Westfield High School and Holy Trinity High School, Westfield, New Jersey; Cranford High School, Cranford, New Jersey; Roselle Park High School, Roselle Park, New Jersey; and Plainfield High School, Plainfield, New Jersey September 17, 1921 – 1930; April 6, 1935 – 1937 1. Alfred Reeb. CL 1922. Westfield HS. [Class President] Charter Member of Phi II Chapter. 2. Edward Charles (Ed) Hubert. CL 1923. Westfield HS. [Track, Newspaper, Yearbook, Football, Captain Track, Glee Club, Jazz Band, “Wittiest”] Charter Member of Phi II Chapter. Theta Chi at New York University. Songwriter. 3. Harold Clark Schaefer. CL 1922. Westfield HS. [Class President, Class Treasurer, Debating, “Class Diplomat”] Charter Member of Phi II Chapter. Theta Chi at Columbia University. New York University School of Law. 4. Voorhis Greene TenEyck. Charter Member of Phi II Chapter. Brother-in-law of # 43. 5. Roy T. Canfield. CL 1922. Westfield HS. Charter Member of Phi II Chapter. 6. Raymond M. (Ray) Stewart. CL 1923. Westfield HS. [Class Treasurer] Charter Member of Phi II Chapter. Manlius Military Academy. New Jersey Law School. Real Estate Broker. 7. Donaldson (Don) Swain. CL 1922. Westfield HS. [Cheerleader, Manager Basketball, Manager Track, Dramatics, “Class Skyscraper”] 8. Charles Wilson. CL 1923. Westfield HS. [Football, Baseball, Track, Dramatics, Athletic Association Council, Commencement Speaker] 9. John L. Ostrander. 10. Pierre Collins. 11. Edward W. Lloyd. CL 1922 Westfield HS. [Manager Football, Dramatics] 12. John (Jack) Stults. CL 1923. Westfield HS. [Football] 13. Walter Robeson MacCowatt. CL 1923. Westfield HS. [Class President, Tennis, Basketball, “Luckiest”] Tau Kappa Epsilon at Pennsylvania State University. 14. Arthur Sexton. 15. Wynant B. Cole. CL 1923. Westfield HS. 16. Louis Dietz. 17. John DeVeau. 18. Gilmore Spencer. CL 1923. Westfield HS. [Newspaper, Yearbook, Captain Tennis, Captain Debate. Track, “Class Philosopher, Most Sarcastic”] 19. Stanford Hendrickson. CL 1923. Westfield HS. [Newspaper, Yearbook, Class Treasurer, Treasurer Athletic Association, Baseball, Dramatics, Cheerleader, “Jolliest”] Chi Psi at Rutgers University. Brother of # 21. 20. Edwin D. Edwards. CL 1923. Westfield HS. [Jazz Band, Class Sports] 21. Elmore Hendrickson. Brother of # 19. 22. Robert Wright. CL 1923. Westfield HS. [Class sports, “Best Sport”] Chi Psi at Rutgers University. 23. Edward White. CL 1923. Westfield HS. [Football, Dramatics] 24. Morgan Fitch (Fitch, Morg) Pearsall. CL 1924. Westfield HS. [Manager Football, Dramatics] Wharton School of Finance, University of Pennsylvania. Supervisor, Western Electric. 25. Kempton Searle. CL 1924. Westfield HS. [Football, Dramatics, Track, Glee Club] 26. William Davis. Cranford HS. Transferred to Sigma II Chapter on February 18, 1925. 27. William Spencer. CL 1923. Westfield HS. [Class sports, “Most Independent”] 28. G. Franklyn Windfelt. CL 1926. Westfield HS. [Business Manager Newspaper, Business Manager Yearbook] 29. Thomas Halsey. 30. Robert Alexander. CL 1925. Westfield HS. 31. Coleridge Hutson. CL 1922. Westfield HS. 32. R. Wallace Pitman. CL 1924. Westfield HS. [Class Treasurer, Captain Track, Football, Basketball, President Athletic Association, Newspaper] 33. Richard N. (Dick) McFadden. Cranford HS. [Football] Transferred to Sigma II Chapter. Brother of Sigma II # 12 and # 20. 34. Ernest Henry Carr Jr. CL 1922. Westfield HS. [“Most Willing] U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. 35. Harold Messersmith. 36. Edward Francis. 37. Ralph A. Hamner. Cranford HS. Transferred to Sigma II Chapter, February 18, 1925. 38. John Watson. Cranford HS. Transferred to Sigma II Chapter. 39. J. Tennant Taylor. CL 1922. Westfield HS. [Captain Debate, Class Secretary, “Most Polite”] Convention Chairman. Grand Secretary. Second Grand Vice Princeps (6 months). New York University. 40. Robert (Kid) Schaefer. CL 1926. Westfield HS. [Captain Tennis, Manager Tennis, Dramatics, Yearbook, “Class Gentleman”] 41. Wallace G. Gordon. 42. William Charles Yarnall. CL 1924. Westfield HS. [Dramatics] 43. Alan (Tom) Thompson. CL 1926. Westfield HS. [Junior Prom Committee, Newspaper, Treasurer Debate Club, Yearbook, Hi-Y, “Most Eloquent’] Cornell University, New Jersey Law School. Lawyer. Lt. Commander, U. S. Navy, WW II. Commander LST flotilla flagship. LST Group Commander. Account Executive, BBD&O advertising. Account Executive, Albert Frank-Guenther Law advertising agency. Mayor, Mountainside, New Jersey. Magistrate, Mountainside, New Jersey. Brother-in-law of # 4. 44. Arnold Palmer. 45. Herbert Scott. 46. Frederick W. (Fred) Warnke Jr. CL 1927. Westfield HS. [Basketball, Football, Dramatics, Hi-Y, Class Treasurer] 47. William Price. CL 1923. Westfield HS. [Manager Football, Dramatics, Debate] 48. Ralph Voorhees Gordon. CL 1926. 49. Edward Nathaniel Ready. Transferred from Gamma Chapter. 50. Raymond George Woolfe. 11/10/1909-02/16/1926-08/08/1975. Nationally ranked steeple chase rider. Horse trainer. Organizer of the Colonial Cup. 51. Edwin Henry Clements Jr. CL 1923. Initiated as alumnus. 52. Paul Ridgeway (Pablo) Vervoort. CL 1927. Westfield HS. [Hi-Y, President Spanish Club, Class Sports] Rutgers University. Commercial National Bank and Trust Company of New York. President Bank Credit Associates of New York. Vice President, Marine Midland Bank. 53. Frederick Watson Barnes. 54. Richard Emerson (Dick) Whitcomb. CL 1927. Westfield HS. [Tennis, Basketball, Track, Junior Prom Committee, Hi-Y] Brother of # 64. 55. Stewart Aldwyne Dunn. CL 1927. Westfield HS. [Class President, Athletic Association Council, Football, Captain Track, Penn Relays Championship, All-State Hurdler, Tennis] Theta Chi at Colgate University. Harvard Business School. C. J. Devine and Company, Philadelphia. Senior Vice President/Director, Merrill Lynch and Company. Trustee Colgate University. Who’s Who in America. 56. Leslie B. (Les) Udell. CL 1927. Westfield HS. [Hi-Y, Baseball, Class Treasurer] 57. Harold D. (Slim) Clark. CL 1927. Westfield HS. [Captain Football, Basketball, Baseball, Dramatics] 58. Kenneth (Monk) Udell. CL 1927. Westfield HS. [Hi-Y, Class Sports] 59. Raymond Montagmat. 60. William Maglanglilie. 61. Harry E. Whiton. CL 1925. Westfield HS. [Class Treasurer, Football, Track, Dramatics, Vice President Hi-Y] 62. James H. Whitehead. 63. William S. (Bill) Yeager. CL 1927. Westfield HS. [Dramatics, Spanish Club] Rutgers University, Industrial Engineer. Western Electric. 64. Harvey Page Whitcomb. CL 1926. Westfield HS. [Treasurer Hi-Y, Dramatics, Manager Baseball, Glee Club, Newspaper] Brother of # 54. Stock Broker, New York Curb Exchange. 65. Charles (Gob) Bell. CL 1928. Westfield HS. [Football, Dramatics, Spanish Club, Yearbook, Newspaper, Jazz Band, Class Sports] 66. Richard W. Harper. CL 1928. Westfield HS. [Yearbook, Hi-Y, Class Sports] Brother of # 67. 67. John (Johnny) Harper. CL 1927. Westfield HS. [Track, Baseball, Dramatics] Brother of # 66. 68. *Robert Scott. 69. John L. Dugan. Brother of # 70 and # 88. 70. Joseph F. Dugan. Brother of # 69 and # 88. 71. William Farkas. 72. Philip J. Frowery Jr. CL 1936. Roselle Park HS. [Dramatics] 73. Eugene M. Galloway. CL 1931. Westfield HS. [Spanish Club, Slide Rule Club, Orchestra, Football] Architect. American Institute of Architects. 74. Ralph F. George. 75. Philip Kinler. 76. Kurt Lerke. 77. Arthur E. Osolin. 78. William A. Phair. 79. George A. Pyle Jr. 80. William J. Schroll. CL 1933. Westfield HS. [English Night, Banner Committee] Grand Historian (2 years). Author, History of Omega Gamma Delta, 1937. 81. Arthur C. Wenzel. 82. * O’Day. Initiated as alumnus. 83. * Patrick. Initiated as alumnus. 84. * Ragnessi. Initiated as alumnus. 85. Vincent W. Wepprecht. 86. Howard O. Wilson. 87. David Potts. CL 1936. 88. William E. Dugan. CL 1936. Brother of # 69 and # 70. |