A. B. Davis High School and Mount Vernon High School, Mount Vernon, New York; Pelham High School, Pelham, New York; New Rochelle High School, New Rochelle, New York; and Bronxville High School, Bronxville, New York November 21, 1914 – 1955 1. Walter Monat (French) Doncourt. Charter Member of Rho Chapter. CL 1916. [Captain County Championship Basketball] 2. J. Robert (Red) Whelan. Charter Member of Rho Chapter. CL 1915. [Student Government, Football, Dramatics, Editor Yearbook, Athletic Association, Class Bluffer] New York University. 3. Francis Joseph (Frank) Claydon Sr. Charter Member of Rho Chapter. CL 1916. [Athletic Association, Baseball, Football] Georgetown University. Columbia University Law School. Lawyer. U. S. Army, WW I.Alderman, City of Mt. Vernon. Deputy Westchester County Attorney. Commissioner, Westchester Department of Public Safety. 4. T. H. Kendig. Charter Member of Rho Chapter. 5. John Albert (Cutie) Lydecker. [Secretary-Treasurer Rifle Club, Swimming] Charter Member of Rho Chapter. Father of Beta Mu # 13. Uncle of # 12. U. S. Army, WW I. Sales, Central Hudson Power. Executive, Carstairs Liquor. Sales, Hill and Traendle Brewery. 6. Edwin (Maximilian) Maxwell. Charter Member of Rho Chapter. 7. (Charles) Wesley Messinger. CL 1915. [Student Government, Rifle Club, German Club, Cross Country, Football, Newspaper, Treasurer Congress, Class Historian] Charter Member of Rho Chapter. 8. Irving H. Parker. Charter Member of Rho Chapter. 9. Willard R. Rich. [Orchestra] Charter Member of Rho Chapter. 10. Raymond L. Rowe. Charter Member of Rho Chapter. CL 1915. [Yearbook, Orchestra, Athletics Association, Business Manager Newspaper] 11. Harry Cecil Thompson Sr. Charter Member of Rho Chapter. Columbia University. American Institute of Banking. Vice President, Continental Bank and Trust Company. Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Investors Diversified Services. President Stoughton State Bank and State Bank of St. Anthony Village. Director, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad. Director, Virginia Hot Springs, Inc. Director, City and Suburban Homes, Inc. Director, Pennsylvania Building, Inc. Board of Governors, American Institute of Banking. 12. Burton Rosling Van Fleet. CL 1915. [Student Government, Athletic Association] Charter Member of Rho Chapter. New York University. 13. Purdy S. Sherwood. 14. Austin Southard Myers. CL 1916. [French Club, Chemistry Honor Committee, Orchestra, Cross Country, Assistant Business Manager Newspaper, Scientific Tramps, Class Prophet] Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 15. John J. Martin. 16. Raymond Richard McGee. CL 1917. [History Club, Class Lawyer] Convention Chairman. Grand Secretary. Grand Princeps. Exalted Chapter from April 24, 1926. Columbia University. Fordham Law School. Lawyer, Resnick and Resnick. Lieutenant, New York National Guard. Special Attorney for City of Mt. Vernon. Uncle of # 290, #298 and # 376. 17. Beverly K. Robinson. [Orchestra, President Rifle Club, Scientific Tramps] 18. Edgar A. Barth. [Honors, Manager Basketball, Cross Country, German Club] 19. William H. Assenbeck. [Cross Country] 20. Vernon Corell Sr. Major, U. S. Army and Army Reserve, WW I, WW II, Korea. Executive Vice President, Regional Associates, real estate. 21. John R. Edds. 22. Raymond Joseph Peters Jr. ? CL 1917. [History Club] Pratt Institute. 23. Hobart Hart. 24. Charles R. McGinsey Jr. 25. John R. McFarren. 26. John R. O’Donnell Jr. 27. Jay Chew. 28. Walter C. Dumont. 29. Hugo Stanley. 30. Roberts Otho Bartholow. CL 1919. [Basketball, Athletic Association, History Club, Chess Club] Columbia University. U. S. Naval Reserve, WW I. 31. Edward Joseph Brett. CL 1919. 32. Stanley Brownworth. 33. Herbert Cox. 34. Howard O’Donnell. 35. Albert Batchelet. 36. Charles Proctor Adams. Delta Kappa Epsilon at Colgate University. 37. Daniel Edward (Dan) Kent. [Yearbook, Manager Football] Grand Secretary. Grand Treasurer (3 years). Grand Princeps. Exalted Chapter from April 27, 1935. Father of # 336. Columbia University. Engineer, New York Telephone Company. Captain, U. S. Army Signal Corps, WW II. Deceased in service. Gold Star. 38. Harold Vermilyea Bateman. CL 1922. [Football] Brother of # 72. 39. (John) Stanton McGowan. CL 1920. [Football, Baseball, Spanish Club, History Club] Rutgers University. Partner, Interior marble business. 40. George S. Donaldson. CL 1922. History Club, Football] Colgate University. 41. Francis D. Healy. CL 1922. [Chess Club, Captain Cross-Country, President Scientific Tramps, Football, Assistant Manager Basketball] Dartmouth College. 42. Stuart H. Bullard. 43. Frank D. Holmes. 44. Malcolm G. Nichols. Brother of # 50. 45. Charles A. Wynne. 46. Gerard Horstman. 47. Jack Bullard.. 48. Frank Howard Cloyes. 49. William Ehret Meyer. CL 1921. Basketball, Baseball, History Club, Student Government] 50. Harold G. Nichols. Brother of # 44. 51. Robert Emerson Robischon. CL 1922. [Literary Rotarians, Dramatics, Newspaper, Manager Track, Secretary Spanish Club] Williams College. Advertising Manager Esso Export Corporation. Director of the New York Division of State Publicity. Selvage and Lee, Public Relations. 52. Edward Cragg. CL 1923. 405. *Robert Blackman. 53. Paul Warner. 54. Hartley Stone. 55. John Henshaw Crider. Virginia Military Institute. Columbia University School of Journalism. Reporter, The New York Times. Nieman Fellow, Harvard University. Economic Correspondent, Time Magazine. Editor in Chief, The Boston Herald. Broadcaster, CBS Network. Assistant Editorial Page Editor, Life Magazine.Washington Correspondent, Barron’s Weekly. Committee for Economic Development. United States Delegate to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Atlantic Congress. Public Relations, Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. Author, “The Bureaucrats.” Winner, 1949 Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Writing. Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Current Biography 1949. Who’s Who in America. Who Was Who Volume IV. 56. Harry Murphy. 57. Albert VanWinkle (Jap) Setley Jr. CL 1923. [Manager Baseball, Cross Country] Columbia University. 58. Paul L. Cromelin. 59. Dr. Oliver Luther (Ol) Austin Jr. CL 1921. [President Orchestra, Football, Glee Club, Trianon Club] Berkshire School. Phi Nu Theta at Wesleyan University. Ph.D Harvard. Commander, U. S. Navy, WW II. Guggenheim Fellow.Director, Austin Ornithological Research Center, Wellfleet, Massachusetts. Staff, Allied Military Government, Japan. Professor of Zoology, Air University. Curator of Birds, Florida State Museum. Expert on ornithology. Author nine books on ornithology. Who’s Who in the South. 60. Thornton Woodwell. 61. Howard (Howie) Smith. Hill School. Notre Dame University. Coach Football, Basketball, Baseball, Mt. Saint Michael Academy. Assistant Football Coach, Holy Cross University. Coach, Mt. Vernon High School Football team. 62. William J. (Spike) Collins. 63. Harold Barker. 64. Harold Bovie. 65. William J. Griffin Jr. Dartmouth College. Correspondent, The New York Times and United Press. Vice President, Erwin, Wasey and Company, advertising. Vice President and Director, J. Walter Thompson Agency. Executive Vice President, The Kudner Agency. Chief Regional Planner for the Balkans and the Middle East, OSS, WW II. 66. Ed Nesbitt. 67. Belden Tanner. 68. William E. Smith. Hill School. 69. Henry Schiebel. Brother of # 85 and # 184. 70. Dr. Edgar Waite Averill. CL 1924. [President Student Government, Honors, Honor Society, Football, Editor Newspaper] Pi Kappa Alpha at Cornell University. Harvard University. PhD, University of Michigan. Phi Delta Kappa. U S. Air Force, Korean War. Statistician, Irving Investors Management. Manager E. W. Averill and Company, Manufacturers Representatives. Author: Elements of Statistics. Professor of Mathematics at Parsons College and Clarion State College. Executive Committee, National Boy Scouts of America. Who’s Who in the East. 71. Dr. James Francis (Jimmie) Bagg. CL 1926. [Football] Phi Nu Theta at Wesleyan University. Columbia University Medical School. Director of Surgery, Mt. Vernon Hospital. Brother of # 101 and # 135. 72. Leslie B. Bateman. Brother of # 38 73. Paul Bernard. 74. Albert Bogert (Al) Brodbeck. CL 1926. [Captain Basketball, Captain Baseball, Captain Football, All-State Football, All-State Basketball, Eastern Golf Championship] Colgate University. Brother of # 75. 75. Arthur Brodbeck. Brother of # 74. 76. William Carlson. 77. Crandall Cloyes. Colgate University 78. Ralph Dennis. 79. Wallace Hammond. 80. Frederick Hulsmann. 81. Kenneth M. MacNair. CL 1925. [Vice President Literary Rotarians, Track] Dartmouth College. 82. William O’Brien. 83. Edward P. O’Reilly Jr. CL 1926. [Football] 84. John Joseph Rooney Jr. CL 1925. [Dramatics, Football, Vice President Student Government, Chief of Police] Amherst College. 85. Arthur C. (Artie) Schiebel. [Football] Colgate University. All-American tackle. New York Giants Football Team. Coach New Rochelle HS Football. Chairman, Trumatic Machine and Tool Company. Brother of # 69 and # 184. 86. John F. Simpson. 87. Ernest Stevens. 88. John W. Stevens. CL 1924. [Track] Dartmouth College. 89. Charles O. Terwilliger Jr. 90. John Thompson. 91. Harry F. White. 92. Joseph Cabane Neale Jr. [Football] Banner Chairman (2 years). Convention Chairman (2 years). Grand Secretary. First Grand Vice Princeps (2 years). Grand Princeps. Exalted Chapter from April 19, 1941. U. S. Army, WW II. Father of # 380. Brother of # 194. 93. Edgar Small. [Football] 94. Chester Horstman. 95. James H. Perry. [Honor Roll] 96. Donald Cromelin. 97. Arthur Sohl. 98. John Grimm. 99. Walter Frederick (Swede) Volckmann. CL 1926. [Football, Baseball, Class Executive Committee] Purdue University. 100. Lorraine Klohs. 101. Harvey McKinney (Harv) Bagg. CL 1928. [Football] Phi Nu Theta at Wesleyan University. St. Lawrence University Law School. Lawyer. Brother of # 71 and # 135. 102. David H. Wilson Jr. [Football] 103. Edward G. Rieger. [Football] 104. John Mordaunt (Jack) Cloud. [Football] Brother of # 156. McCreedy Publishing Company. 105. Robert Calwell. [Honor Roll] 106. Walter G. Kapp. Transferred from Delta Chapter. 107.*John Martin (Jack) Quinn. CL 1929. [Football, Track, Most Reserved, Most Admired] Catholic University. Colgate University. 108. Harry Mallan. [Football] Brother of # 213. 109. Joseph McCowan. 110. Frank O’Reilly. [Football] 111. Lawrence Twomey. 112. Robert Gruet. 113. Vincent Wynne. 114. Norman Charles Jeckel. CL 1927. Rennslaer Polytechnic Institute. 115. F. Howard Lindberg. 116. Thomas W. Meyers. 117. Luther D. Beck. 118. Frederick S. Hollywood. 119. William McGinness. 120. Benjamin Cullen. 121. Harold (Smitty) Smith. CL 1930. [Track, Student Government] University of Pennsylvania. 122. Dr. William Francis Meehan Jr. CL 1929. [Honor Society, Baseball, Yearbook] Columbia University. M. D. 123. John Seivas. 124. Dr. Andrew George Reitwiesner. CL 1929. [School Police] Columbia University. Doctor of Medicine. 125. Joseph Angello. New York Military Academy. [Football, Track] 126. Paul Anton Littlefield. 127. George Elwin Wallentsik. 128. Dr. Guido Alfred DeBlasio. CL 1929. [Football, Sans Souci, Honor Society] Cornell University. Yale University Medical School. M. D. Major, US Army Medical Corps and Chief of Surgery, Percy Jones Hospital, WW II. 129. Joseph Ferris. 130. James Nathan (Nat) Rouda. CL 1931. [Track] 131. Harold (Sonny) Anderson. U. S. Army, WW II. 132. Robert A. Birch. 133. Christian (Chris) DesMarets. [Track, County Track Champion, Football] 134. Ross Weaver. CL 1932. [Baseball, Football] Colgate University. 135. Alfred Guy Bagg. CL 1931. [Football, Dramatics, Student Government, Honors] Phi Nu Theta at Wesleyan University. Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Fraternity. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Supervisor of Engineers, Eastman Kodak Company. Brother of # 71 and # 101. 136. Edwin Wilbur Tietjen DesMarets. CL 1930. 137. Bernard J. Doyle. 138. Carl William (Butz) Volckmann. CL 1930. [Honor Roll, Honor Society] Williams College. Regional Manager, American Express Company. 139.*Harold Guilford (Harry) Bauman. CL 1933. [Science Club, Aviation Club] Columbia University. 140. Joseph Harmon. 141. George Henry Lynn. CL 1929. [Football, Track, School Police] Princeton University. 142. Leonard Porter. 11/08/1911-01/28/1929-?. 143. David Willard Jones. CL 1931. University of Wyoming. Princeton University. 144. William P. Johnston. 145. Jack Costello. [Track] 146. Frank Erving. 147. Alfred W. Koch. CL 1930. 148. Charles Montague Lee. CL 1931. [Chorus, Golf Team] Carnegie Institute of Technology. 149. Charles Graham Weaver. CL 1930. [President Student Government, Class Secretary, Yearbook] University of Virginia. 150. John Joseph Klein. 151. Kurt E. Volk. CL 1930. [Football, Baseball] Columbia University. 152. Bud William Whiteman. 153. Francis Xavier Zuzulo. CL 1931. Expelled from the Fraternity. 154. Howard Birch. 155. Edgar Cambere. CL 1931. [Student Government, Debating Society, Dramatics, Chorus, Class Secretary-Treasurer, ‘Best Politician’] Beta Theta Pi at University of Pennsylvania. Wharton School. 156. Roy Cloud. CL 1933. [Student Government, Football, Swimming] Colgate University. Princeton University. Brother of # 104. 157. John Edward Furlong Jr. CL 1932. [Class President, National Society, Track, Captain Cross-Country] Princeton University. Vice President/Director, Aeolian Corporation. President, Mason and Risch Ltd. 158. John Henry. 159. Raymond Johnson. 160. Carl Lugbauer. CL 8/1930. 161. Robert Donald Olmstead Jr. CL 1933. 162. Charles M. (Chink) Gambee. CL 1934. [Baseball, Football, Basketball] 163. Charles Reul Estill. CL 1934. Transferred from Omicron Chapter, October 1931. CL 1934. Colgate University. U. S. Navy, WW II. Bronze Star. Account Executive, Young and Rubicam. Director of Development, Clarkson Institute of Technology. Vice President, Johns Hopkins University. President Charles Estill and Company. Chairman, Hospice of Sarasota. Who’s Who in the South. 164. William Birch. 165. Robert Edward (Bob) Fox. CL 1932. Captain, U. S. Army, WW II. 166. George Hughes. 167. Siegfried William (Siggy) Illing. CL 1934. [Football, Track] University of Montana. 168. Walter Ernest (Wally) Ivers. CL 1933. [Class President, Student Government, Baseball, Basketball, Football] Alumni Advisor to Rho Chapter. Fordham University. Duke University. Lt., National Guard, WW II. 169. Ernest (Swede) Jansen. CL 6/1933. [Captain Football, All-County Football] Fordham University. 170. Herbert Rooney. 171. John James (Bull) Tarter. CL 1934. [Football] 172. John Murphy. 173. Steven Sohajda. 174. Daniel C. (Dan) Hickey. [Honors] MacKenzie Preparatory School. University of Missouri. Major, U. S Army, WW II. General Manager, Commodore Hotel. Vice President and General Manager, Zeckendorf Hotels. President, Knott Hotels Corporation. President, Hotel Association of New York. Vice Chairman of the Board, Coca-Cola Corporation. Director Cox Hotel Corporation. Trustee, Emmigrant Savings Bank. Member, New York State Delafield Commission on Gambling. Who’s Who in America. 175. Robert Blissert. CL 1932. [Student Government, Honor Society, Manager Hockey,Class Treasurer] University of Pennsylvania. 176. William Charles Park. CL 1933. [Football, Swimming, Aviation Club] Georgia Institute of Technology. 177. William Merrill. Transferred from Alpha Xi Chapter. 178. Edward Orsenigo. Horace Mann School. [Football] 179. Donald S. Porter. Columbia University. 180. Robert Joseph Bund. CL 1933. Fordham University. 181. Dr. Stanley Allen Booker Jr. CL 1933. [Debating Society, Aviation Club] Alpha Chi Rho at Wesleyan University. New York University. Podiatrist. 182. William Edward Seeman. CL 1932. [Baseball] University of Alabama. 183. Joseph Murphy. 184. William (Bill) Schiebel. CL 1933. [Football] Brother of # 69 and # 85. 185. John Dooley. 186. Joseph Melia. [Football] 187. *Thomas McNamara. 188. Fred Sommers. CL 1933. 189. *Louis Paul Pica. CL 1934. [Football] 190. *Kenneth Howard. 191. *Andrew Hyatt Masset. CL 6/1933. [Football, Swimming] Duke University. Brown University. Army Air Corps, WW II. 192. Peter Sheridan. 193. Norman Hall. CL 1933. 194. J. Milton Neale. [Orchestra] Initiated as alumnus. Uncle of #380. Brother of # 92. 195. Austin William Campbell. CL 1934. Fordham University. 196. Walter Paul Hollmann. CL 6/1933. St. Lawrence University. Columbia University. University of Chicago. U. S. Navy, WW II. Instructor, Bowdoin College. Research Associate Georgetown University. Chief of Population Research, California Department of Finance. Population Committee, Science and Technology Council, California Assembly. Who’s Who in the West. 197. Edward John Bantz. CL 1934. [Football, Track] Fordham University. 198. Albert (Al) Gambee. CL 1935. [President Welding Club] Edison Technical and Vocational High School. 199. (Frederick) William Strickler. CL 1933. 200. James Harmon. CL 1935. 201. Dr. Joseph John (Zib) Zibelli. CL 1939. MacKenzie Preparatory School. Villanova University. Temple University Dental School. U. S. Army Air Force, WW II. Dentist. 202. Armand Rinaldi. 203. Robert Dean. CL 1935. 204. William H. Ward Jr. CL 1936. Died while still in high school. 205. Robert Campbell. CL 1937. 206. John J. Gruet. CL 1/1936. [Newspaper, Ping Pong] 207. Frederick Morgan. CL 1936. Syracuse University. 208. Donald Richard Jones. CL 1/1936. 209. Arthur VanPelt. ?-Before 1935-?. 210. Robert Burland Magner. CL 6/1937. Duke University. 211. Charles Leining. CL 1936. 212. *Elmer Paul Mongarelli. CL 1/1936 [Cross-Country, Chorus] Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. Lieutenant. Deceased in WW II. Gold Star. 213. Tom Arnold (Tom) Mallan. CL 1930. [Class Secretary, Football, All-County and All-Metropolitan Football, Captain Hockey] Manlius School. Initiated as alumnus. Third Grand Vice Princeps. Colgate University. Sergeant, U. S. Army, WW II. Hotel Manager. Home Builder. Brother of # 108 214. Bert Fox. CL 1939. Sergeant, U. S. Army, WW II. 215. Thomas (Groggy or Tommy) Grogan. CL 1940. Pilot, U. S. Army Air Corps. 216. Edwin (Duck or Ed) Goodliffe. CL 1939. [Football, Track] Boeing Air School. U. S. Navy, WW II. 217. William (Bill) Pfeiffer. CL 1938. Captain, U. S. Army, WW II. Brother of # 232. 218. William B. (Bill) Gramley. CL 1940. Lieutenant, USMC, WW II. 219. Alfred K. (Al) Hebner Jr. CL 1940. Bombardier, U. S. Air Corps, WW II. 220. Everett Wright. CL 1939. 221. Edward A. Jahnke. CL 1939. [Football] Brother of # 222. 222. Ernest Elmer (Ernie) Jahnke. CL 1939. [Football] Lieutenant, U. S. Air Corps. Brother of # 22. 223. Jack A. Cammack. CL 1940. 224. William (Bill) Morgan. CL 1940. U. S. Army Medical Corps, WW II. 225. Floyd H. Gardner Jr. CL 1940. [Glee Club, Dance Club] Oregon State University. 226. Alexander A. (Al or Alex) Annesi Jr. CL 1940. [Chorus] Packard Business School. U. S. Air Corps, WW II. Westchester Lighting Company. 227. Harry F. (Gamba) Leggat Jr. CL 1941. [Football, Basketball, Baseball] University of Colorado. Dartmouth College. New York University. Lieutenant, USMC, WW II. 228. John Curley. CL 1941. 229. Jay Carvlin. CL 1940. 230. George A. (G.K.) Kain. CL 1940. [Football] Brother of # 284. Notre Dame University. Chase National Bank, Lieutenant, Army Air Forces, WW II. Deceased from combat injuries as bomber pilot. Gold Star. 231. Hubert Earl (Hu or Hubie) Royer. CL 1941. [Football, Track, Golf, Band, Orchestra] Fourth Grand Vice Princeps. Columbia University. U. S. Coast Guard, WW II. Underwriter, Assistant Vice President, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. 232. Charles Raymond (Fife or Charlie) Pfeiffer Jr. CL 1942. [Glee Club, Chorus, Captain Cheerleaders] Lt. Army Air Corps, WW II. Doolittle’s Raiders. Brother of # 217. 233. Douglas Nolan. CL 1941. 234. Robert N. Welch. CL 1940. 235. Gordon L. Motray. CL 1940. Lieutenant, U. S. Army, WW II. 236. Henry (Hank) Luce. CL 1941. [Football] Duke University. Lieutenant, Aviation, U. S. Navy, WW II. 237. Matthew (Matteo) William (Mattie) Bortone Jr. CL 1942. [Football, Hockey, Track, President O.R.] Gettysburg College. Glider Pilot, U. S. Army Air Corps, WW II. 238. Horace Wightman (Mac) McKenna. CL 1941. [Chess Club] Banner Chairman. Convention Chairman (2 years). Grand Treasurer (7 years). Fourth Grand Vice Princeps. Grand Princeps. Exalted Chapter from April 15, 1950. Fordham University. U. S. Army, WW II. Union Carbide Company. President, National Visual Presentation Association. Instructor, Southern Connecticut State University. 239. John Anthony (Jack) (Mill) Miller. CL 1941. [Camera Club] Sigma Nu at Colgate University. Lieutenant, U. S. Air Corps, WW II. 240. Edwin Francis (Eddie or Ed) Bernhardt. CL 1940. [Hockey] Art Career School. U. S. Army, WW II. Owner, The Cheese Shop, Ridgewood, New Jersey. 241. Joseph (Joe) Collins. CL 1940. U. S. Air Corps, WW II. 242. Richard (Shrimp or Dick) Grimler. CL 1942. [Honor Society, Class President] U. S. Navy, WW II. 243. Richard L. (Curly or Dick) Hale. CL 1942. [Honor Society, Dramatics, President O. R.] Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. Lieutenant, U. S. Navy, WW II. 244. Major Richard T. (Dick) Sharpe. CL 1941. Sergeant, U. S. Army Air Force, WW II. 245. Jack A. McCanncy. 10/17/1922-03/06/1939-?. CL 1941. 246. John C. (Murph) Murray. CL 1942. [Cheerleader, Honor Society, Swimming] Colgate University. 247. John E. (Jack) Waschen. CL 1941. 248. Robert Phillip. CL 1943. 249. David Gunn (Dave) Sawyer. CL 1941. Lieutenant, U. S. Navy. 250. William L. (Bill) Belcher. CL 1941. Grand Secretary (3 months). U. S. Navy, WW II. 251. Leo C. (Weehawken) Anderson. CL 1941. [Gym Team] Notre Dame University.Sergeant, U. S. Army, WW II. 252. John A. Burgess. CL 1942. 253. Dr. Richard Anthony (Church or Dick) Cerchiara. CL 1943. [Tennis, Westchester County Tennis Champion] Alpha Phi Delta at Manhattan College. New York School of Podiatry. U. S. Army Medical Corps, WW II. 254. Nicholas (Bop) Pirone. CL 1941. [Italian Club] 255. Anthony Gerard Carretta. CL 1942. Transferred to Mu Chapter, September 1941. 256. Charles David (Charlie) Swanson. CL 1942. Fourth Grand Vice Princeps. U. S. Navy, WW II. 257. Philip (Phil) Fallon. U. S. Navy, WW II. 258. Frank Andrew (Cookie) Musiello. CL 1943. [Football, Baseball] U. S. Merchant Marine Academy. U. S. Army, WW II. 259. *Donald Birkenstock. U. S. Army, WW II. 260. *Charles (Charlie) Hueston. U. S. Army, WW II. 261. *Jack Kear. Submariner, U. S. Navy, WW II. 262. *Peter (Pete) Mills. U. S. Army, WW II. 263. *Dennis (Denny) Renand. U. S. Navy, WW II. 264. *Richard (Dick) Tierney. U. S. Navy, WW II. 265. *”Bull” Young. U. S. Navy, WW II. 266. * (Robert) William (Bill) Cashion. U. S. Army, WW II. Bronze Star, Silver Star. 267. *James J. (Jim) Dobbin Jr. Pilot, U. S. Air Corps, WW II. 268. Charles Francis (Mac or Charlie) McEntee Jr. CL 1944. U. S. Army, WW II. Iona College. Owner, Meyer and Thompson Fish Dealers, Fulton Fish Market. Mt Vernon Recreation Commission. Mt. Vernon Board of Zoning Appeals. 269. Robert Frederick (Bob) Lang. CL 1944. [Gym Team, Honors] USMC, WW II. 270. Eugene (Gene) Hallahan. CL 1945. 271. Edward David Laraja. CL 1944. [Honors, Honor Society, Basketball, Class President, Yearbook] Sigma Nu at Colgate University. U. S. Navy, WW II. Food Broker. 272. Frank Arpad (Irish) Weber. CL 1943. [Honors, Chemistry Club] Dartmouth College. U. S. Navy, WW II. Brother of # 291. 273. Albert Paul (Gedunk or Al) Nordone. CL 1943. [Honors] U. S. Navy, WW II. 274. Herman Martin (Bats) Bates Jr. CL 1943. [Science Club, Student Government] 275. Dr. Robert Henry (Bob) Conte. 04/10/1927-09/1942-?. CL 1944. [Honors] Fordham University. U. S. Navy, WW II and Korea. DDS, University of Pennsylvania. Dentist. 276. George Douglass. CL 1945. 277. Robert John (Flags or Bob) Lee. CL 1/1947. [Student Government, Dancing Club] U. S. Navy, WW II. Returned after war. 278. James J. (Jim) Buoniconti (Bonti). CL 1943. [Glee Club] U. S. Army, WW II. 279. Arthur Swen Swenson. CL 1945. 280. George F. (Professor) O’Brien. CL 1/1947. [Dancing Club, Cheerleader, Band, Dance Committee] Merchant Marines, WW II. Returned after war. 281. Robert Charles (Bo) McDonnell. 08/17/1926-11/16/1942-10/26/1989. CL 1944. Captain Cheerleaders] Banner Chairman. U. S. Army Air Corps. 282. James (Jimmy or Jim McIntyre Jr. CL 1944. [Basketball, Honors, Captain Cheerleaders] U. S. Navy, WW II. 283. Robert Anthony (Bob) Hill. CL 1945. Brother of # 388. U. S. Navy, WW II. Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. Actor. 284. Joseph A. Kain. Brother of # 230. 285. George F. Scanlon. CL 1946. 286. Louis Frederick Imbrogno. CL 1946. Mt. St. Michael Prep School. Middlebury College. Lieutenant, U. S. Navy. Owner, LFI International, Furniture Importers. 287. *Robert A. Petersen. CL 1945. 288. Robert V. (Bob) Felter. CL 1/1947. [Student Government] U. S. Navy, WW II. Returned after war. 289. Louis (Lou) Ruffalo. CL 1946. [Honor Society, Editor Yearbook] 290. Hugh Edward (Hug) McGee. CL 1946. [Football, Basketball, Track, Honors] University of Rochester. U. S. Marine Corps. Nephew of # 16. Brother of # 298 and # 376. 291. Dr. Robert James (Bob) Weber. CL 1945. [Track, Cross Country, Honors] Dartmouth College. Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Fraternity. MA, Ph.D., Princeton University. JD, University of Connecticut. LLM, Yale University. Captain, Regular U.S. Army, 1947-1956. College Professor, Romance Languages, University of California at Berkeley, Indiana University, Wesleyan University. Lawyer. Brother of # 272. 292. Joseph A. Warren. CL 1946. Banner Chairman. Third Grand Vice Princeps (6 months). 293. Charles William (Chuck) Gedney. CL 1946. [Band, Football] U. S. Army Airborne. 294. Thomas Francis (Tee Kay) Kloberg. CL 1946. [Football, Baseball, Swimming] U. S. Army Medical Corps, WWII. Fordham University, Real Estate Manager, Agent and Developer. Partner, Morgan Stanley. Original developer of Canary Wharf development, London, England. 295. Robert Grattan (Bob) Drew. CL 6/1947. [Radio Club, Our Town Club] New York University. U. S. Army. Chief, Office of Waste Pollution Responsibility, Federal Maritime Commission. Who’s Who in Government. 296. George E. Carmody Jr. CL 1948. 297. Robert (Bob) Violino. CL 1948. [Football] 298. Donald Allen (Don) McGee. CL 1948. [Track, Cheerleader, Newspaper] Nephew of # 16. Brother of # 290 and # 376. 299. William W. (Cal or Bill) Calhoun. CL 1946. [Cheerleaders, Radio Club] 300. *Gary O’Brien. 301. Charles (Chuck) DeCarlo. CL 1946. Mt. St. Michael Prep. [Football] 302. Joseph Fesler. CL 1945. 303. George H. Waters. CL 1946. [Radio Club] 304. Robert MacAvoy (Bob) Park. CL 1946. [Cross Country, Swimming, Honors] 305. Edward F. (Ned) Hallahan. CL 1948. 306. *Joseph Brown. 307. *Richard (Dick) Buehler. CL 6/1947. [Captain Football, All-County Football, Basketball] 308. *Thomas Carmody. CL 1945. [Honors] 309. *William B. (Billy) Dobbin. [Football, All-County Football] Iona College. U. S. M. C., Korean War. 310. *Peter Forgione. 311. *Dr. Roderick Alfred (Rocky) Granzen. CL 1945. [Honors, Hockey, Basketball] Fourth Grand Vice Princeps (6 months). Fordham University. Georgetown University Medical School. M. D. Brother of # 316. 312. *Loring E. Grubert. 313. *James L. Skerritt Jr. 314. *Richard Wilson. 315. Robert Mulligan. CL 1946. 316. William A. Granzen. CL 1948. [Newspaper, Cheerleader] Brother of # 311. 317. Thomas M. (Tom) Waters Jr. CL 1948. [President Chorus, Athletic Honors, Football, Baseball, Basketball] 318. Norman (Norm) Dudensing. CL 1948. 319. Pelham L. McClellan. CL 1948. 320. Jack Brown. CL 1948. 321. James Reilly. CL 1949. 322. Mario Charles Valentine. CL 1947. 323. Joseph T. Pampilio. CL 1948. 324. Jerome C. (Jerry) Hall. CL 1948. 325. Robert Fulton. CL 1948. [Orchestra] 326. Robert Forgione. CL 1948. 327. A. Victor (Vic) Pisani. CL 1948. [Track, Football, Swimming, Dramatics, Cheerleader, Newspaper] Transferred to Beta Lambda Chapter. First Grand Vice Princeps. Lafayette College. Fordham Law School. 328. William J. (Bill or BJ) Carlin. CL 1948. [Cheerleader, Football, Stamp Club] Grand Historian. Brother of # 344. 329. Robert (Bob) Gazzetta. CL 1949. [Baseball, Swimming, Football] 330. *Frank Robbins. 331. Jay D. (Cookie) Folger III. Lafayette College 332. Thomas A. Fessler. CL 1949. 333. Joseph E. Piazzi. CL 1949. [Football] 334. *Ralph Howard Capalbo. Iona Prep School. Notre Dame University. Fordham University. 335. Robert Joseph Barrus. CL 1948. [Honors, Student Government, Dramatics, ‘Junior Mayor’] Convention Chairman. Advertising Business. 336. *Edward A. Kent. [Chorus] Son of # 37. 337. *William Fulton. 338. John Bengtson. CL 1949. 339. Robert E. Degenhardt. CL 1949. 340. *Charles (Chuck) Ehret. CL 1949. [Football, Baseball, Mills Trophy] 341. *John Robert McSunas. CL 1949. 342. *Felix (Flip) Rinaldi. CL 1949. [Golf, Boxing, Track, Cheerleader] 343. *Clifford Howaard (Cliff) Rusch. CL 1949. [Honor Society, Tennis, Swimming] Zeta Psi at Dartmouth College. University of Pennsylvania. U. S. Army. Assistant to City Manager, Fredericksburg, Virginia. Assistant County Manager, Charleston County, South Carolina. Assistant to Town Manager West Hartford, Connecticut. Deputy City Manager, Alexandria, Virginia. 344. Dr. Thomas Walter (Walt) Carlin. CL 1950. [Dramatics, Captain Cheerleaders] Third Grand Vice Princeps (6 months). Brother of # 328. Ithaca College. PhD, Manchester University. Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Ithaca College. Founder Sir Alexander Ewing Clinic. Alumni Board, Ithaca College. Visiting Lecturer, Syracuse University. 345. Donald Webster. CL 1947. CL 1950. [Football, Boy Marshalls] 346. *Robert L. Bell. CL 1950. [Honor Society, President Student Government, Cheerleader, Band, Dramatics, President Westchester County Junior American Red Cross] First Grand Vice Princeps. 347. *Kenneth Collins. CL 1950. [Honor Society] 348. *Raymond Gomes. [Captain Cheerleaders] 349. *Vinton Pierce Sr. CL 1950. [Track, Swimming, Fencing, Rifle Club, Eagle Scout] First Grand Vice Princeps (6 months). Arizona State University. Rodeo Rider. Assistant Manager, Automotive Division, New York Telephone Company. 350. *Henry Miller. 351. *Harvey Billingham. 352. *Harold (Bos) Bossung. CL 1950. [Astronomy Club, Tennis, Stage Crew, Chemistry Club] 353. *Carl (Chuck) Buehler. CL 1950. [Football, Swimming, Baseball] 354. *Richard (Dick) Buoniconti. CL 1950. 355. *Donald Churchill. 356. *Frank DiChiara. 357. *Robert Dobbin. 358. *James Fine. 359. *James Forgione. CL 1950. [Swimming, Math Club, Cheerleader] 360. *Robert Ivers. CL 1950. [Honors, Baseball, Yearbook] 361. *Philip Lambrosia. 362. *William McCabe. 363. *Frank Smith. 364. *Frank Spicciati. CL 1950. [Football, Boy Marshalls] 365. *Clifford Beekman (Cliff) Storms. CL 1950. [Honor Society, Executive Board Student Government, Class President, Publicity Committee, ‘Junior Mayor’] Amherst College. Yale Law School. Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Fraternity. Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Director, CPC International. Who’s Who in Law, Who’s Who in Finance and Industry. Who’s Who in America. Who’s Who in the World. 366. *Paul Webster. 367. *Charles Williams. 368. Maurice Frederick (Chink or Maury) Childs Jr. CL 1950. [President Student Government] Theta Delta Chi at Amherst College. MIT. Architect. Partner, CBT/Childs Bertman Tseckares Architects (165 architect firm designing public and private structures and restoration of historic structures. Fellow of the American Institute of Architects. Chairman, Preservation MASS (statewide organization dedicated to preserving historical buildings and landscapes). Painter. 369. *Albert Hess (Alastair Barrett). CL 1950. Blessed Sacrament HS. Iona College. New York University. Principal, J. F. Kennedy Junior High School, Port Jefferson Station, NY. Professor, Southampton College. Engineering Administration, IBM. Governor, Rotary Clubs International. 370. William Hymes. CL 1950. 371. Anthony Caputo. CL 1950. 372. Peter Dudensing. CL 1953. 373. David (South’ner) Brown. CL 1950. [Football, Basketball] 374. William Warren. CL 1951. [Football, Basketball, Schreibner Trophy] 375. Robert (Bob) Ehret. CL 1952. [Swimming, Manager Football] 376. John Arthur McGee. CL 1951. Nephew of # 16. Brother of # 290 and # 298. 377. Thomas F. Lyden. CL 1951. 378. Raymond J. White. CL 1951. [Cheerleader] 379. Harry Easton. CL 1951. U. S. Marine Corps, Korean War. 380. Lee Neale. CL 1953. [Football] Son of #92. Nephew of #194. 381. William R. Pelkus Jr. CL 1952. 382. David Marriott. CL 1950. 383. William Barton. CL 1950. 384. Donald (Donny) Craig. CL 1952. [Cross Country] 385. John Caldwell (Johnny) Light. CL 1952. [President Student Government, Honor Society, French Club, Lieutenant Boy Marshalls] Fourth Grand Vice Princeps (6 months). Oberlin College. PhD, Harvard University. Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Fraternity. Sigma Xi. Professor and Chairman of Chemistry Department, University of Chicago. Visiting Professor, Yale University. Editor, Journal of Chemical Physics. Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Who’s Who in America. 386. John (Jack) Honeck. CL 1951. [Newspaper, Boy Marshalls, Golf, Chorus] 387. Donald Ansel. 388. Donald Hill. Brother of # 283. 389. *Marshal (Brig) Brigham. CL 1952. [Rifle Club, Projection Club, R.R. Club] 390. *Richard Brigham. 391. *James Brooks. 392. *Charles Cascio. 393. Louis A. Coschigano. 394. *Robert Philippis. DePhillips? 395. *Frank (Fintanine) Fontana. CL 1953. 396. *G. Frish. 397. * Alfred Garofalo. 398. Edward C. Hornbuckle. Iona Prep School. [Football] Fordham University. 399. *Walter Heizler. 400. William Heizler. 401. *Robert (Bob) Kenny. CL 1952. [Student Government, Honor Society] 402. *Bailey (The Swade) Newell. CL 1952. [Football, Manager Football] 403. *James (Mac) McMillen. CL 1952. [Track, History Club, Stage Crew] 404. *Walter McNeil. 405. *Gerhard John (Whitey) Mueffelmann. CL 1953. [Honor Society, Swimming, Honors, Boy Marshalls] Lambda Chi Alpha at Syracuse University. Retail Management. Vice President Petrie Corporation. 406. *Daniel (Danny) Pace. CL 1954. [Football, Dramatics] 407. *Donald Pizzeautello. [Basketball] 408. *Donald (Donny) Miller. CL 1952. [Honor Society, Head Boy Marshalls, Track] 409. *Russell Enke. ? CL 1952. [Student Government] 410. *Ronald VanNostrand. 411. Christopher Si mmons. 412. Joseph Tober. CL 1953. Transferred from Beta Lambda Chapter, March 1955. 413. Donald Edwards. CL 1954. Transferred from Beta Lambda Chapter, March 1955. Brother of # 415. 414. James William Deiso. CL 1955. Stepinac HS. Transferred from Beta Lambda Chapter, March 1955. USMC. Vice President 7-Up Corporation. Owner, Beltway Transportation. 415. David Edwards. Transferred from Beta Lambda Chapter, March 1955. Brother of # 413. 416. Jack Hess. Transferred from Beta Lambda Chapter, March 1955. |