of Technology. 68. Busty. 69. Dr. Edmund W. Ill. [Class Treasurer, Dramatics, Manager Cross-Country] Princeton University. MD. 70. Coleman Winn. [Congress, Class Treasurer, Class Secretary, President New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association] 71. Curtis. 72. Alexander (Alex) Heppler. CL 1/1907. 73. Leslie Matthews. 74. Floyd Williams. 75. Lansing V. Ten Eyck Sr. [Football, Track, Tennis, Secretary, Vice President Athletic Association, Varsity Club, Assistant Manager Baseball] Insurance Executive. Husband of New York Assemblywoman Maude E. Ten Eyck. 76. Kenneth Whitney Dalzell Sr.. CL 1908. [Track, Captain Hockey] Architect, Dalzell and Dalzell. 77. Edwin M. Pritchard. [Track] 78. Harrison B. Duncan. CL 1907. Brother of # 13 and # 44. 79. Junius A. Smith. CL 1909. [Secretary Athletic Association] 80. Clarence F. Wagner. CL 6/1910. [Captain Baseball, Captain Track, Captain Basketball, Cross-Country] 81. Benjiman H. Heller. CL 1911. Brother of # 94. 82. A. Leslie Baldwin. CL 6/1905. [Newspaper, Bowling, Assistant Manager Track, Delegate to New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association] University of Kansas. Holder of multiple patents in electrical and mechanical engineering. Vice President and General Sales Manager, Johns-Manville Corporation. Founder and President, Greenwich Millbrook Club. Brother of # 85. 83. Edwin Booth. CL 1/1910. [Captain Football, President New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association. 84. Paul David (Dutch) Adams. CL 1/1911. [Class President, Dramatics, Captain Football, President Athletic Association, Newspaper] Princeton University. Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Fraternity. President, Paul D. Adams Company, construction. Councilman, Essex Fells, New Jersey. 85. Nelson A. Baldwin. [Basketball, Bowling] Brother of # 82. 86. Creighton D. Bickley. [Hockey, Track] Brother of # 113. 87. Royal H. Brown. CL 1911. [Captain Hockey, Manager Football, Treasurer Athletic Association] 88. William F. Campbell. Vice President, McKiernan-Terry Corporation of Newark, New Jersey, heavy machine manufacturers. 89. Percy R. Pearce. [Football, Cross-Country] 90. William G. Baker. 91. Alfred N. Baum. [Captain Cross Country, Assistant Manager Football] 92. Howard W. Bailey. CL 1910. 93. Hardy J. Bush Jr. CL 6/1912. [Baseball] Notre Dame University. 94. Jay Everett Crane. CL 1/1910. [Hockey, Manager Track, Class Treasurer] Yale University. Reporter, The Commercial and Financial Chronicle. Federal Reserve Bank of New York: Assistant Cashier, Manager of Foreign Department, Assistant Deputy Governor, Secretary, Deputy Governor, Director, 1949-1957, Chairman of the Board, 1953-1957. Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon): Assistant Treasurer, Treasurer, Vice President, Director, Member of the Executive Committee. Director, Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, Empire Trust Company, French American Banking Corporation. Who’s Who in America. Who Was Who, Volume V. 95. Walter A. Morton. [Hockey, Manager Football] Convention Chairman. Grand Historian. Grand Recorder. Grand Princeps. Auctioneer. 96. Verner Thatcher. 97. Lt. Gen. Joseph May Swing. CL 1/1911. [Honors] U. S. Military Academy, West Point. Served in 1916 military campaign in Mexico. Commanded Field Artillery Unit in France as Captain, WW I. Aide-de-Camp to General Peyton C. March, Army Chief of Staff, as Major during latter part of WW I. Chief of War Plans in Office of Chief of Field Artillery. Brigadier General, 1941. Commanding General, 11th Airborne Division as Major General, WW II. Commanding General, First Corps. Commandant, Army War College. Commanding General, Sixth Army as Lieutenant General. Commissioner, United States Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1954-1962. Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Service Medal. Legion of Merit. 3 Silver Stars. 3 Bronze Stars. French Legion of Honor. Current Biography 1959. Who’s Who in America. Who Was Who, Volume VIII. 98. Thomas Barclay Jr. 99. Russell M. Heller. Brother of # 76. 100. William J. Clark. CL 6/1912. 101. Harold Chester Kirchner. 10/20/1893-?-11/28/1978. 102. Robert E. DePue. 06/09/1894-?-10/1983. CL 6/1914. 103. DeNyse W. Atwater. 1894-?-04/13/48. CL 1912. [Honors] Chi Phi at Stevens Institute of Technology. The Sorbonne, Paris. Corporal, Battery C, 12th Artillery, WW I. Manager of Commercial Engineering, Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Designer of lighting systems. Designed lighting systems for the Philadelphia Sesquicentennial Exposition in 1926, the 1933 Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago, the 1939 New York World’s Fair and the Holland Tunnel in New York City. Secretary, then President, The Illuminating Engineering Society. Brother of # 110. 104. Spencer Gill. CL 1915. Eastside HS. Brother of # 12. 105. Arthur J. Gude Jr. [Basketball] Independent Food Broker. Director, Supreme Savings and Loan Association. 106. (Arthur) Parker Terhune. CL 6/1911. Brother of # 54. 107. Russell J. Doremus. Brother # of 146. 108. Malcolm Ross. Hotchkiss School. Yale University. First Lieutenant, Army Air Force, WW I. Reporter, Dallas News, St Louis Post Dispatch, New York World. Consumer’s Advisory Panel, NRA. Director of Information, National Labor Relations Board. Executive Director, then Chairman, U. S. Fair Employment Practices Commission. Editor, University of Miami. Author of seven books. Current Biography, 1944. Who’s Who in America. Who Was Who, Volume VI. 109. Lawrence S. (Frank) Sliker. [Football, Varsity Club, Manager Baseball] Delta Kappa Epsilon at Rutgers University. Brother of # 131 and # 181. Lawyer. 110. Kenneth N. Atwater. CL 6/1913. Brother of # 103. 111. Raymond B. Ward. CL 6/1913. 112. Robert Cortelybu Cory. CL 6/1916. [German Club, Varsity Club, Dramatics, Manager Baseball] 113. Frederick W. (Fred) Bickley. CL 6/1914. [Captain Cross-Country] Lehigh University. Brother # 86. 114. Hugh Galbraith Burke. Mercersburg Academy. [Track, Tennis] 115. William Frank Kimber Jr. [Discussion Club] Swarthmore Prep School. Transferred to Theta II Chapter. 116. Frank Fitts. 117. William H. Cummings. [Football, Baseball, Assistant Manager Football, Assistant Manager Swimming] 118. Judd Neal. [Discussion Club, Tennis] 119. H. Beekman Schaeffer. CL 6/1917. [Discussion Club, Track, Football, President Aztec Club] 120. Henry Creveling. CL 1917. Central HS. [Discussion Club, Assistant Manager Football] 121. Donald R. Durie. CL 1918. 122. Augustine G. Elmendorf. [Football] J. E. Whitehead and Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 123. Jack Gardner. 124. Ludford G. Harvey. 125. Frank C. Jose. CL 1914? [Manager Baseball, Football, Vice President Athletic Association] 126. Thurston Lawshe. CL 1916. [Tennis, Swimming, Assistant Manager Football] 127. Robert D. Miller. [Football, Tennis] 128. William Porter. [Football, Assistant Manager Basketball] 129. James Edward Schaaf. CL 1915. [Football, Varsity Club, Manager Football] Phi Kappa Sigma at Cornell University. 130. Chester Scharling. CL 1914. [Football] 131. Leslie Sliker. CL 1917. Central HS. [Football, Track] Brother of # 109 and # 181. 132. Ronald Smith. CL 1913. University of Missouri. 133. Earle Thornell. [Football] 134. Morris VanValen. 135. Frederick Weismuller. 136. Frederick D. Bond. 137. William C. Winter. 138. Henry S. Minster. [Discussion Club] 139. John Henry Muller Jr. [Discussion Club, Student Government, Assistant Manager Baseball, Secretary Aztec Club] Stevens Institute of Technology. Walter Kidde Construction Company. Senior Vice President, Equitable Life Assurance Society. President, John H. Muller Associates. Chairman, Broadway Association. President, Avenue of the Americas Association. Chairman of the Board, Stevens Institute of Technology. President Board of Governors, Jersey Shore Medical Center. Prominent adult official, Boy Scouts of America ‘Good Scout’ Award. President, West Side Association of Commerce. Trustee, Central Savings Bank. Director, First Realty Investment Company. Governor, Real Estate Board of New York. Director, Speech Rehabilitation Institute. President, American Council to Improve Our Neighborhoods. Member, National Advisory Committee on Highway Beautification. Who’s Who in Consulting. Who’s Who in the East. Who’s Who in America. Who Was Who, Volume VII. 140. John Bergey. 141. H. D. Miller. 142. Dr. (William) Ashton Roberts. CL 6/1919. Psi Upsilon at Wesleyan University. University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. M. D. Obstetrician. 143. Samuel Bailey (Sam) Austin. CL 1917. [Manager Tennis] Transferred to Iota Chapter. 144. Howard Maze. 145. Donald Noble. 146. Stanley R. Doremus. CL 1/1921. Brother of # 107. 147. Barent M. Ten Eyck. Princeton University. Columbia University Law School. Eastern Intercollegiate Gymnastics Champion. Lawyer. Assistant Corporation Counsel of New York City. Assistant U. S. Attorney. Chief Assistant to Manhattan District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey. Chief New York Frauds Bureau. General Solicitor, Association of Casualty and Surety Executives. 148. Roy Wilson Wingate Jr. Phillips Andover Academy. Princeton University. National Director of Disaster Relief, American National Red Cross. 149. (Charles) Thatcher Ayres. CL 1/1922. Cornell University. Vice President, Ruthrauff and Ryan. Vice President and General Sales Executive, ABC-TV. Vice President ABC Radio Network. President, NBC Radio Network. 150. Victor A. Wouster. 151. (Henry) Gorden Rogers. CL 1/1920. Lehigh University. 152. Eugene Schoolmaker. 153. Frederick Quinn. 154. Walter E. Veghte. Phillips Andover Academy. 155. Frederick Bowen (Fred) Manchee. Brother of # 167 and # 193. Newark Academy. Princeton University. Harvard Law School. New York University Law School. Director, Executive Vice President and Treasurer, Batten, Barton, Durstine and Osborne advertising agency. Chairman, Advertising Research Foundation. Author. Who’s Who in America. 156. Frederick Drake. 157. Donald Crane. 158. Harold Edward (“Miller”) Lester. CL 1921. Phi Nu Theta at Wesleyan University. MBA, New York University. Assistant Treasurer, Anderson and Cairns Co. 159. Harry Larter. 160. Otis Andrews. 161. H. Lloyd Cox. Brother of # 163. 162. Charles VanGunten. 163. Edmund D. H. Cox. CL 1/1919. Brother of # 161. 164. John Ely. 165. John Messmer (Jack) Schaeffer. South Orange HS. Delta Upsilon at University of Pennsylvania. Investment Management Expert. F. G. White and Company. Fireman’s Insurance Company. President, Keswick Corporation. Director, Vertol Aircraft Corporation. Vice Chairman, Navy Relief Society, WW II. Who’s Who in America. Who Was Who, Volume VII. 166. Oswald H. (Ossie, Bobby) Roth Jr. 01/07/1901-1920-10/09/1973. CL 1/1920. Psi Upsilon at University of Pennsylvania. Supervisor of Mortgage Loans, Prudential Insurance Company. Secretary, South Orange Board of Assessors. 167. Albert Edward Manchee. Delta Upsilon at Colgate University. Superba Cravats, Inc. Brother of # 155 and # 193. 168. Frederick Rundio Stewart. CL 6/1923. Psi Upsilon at Brown University. 169. Meredeth Taylor. 170. Alan Shaw. 171. David Sloan. 172. John Kirby Speer. Brother of # 177. Brother in law of # 178. Psi Upsilon at Amherst College. Remington-Rand Typewriter. 173. Alfred Dennis McMaster. Princeton University. University of Virginia. 174. Fletcher Bardsley. CL 1/1923. 175. Harrison Noyes VanDuyne. Brother of # 184. Princeton University. 176. Eugene Matalene. 177. William Henry Speer Jr. Brother of # 172. Brother in law of # 178. Yale University. NYU Law School. Lawyer, Kellogg and Chance. Garrett Wine Company. 178. Charles Herman Seydel. Newark Academy. Princeton University. Seydel Chemical Company. Brother in Law of # 172 and # 177. 179. John Bird. Brother of # 180 and # 187. 180. Whitney Bird. Phi Psi Fraternity at Philadelphia Textile College. Brother of # 179 and # 187. Turner Halsey Company. 181. John Joseph (Jay) Sliker. CL 1/1924. Rutgers University. Western Electric Company. Brother of # 109 and # 131. 182. Leo Freeman. 183. August (Gus) Timpson. Brother of # 206. 184. Schuyler VanDuyne. Brother of # 175. 185. Theodore Freeman. Cornell University. 186. William H. (Bill) Billings Jr. Yale University. 187. Richard E. Bird. Philadelphia Textile College. Monroe Calculating Machine Company. Brother of # 179 and # 180. 188. Hon. Lee C. Dowling. Transferred to Alpha Beta Chapter. Editor of The Omega News. Convention Chairman. Banner Plan Founder and Chairman. Grand Comptroller (4 years). Grand Vice Princeps. Exalted Chapter from April 11, 1931. University of Buffalo. City Agent, Railway Express. VP and General Manager, Swann Marine and Sales Company. Vice President, Gedag Corporation. Executive Director, Buffalo Emergency Relief Bureau. New York State Deputy Commissioner of Social Welfare for Public Assistance. First Deputy Commissioner for New York City Affairs. Executive Director, then Chairman, New York State Commission on Youth; Research Director, Executive Director, New York State Commission on Physical Handicaps. Who’s Who in the East. 189. Norman Drake. 190. Henry Philip Sommer Jr. Chairman, Merrill Anderson Company. 191. Gilbert E. Crogan Jr. 192. (Joseph) Wesley (Pete) Tillou. CL 6/1924. [Class President, Football] University of Pennsylvania. 193. Richard Ellis (Dick) Manchee. CL 1925. Newark Academy. Pingry School. [Football, Baseball, Basketball, President Glee Club, Class Vice President, Class President, Student Government, Dance Committee, Cheer Leader] Delta Upsilon at Colgate University. Prudential Insurance Company. Major, U. S. Army Air Corps. Brother of # 155 and # 167. 194. Lee Baker. 195. Howard F. Knox. Advertising Manager, Cumberland Daily News. 196. Paul Wakeley Allen. Alpha Tau Omega at Colgate University. Executive with Sears Roebuck Company. 197. William Lamont. 198. Curtis M. Middlebrook. 199. Lawrence H. Murphy. University of Pennsylvania. 200. Robert Wright. South Orange HS. [Captain Football] Lafayette College. 201. Dunham S. Beldon Jr. Columbia High School. [Captain Baseball] Beta Theta Pi at Colgate University. National Accounts Manager, General Electric Company. District Price Officer, Office of Price Administration, WW II. Paterson Club. Brook Lawn Country Club. Dunham Beldon Jr. Professorship of Natural Sciences is named in his honor. 202. John Cronin. 203. Karl John Wurffel. CL 1926. [Swimming, Tennis, Track] University of Pennsylvania. Wharton School. CPA. 204. Donald Decker. 205. Robert Reed. 206. VanBrunt Timpson. Brother of # 183. 207. Robert Engler. 208. Waite Gilbert. 209. Edgar Champenois Jr. 210. Edwin W. (Eddie) (Red) Jamieson. CL 1926. [Class Treasurer, Football] Cornell University. 211. William (Bill) Hinton. CL 1928. [Football, Baseball] Brown University. Son of # 236. 212. Dickson W. Baker. 213. William Forrest. 214. Edward Taylor. 215. Kenneth Wright. 216. Charles Francis (Charlie) Brennan. CL 1926. [Cross Country] University of Pennsylvania. Lehigh University. U. S. Army in WW II. Killed during invasion of Phillipines at Leyte Bay. Gold Star. Brother of U. S Supreme Court Justice William Brennan. Brother of # 223. 217. Clifton Strauss. CL 1926. [Baseball] 218. Philip Tomlinson. South Orange HS. [Football] Webb Institute. 219. Edgar Speer. CL 1927. 220. John Chenoweth. [Manager Baseball] 221. Charles (L’il Charlie) Newschwander. CL 1928. [Class Treasurer, Captain Baseball] Lehigh University. 222. Alan (Al) Metcalfe. CL 1928. [Football, Manager Baseball, Track] Princeton University. 223. Thomas Brennan. [Football] Brother of U. S Supreme Court Justice William Brennan. Brother of # 216. 224. Edward J. Kenney. [Baseball] 225. *Dr. (Frank) Herbert Lushear Jr. Colgate University. Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Doctor of Medicine. Newton Memorial Hospital. 226. * Kerns. 227. Marvin Miller Halman. [Baseball] 228 Dr. Thomas Dennis Pitts. CL 1927. [President Science Club, Forum, Athletic Association] Newark Technical School. Rutgers University. PhD, University of California at Los Angeles. High School Teacher, 1937-1946. Professor of Biology, Loyola Marymount University of Los Angeles, 1948-1974. National Science Foundation Fellowship in Parasitology. 229. William Keppler Jr. [Football] Deceased in automobile accident while in high school. 230. Henry E. Alderfer. 231. S. M. Roberts Jr. 232. William M. Bullock. [Baseball] 233. Frederick S. (Freddy) Irwin. CL 1930. [Football, Baseball] Savage School of Physical Education. 234. *Louis Call. [Football] 235. *E. Kenneth Sandbach. South Orange HS. [Football] Hun School. Princeton University. Chicago Bridge and Iron Company. Vice President, International Operations, Koppers Company, Inc. 236. * Hinton. Honorary Member. Father of # 211. 237. *J. Roy Murdock. 238. *Herbert Tuscher. 239. Pasquale Aldo (Pat) Restaino. CL 6/1945. [President Student Government, Honor Society, President Latin Honor Society, Fencing, History Honor Society. Boys Leaders Club. VP and Founder Parents, Teacher, Student Organization (PTSO), ‘Best All-Around’] Initiated as an alumnus. Rutgers College. Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society. Captain, U. S. Air Force, Korean Conflict. Teacher, Guidance Counselor, Vice Principal, Principal. Barringer HS. Vice Principal of Arts HS. Principal of Weequahic HS. Principal of Roseville School. Principal of Science HS. Adjunct Professor Seton Hall. President, Barringer Alumni Association. |